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Tragic stupidity...

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  • #16
    it was also 4 in the morning and I hadnt slept in two days. Im beginning to think summer time isnt healthy for me.


    • #17
      4am posting isn't healthy.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #18
        I do it all the time


        • #19
          My new character:

          Name: I used my real name and Im not going to tell you what it is. (I wonder if that would fit...)

          Age: 16

          ST 6
          PE 9
          EN 5
          CH 5
          IN 6
          AG 10
          LK 6

          tag skills: small arms, doctor, speech

          traits: Gifted, Good Natured

          and this time around Im going to make a sincere effort to save the blood bath until Im done solving the quests. I must also make an effort to not kill the orphans in Den. (its really hard to not do).

          wish me luck!

          p.s. look at my avatar, I think its fitting


          • #20
            pretty decent build.

            you will be able to get the better criticals and more criticals perks, and I think the sniper perk at level 24.

            you can concentrate on small arms such as the .44 revolver, hunting rifle, sniper rifle, Red Ryder LE bb gun (this is bad ass- trust me), gause rifle, G11 caseless assault rifle (really the best against wannamangos, because you find one right before you fight them), and various combat shotguns. The Nato FN FAl isn't too shabby either. Just have to scavenge for the 7.62mm ammo.

            you can equip the mirrored sun glasses and that should allow you to pick up a third NPC for your party.

            There is a way to avoid the Den kids from stealing from you. It's kind of a cheese way of doing things- though I wouldn't consider it cheating. It involves going into combat mode every time you pass by them.


            • #21
              you will be able to get the better criticals and more criticals perks, and I think the sniper perk at level 24.
              I purposfully geared it to be a sniper
              I read the manual on the CD, which I didnt know was there until today, and looked at all the different perks.

              I know the red ryder LE bb gun is bad-ass, I had it in my last game, I eventually gave it to Vic and I used the gause rifle. The FN FAL is a p.o.s., the FN FAL HPFA is awsome. On burst mode it rips into the enemy dealing 100+ damage every time, it still leaves a lot to be desired on single fire mode. the 7.62mm is easy to find when you're travelling around NCR and San Fran, you just have to buy it everytime youre in town.


              • #22
                oh yeah, about the orphans in Den. All you have to do is steal from them at the same time theyre stealing from you and they wont get anything, after the first time you do it you wont have to do it again unless you pass a load zone. I just like killing them because I usually have the .44 mag when I get to Den and I think its funny how when you shoot them while they're rummaging through your stuff the top half of the child graphic just disappears, no blood or anything.


                • #23
                  do you still have that save game?

                  I was finishing a game of fallout 2 today, and I was thinking you could talk to badger and have him hack into the Shi computer. I'm not sure if that will allow you to divert fuel, but it's possible.

                  Also, even though some walkthroughs say they cannot finish the game by joining the hubogologists, I do think there is a way to fuel the tanker by joining them. At least the Captain of the ship says so.

                  I haven't actually tried both of these so I'm not sure. I always use the emporer computer to divert the fuel to the tanker ship.


                  • #24
                    yeah the guy in SF restocks on 7.62 mm every day it seems, actually both merchants in SF restock every day it seems. but usually not over 100 rounds.

                    And yes I mean the FN FALFA, much better than the orginal.


                    • #25
                      that save game is long gone. I saved the village by getting the G.E.C.K. and now Im going back to each of the cities and doing the quests.

                      Ive never kept Sulik for as long as I have in this game, hes bad-ass when you give him that uber-sledge hammer (cant recall what its called). He hit a gecko with it and it went flying 20+ hexes over. it was cool!

                      bah time for work.


                      • #26
                        OK. I was just noticing a walkthrought that you can give a Shi scientist guy hardened power armour and he will deliver the fuel for you.

                        and I think you can hack into a computer in the hubologist area

                        doesn't matter now I suppose.
                        Last edited by Dis; June 8, 2003, 23:10.


                        • #27
                          I can't believe you did that...

                          Sorry, that's just kinda funny...
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • #28
                            I just did it today too. It gives you two warnings before you actually do it.


                            • #29
                              you can equip the mirrored sun glasses and that should allow you to pick up a third NPC for your party.
                              oh, never knew that..
                              Which NPC and where can i find him/her/it?
                              <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
                              Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


                              • #30
                                It's not a specific NPC

                                the mirrored sunglasses raise your Charisma buy one. So if it is at an odd number like 7, you can equip them in a weapon slot (and make sure the weapon slot is selected in the game world screen) they will raise you charima by 1. then you should be able to pick up the NPC, and he should stay with your party even when you switch weapon slots and your charisma goes back down.

                                The sunglasses can be found in New Reno in one of the crime families- I won't get specific as to which one.

