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PnP ADnD character creation

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  • PnP ADnD character creation

    myself and some of my friends are going to play a little RPG for a bit (not sure if it will be long, last one we played we played for 4 months before we got tired of it)

    I am looking at different characters, but want to choose one that would fit well with the party as well as be one that I want to play

    part of my problem sometimes is that I want to paly a character one day, and not another day, but I don't know how to fix that

    my characters generally know where they are and where they are going, so I sort of come up with an idea for the future as well as today

    other characters are
    5th level Half Drow Monk (made by a powerplayer, is probably very maximised)

    6th level Human Cleric (with maybe a couple levels of fighter)

    6th level Human (or Elf) Ranger (focusing on Bows, is a little unsure if he wants to play)

    and myself (5th level), who needs to come up with a character (but the DM will also have a 4th level NPC in the game)

    Jon Miller
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

  • #2
    now the party definitely needs a mage of sometype

    I have to admit that I am a little bit of a powerplayer myself

    I have played in the past (I have not played that many games (3 PnP))
    Pallidan (Palladium)
    Mage (GURPS)
    Bard (ADnD 3rd)

    one of my favorite ideas I was going to play in a game ehre, but it never really got off the ground

    Jon Miller
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • #3
      my first one

      Tarna is a sorta cute but not very social girl who is more interested in machines and gadgets than people (stole the name from my brothers girlfreind, I like it). She is Human.

      first 5 levels are 3 Rogue and 2 Illusionist
      stats are (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha)

      skill points go mostly into crafts

      progression goes
      9 artificer
      6 dualist

      artificers have BABs like rogues and can make items that can do magical abilites (so at artificer level 5 they can make an item that allows its user to cast lightning bolt (a level 3 spell), these items are cheaper and easier to make than similiar ones made by mages)

      dualist is a prestige class that is about being lightly armored and agile, it has a fighter BAB and gives you AC for your intelligence

      I am not entirely sure about the dualist, and had also been thinking about doing 3 wizard and 2 rogue for the first five levels (what I would really like is more crafting prestige classes)

      the problem with this character is that her magic is not that strong

      but I really like her (I have put the most thought into her)

      Jon Miller
      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • #4
        another thing I was thinking about is make a sort of mage knight or the like

        this character would be elf or human, and probably male

        and I am thinking of two different bulids

        5 levels of wizard
        1 level of fighter
        10 eldritch knight
        1 dualist or bladesinger
        3 archmage

        he would also be a lightly armored fighter and fairly decent mage

        3 fighter
        2 wizard
        8 spellsword
        7 eldritch knight

        he would be a stronger fighter, but a weaker mage, would be able to wear armor

        but he would be weak at first

        stats (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha)

        neither of these characters would be all that skillful, they would mostly be focused on their magic arts and battle skills

        Jon Miller
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #5
          3rd type of character I am thinking of is an rogue/wizard

          probably would be female again, and probably human

          would be loking at something like
          3 rogue
          5 wizard
          10 arcane trickster
          2 archmage

          and would emphasize Int and Dex in the abilities

          would think a bit about making her a Teifling, actually

          JOn Miller
          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • #6
            3rd Edition I always play a fighter/rogue or a fighter/barbarian.

            Fighter/rogue - max out DEX, decent INT, moderate STR(13+) and CON, forget CHA and WIS, unless a "talking rogue" that will do all the buying and selling and so on, in which case scrap a bit of CON for CHA.

            Then I take the essential feats :
            Weapon Finesse
            Power Attack (STR13+)
            and then weapons feats of 2-weapon fighting feats (although then I'd make a Ranger/Rogue and get them for free)

            Actually Ranger/Rogue equal levels is pretty nice, but you need massive stats to be really effective. STR13, DEX16, CON10, INT14, WIS14, CHA10 as a minimum, and I'd like to see a DEX of 18+ really.

            I like to sneak, I like lots of skill points, I like having all the options, and I MUST be able to survive in melee too.

