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  • #16
    paik, the color saturation was wonderful.

    however, i found myself quite taken with the sound editing-- the scene with the reconsituted letter, for instance, or scene at the train station right before nino finds the truth, or when amelie's father is listening to her heart... subtle, but amazing.


    • #17
      I was glancing at my cousin's hips for half of that movie... isn't Amalie potrayed as a quiet f*ck?

      (UNF UNF UNF)


      • #18
        Speaking of French films, has anyone seen "DEJA MORT"?

        It hit showcase last night and I was impressed


        • #19
          q cubed, i liked the opening scene music and how almost the first half of the film seemed to be accopmanied by subtle music on the background


          • #20
            zylka havent seen deja mort but if you liked it maybe

            (the book if nothing else) is your style too


            • #21
              That sounds a little too gay to not eventually make it onto showcase

              ...but WHERE are the rolled up bills? WHERE are the tourniquets, I ask you? *SOB*


              • #22
                is your cousin really so hot, Z?
                "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                Drake Tungsten
                "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                Albert Speer


                • #23
                  I am a horrible person!


                  • #24
                    Cite sources for that thesis, please!
                    "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                    Drake Tungsten
                    "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                    Albert Speer


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Zylka
                      That sounds a little too gay to not eventually make it onto showcase
                      Not only sounds but is. It's about a bisexual who catches AIDS and dies. He even received an award for it but they gave it to him after he died, since it was autobiographical.

                      That said remind me never to pick up books in random again.


                      • #26
                        Amelie is indeed superb!

                        I'm now certain that Ned has the absolute worst taste in movies of anyone I know. Attack of the Clones was atrociously bad! Granted, not as bad as the horrendous first prequel, but still gratingly bad nonetheless. How many times does Obiwan have to utter such a pathetic, cliched line as "I hate it when he does that!" for Lucas to realize its CRAP WRITING? ESB puts AoTC to shame, and still stands as the best in the series, far and away.

                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • #27
                          Here I thought that [/anything] at the end of a post is horrible a cliche enough


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                            Amelie is indeed superb!

                            I'm now certain that Ned has the absolute worst taste in movies of anyone I know. Attack of the Clones was atrociously bad! Granted, not as bad as the horrendous first prequel, but still gratingly bad nonetheless. How many times does Obiwan have to utter such a pathetic, cliched line as "I hate it when he does that!" for Lucas to realize its CRAP WRITING? ESB puts AoTC to shame, and still stands as the best in the series, far and away.

                            Boris, Why did you go see the movie?

                            Star Wars is science fiction. It is supposed to be about some impossible future (or past) and about unnuanced good and evil. It is not supposed to be about "feelings."

                            Yes, I would agree that the dialog in Attack of the Clones was a bit "rigid," but the movie more than made up for it in its action sequences. Nothing like a good swordfight, ala, Robin Hood and Error Flynn, to make a movie entertaining. That lightsabre battle between Darth Vader and Skywalker in ESB was the best of the entire series and made that movie what it is. Terrific.

                            However, Attack of the Clones is filled with several really good action sequences separated by bits and pieces of quieter subplots. I particularly enjoyed the "opening" chase seen through the city. Truly something to behold.

                            The Star Wars series is legendary for simplistic protrayal of good vs. evil, and for its action sequences. It will never compare with Amelie or any other movie of that kind. They are simply different genre's. Almost like classical music and rock and roll.
                            Last edited by Ned; April 25, 2003, 19:38.


                            • #29
                              Amelie is wonderful, it took a long time to convince the Mrs. to rent it, but in the end we both really liked it.
                              Episode II, upon initial viewing, I thought was worse than Episode I, but upon repeated viewings I like it quite a bit.


                              • #30
                                If you couldn't help but feel that Amelie was a deranged woman and there was a darker side of this story not being portrayed then you have to see "À la folie... pas du tout" or "He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not."

                                It was made right after Amelie by a different director with Audrey Tautou as the lead and its not so much a sequel but a response. Sort of like the dark side of Amelie. Not quite as amazing as Amelie (a little long and clumsy) and certainly not as cute but still a great movie, especially if you're that dark twisted sort of person who enjoys seeing the light cheeriness of Amelie turned on its head.

                                SW I and II were sickening, whats worse is I'll have to see III just to get it over with.

