I've heard that Carth is allegedly your love interest as a female character; my first game was as a light-side female, and there was never any "romantic" dialogue or situations with Carth, if I remember correctly.
Just as long as you don't do anything mean to him, like killing his son, it should play out.
In addition to Carth, you can supposedly romance Juhani with a light side female. At least that's what I've read; no first-hand experience.... yet.
Apparantly she is supposed to say a bit on the Rakatan temple summit after you reject the Dark Side about having fallen in love once with Quatra, her former master, and how she feels something for your character. At least that's what I've read.
Perhaps I was supposed to say "You flatter me..." when she says her bit about the former identity, seeing as how I never got that option as a male character.