            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


            • #7
              4th type of character

              these ideas are actually fairly different, but I will put them all in the one post

              these ideas all emphasize magic

              5 wizard
              10 incantrix
              5 archmage

              This character would probably be female, and would be someone who was just insanely interested in the magic arts

              this character would probably be neutral or chaotic good (if I don't mention alignment than they would be neutral good) or chaotic

              an elf

              stats would emphasize Int, and probably Cha (With a little Con and Dex thrown in)

              3 wizard
              3 cleric
              10 mystic theurge
              4 archmage

              I am not sure about the sex of this character

              also an elf

              stats would emphasize Wis and Int (and probably be pretty close to 10 for everything else)

              5 wizard
              10 alienist
              5 thaumaturgist

              this is a summoning character (and I am not entirely sure I want to play one right now)

              this character is definitely male, and probably nongood (but not evil), also is not lawful (so I guess that leaves neutral or chaotic)

              a human

              stats would emphasize Int, probably Con would be the next highest

              Jon Miller
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jamski
                3rd Edition I always play a fighter/rogue or a fighter/barbarian.

                Fighter/rogue - max out DEX, decent INT, moderate STR(13+) and CON, forget CHA and WIS, unless a "talking rogue" that will do all the buying and selling and so on, in which case scrap a bit of CON for CHA.

                Then I take the essential feats :
                Weapon Finesse
                Power Attack (STR13+)
                and then weapons feats of 2-weapon fighting feats (although then I'd make a Ranger/Rogue and get them for free)

                Actually Ranger/Rogue equal levels is pretty nice, but you need massive stats to be really effective. STR13, DEX16, CON10, INT14, WIS14, CHA10 as a minimum, and I'd like to see a DEX of 18+ really.

                I like to sneak, I like lots of skill points, I like having all the options, and I MUST be able to survive in melee too.

                that is cool and all

                and I like Rogues

                but I am looking to make a character that is at least slightly mage like

                and preferibly more than slightly mage like (although I am thinking about saying **** it and doing the artificer)

                Jon Miller
                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • #9

                  for standard 3.5, and the Prestige classes Arcane Trickster, Dualist, Eldritch Knight, Thaumaturgist, and Mystic Theurge

                  check out

                  Wizards of the Coast is a family of studios specializing in building role playing, trading card, and digital games for all genres of players.

                  JOn Miller
                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • #10


                    The highest art is magic — often referred to as the Art. Its most advanced practitioners are frequently archmages, bending spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. The archmage gains strange powers and the ability to alter spells in remarkable ways, but must sacrifice some of her spell capability in order to master these arcane secrets.

                    Hit Die: d4

                    To qualify to become an Archmage, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                    Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks, Spellcraft 15 ranks.
                    Feats: Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus in two schools of magic.
                    Spellcasting: Ability to cast 7th-level arcanc spells, knowledge of 5th-level or higher spells from at least five schools.


                    Bladesingers are elves who have blended art, swordplay, and arcane magic into a harmonious whole. In battle, a bladesinger’s lithe movements and subtle tactics are beautiful, belying their deadly martial efficiency.

                    Multiclassed fighter/wizards are the most obvious candidates for the prestige class, although any elf who can wield a martial weapon and cast arcane spells can become a bladesinger. Bladesinger ranger/wizards, rogue/wizards, and even bards are nor unknown.

                    Bladesingers command great respect in most elf communities, and NPC bladesingers usually serve as itinerant guardians and champions of the elf community at large.

                    Hit Die: d8

                    To qualify to become a Bladesinger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                    Race: Elf, half-elf
                    Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Perform (Dance) 3 ranks, Perform (Sing) 3 ranks, Tumble 3 ranks.
                    Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (longsword).
                    Base Attack: +5.
                    Spells: Ability to cast arcane spells of 1st level or higher.
                    Special: Proficiency with longsword.


                    Hit Die: d10

                    To qualify to become a Bladesinger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                    Race: Elf, half-elf
                    Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Perform 3 ranks (dance, sing any other), Tumble 3 ranks.
                    Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (longsword) or Weapon Focus (rapier).
                    Base Attack Bonus: 4
                    Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells.


