Have you ever gotten into a strange situation on a Metroid game?
On Metroid 2 I have died after beating the queen metroid. I decided to see how far up I could space jump and I ran into a screenful of acid, hanging in the air.
On Metroid 3 I have gotten the Dachoras stuck in the floor. (screenshot below)
I have also gotten myself into a position where it is impossible to beat the game. I only picked up 5 missile packs and one super missile pack adn wasted my super missiles on the living barriers, then went back and saved and refilled my missiles when I ran out.
On Metroid 4 I have gotten the SA-X to jump over me in three different places.(clear proof that the X parasite does not duplicate intelligence)
Anyone else have strange metroid stories to tell?
On Metroid 2 I have died after beating the queen metroid. I decided to see how far up I could space jump and I ran into a screenful of acid, hanging in the air.
On Metroid 3 I have gotten the Dachoras stuck in the floor. (screenshot below)
I have also gotten myself into a position where it is impossible to beat the game. I only picked up 5 missile packs and one super missile pack adn wasted my super missiles on the living barriers, then went back and saved and refilled my missiles when I ran out.
On Metroid 4 I have gotten the SA-X to jump over me in three different places.(clear proof that the X parasite does not duplicate intelligence)
Anyone else have strange metroid stories to tell?