                    The incantatrixes are the practitioners of metamagic in Faerûn, studying spells that affect other spells and having a particular fondness for magic that thwarts extraplanar beings.

                    Most incantatrixes are skilled wizards or sorcerers, although a small number of bards study this type of magic. Few are multiclassed as clerics or druids because those classes often rely on extraplanar entities, which conflicts with the incantatrix’s focus.

                    Incantatrix NPCs usually act independently, but sometimes join together to solve a common problem. Since they dislike extraplanar intrusions on the Material Plane, most incantatrixes see the destiuction of active gates to other planes as their responsibility, and an incantatrix is usually a knowledgeable source of information on functional gates in the area. Because they have little offensive combat magic against normal creatures, they prefer to avoid combat or travel with companions who balance their shortcomings.

                    Hit Die: d4

                    To qualify to become an Incantatrix, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                    Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks.
                    Feats: Iron Will, any metamagic feat.
                    Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.

                    Jon Miller
                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • #11


                      Alienists deal with powers and entities from terrifyingly remote reaches of space and time. For them, magical power is the triumph of the mind over the rude boundaries of dimension, distance, and often, sanity. With knowledge and determination, they pierce the barrier at the edge of time itself. In the Far Realm, outside of time, Herculean minds drift, absorbed in contemplations of madness. Unspeakable beings whisper terrifying secrets to those who dare communication. These secrets were not meant for mortals, but the alienist plunges into abysses of chaos and entropy that would blast a weaker mind. An alienist’s mad certainty is sometimes strong enough to sway others to believe in her own future transcendence.

                      Alienists may, on rare occasions, gather in secluded groups to enact some obscure ritual, but more often they are encountered singly NPC alienists sometimes haunt libraries or specialty bookshops in large cities, skulking and mumbling among stacks of rare (and dangerous) volumes.

                      Hit Die: d4

                      To qualify to become an Alienist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                      Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes): 8 ranks.
                      Feats: Alertness.
                      Spells: Ability to cast at least one Divination spell and at least one summoning spell of 3rd level or higher.
                      Special: Prior contact with an alienist or a pseudonatural creature.


                      Gnome artificers dabble in technology to create fantastic devices, delving into shadow magic when their mundane equipment is insufficient for the task. Their weapons, armor, and tools require frequent maintenance and repair but produce nonmagical effects that rival some arcane spells.

                      Most gnome artificers are skilled artisans and craftsmen, usually rogues, bards, or wizards (illusionists in particular) make good artificers because of their access to shadow magic). A few rangers and clerics explore this field, but it is very rare for other classes to become artificers because of the breadth and depth of skills needed.

                      Gnome artificer NPCs enjoy trading information and share a healthy competition for invention and attention. Sometimes they work together in teams, while others prefer isolation and private study. Some artificers who retire from active invention study magic or become advisors on large engineering projects such as bridges and castles.

                      While this prestige class is called the gnome artificer, a few humans are known for their artificer skills, all of them from the island nation of Lantan. They refer to themselves as “Lantanese artificers” but otherwise have the powers of this prestige class.

                      Hit Die: d6

                      To qualify to become a Gnome Artificer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                      Race: Gnome (or human from the Lantan region)
                      Alignment: any non-evil
                      Skills: Alchemy 3 ranks, Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting, locksmithing, metalworking, trapmaking, or weaponmaking) 8 ranks; Craft (any other two from the previous list) 4 ranks,. Disable Device 2 ranks, Knowledge (architecture) 4 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 4 ranks, Profession (apothecary, engineer, or siege engineer) 3 ranks.
                      Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (any of the above Craft skills).
                      Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st-level arcane spells of the Illusion school.

                      Jon Miller
                      Jon Miller-
                      I AM.CANADIAN
                      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                      • #12
                        there is the Techsmith which is craft like

                        but there would need to be a little editing to have it be allowed (no gunpower on our world)

                        Faerûn resounds with the measured cadence of blacksmiths hammering out their newest creation, the clitter-clack of tinkers cobbling together the contents of a bin of junk to create something truly useful, and the fizxing pops of chemicals as alchemists labor to create some heretofore unseen form of artificial life. At the head of this orchestra of technological progress can be found the techsmiths of Gond, men and women devoted to the development of new inventions and the progression of achievement in the name of the Wonderbringer.

                        Though based in the Lantanese city of Illul, techsmiths can be found throughout the continent as advisors to rulers, as merchants selling fantastic wares, and as builders and operators of small golems tasked with taking care of unsightly municipal duties such as caring for large sewer systems or interring the dead. Theirs is a primarily cosmopolitan pursuit, making techsmiths far more common in cities than in pastoral regions. Most travel widely, however, both to share their own creations and to monitor the creations of folk from all corners of the known world. Because of their skill in building constructs, techsmiths are experts at demolishing them as well, and are sometimes called into service to destroy dangerous things of that type before they cause too much harm. Techsmiths tend toward extreme eccentricity, often concerning themselves with the solution of some mathematical formula far more than personal interaction with their companions. Slow to make friends with those who do not share their obsession with mechanics and explosives (in that order), it often has been said that a techsmith’s only true confidante is the golemlike construct known as a gondsman, who serves as the techsmith’s servant, assistant, and friend.

                        The techsmiths draw their ranks almost exclusively from the clergy of Gond, since the High Holy Crafthouse of Inspiration, where the secrets of the techsmiths are imparted to would-be members of the order, does not accept applications from followers of other deities. Clerics of other gods who bestow the Craft domain upon their followers (such as certain members of the gnomish and dwarven pantheon) occasionally convert to Gond worship in order to gain the secrets of the techsmiths. It is said that this troubles the Wonderbringer but little, as the end result promises interesting creations from headstrong inventors.

                        Those techsmiths who do not adventure often attempt to profit from their proprietary knowledge by creating smoke powder weapons and bombs and selling them to the highest bidder. Unscrupulous techsmiths seek out conflict that they might profit from both sides. Such individuals are a good source of explosives, firearms and new inventions, and do lucrative business selling their goods to members of the adventuring class. In larger cities with a strong Gondian presence, they may form a guild, but most work alone.

                        Hit Die: d6

                        To qualify to become a Techsmith, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
                        Skills: Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, metalworking, or weaponsmithing) 9 ranks.
                        Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Skill Focus (Craft [armorsmithing, blacksmithing, metalworking, or weapon-smithing]).
                        Spells: Ability to cast minor creation.
                        Patron: Gond.
                        Special: Must visit the High Holy Crafthouse of Inspiration in the city of Illul on the island of Lantan.

                        Jon Miller
                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • #13
                          I always thought pClasses were a bit... cheezy somehow... I dunno.
                          And I've really gone off magic users at the moment... in fact my next adventure will be in a magic free world. Anyone that sees a wizard, sorceror or even a bard will scream "WITCH" and run away... unless they are an inquisitor = game over for that PC

                          Anyway Jon, IF I was playing a Mage I would play either a straight Sorc or a straight Wizzie - probably the Wizzie (skill points, feats yummy - Wizzies PWN in 3.5 like Sorcs did in 3.0) Why get the high level spells later? If I ever play a Wizard they are interested in only one thing - POWER - just like most Wizards.

                          1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                          That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                          Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                          Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                          • #14
                            I would actually like to play a low magic world (take the Lord of the Rings RPG system, modify it to make it harder to cast spells, and put it in a new world)

                            Pclasses are a bit cheesy, but they make it so the ADnD is not so return of the same thing

                            of course some of them are just powergaming

                            so you are thinking I should go with type 4 (1)?

                            Jon Miller
                            Jon Miller-
                            I AM.CANADIAN
                            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                            • #15
                              also the one DnD game I played was in a basically magic free world

                              wizards weren't allowed

                              and if you played sorceror, you had to be multiclassed (we started at level 5 there too) to cleric

                              Jon Miller
                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

