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U.K isps?

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  • U.K isps?

    where should i get my internet connection? does it matter?

    much price difference between dial up and a high speed connection?
    Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.

  • #2
    Where in UK are you?


    • #3
      I think £10-5/month unmetered access is the standard price for dialup.

      Its about £25-30/month for broadband, most companies offer discounts such that the installation is effectively free as long as you use the service for six months to a year.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        PIPEX give you a free ASDL modem and connection as long as you stay with them a year for 23 quid a month, its a bit dearer than my old dial up connection but worth every penny IMO (i make up the difference getting freebies off Kazaa)


        • #5
          Depends on how much you use the net. There are dozens of free, "cost-of-a-local-call" (like, 2p a minute peak time) dialups, but once you get to unmereted dialup or ADSL it's pretty tightly regulated through a BT-controlled wholesale system, so you're probably best off looking for reasonable additional features or minor price differences.

          I'm currently with Freedom2Surf's ADSL service, which is moderately cheap, has static IP addresses, brilliant fast web space and no hidden costs or forced-on contracts. You need your own ADSL modem though.
          Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
          Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


          • #6
            I'm using PlusNet ADSL...
            Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


            • #7
              I'm running a cable modem thanks to NTL and very happy with the speed and reliability of the service...


              • #8
                NTL - great until you need to talk to some support ... which thankfully shouldn't happen under normal circumstances as the tehchincal part of the service is very good.
                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                • #9
                  running AOL dial-up here, no ADSL in this part of somerset, it's alright, £15 per month, 24/7 access, fairly stable, not overly fast, but then again i have a 28.8k modem, so you can't expect miracles.
                  "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                  "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                  • #10
                    Telewest broadband. Only costs bout £9-10 or so last time i checked for unlim cable access. Had it for year or 2 now and i can only remember it being down twice, was back up within an hour or so aswell.
                    Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                    • #11
                      I'm thinking of going in the way of broadband. For the amount of time i spend on the net you would think i would know more about this kind of stuff. Whats better/difference between adsl, cable broadband etc.

                      Stew, as to my location I can't be too forthcoming because of the pyscho american stalker i have, who, would you believe it has tracked my frequentation of apolyton.

                      I have a new motto in life. don't date americans.
                      Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by OneFootInTheGrave
                        NTL - great until you need to talk to some support ... which thankfully shouldn't happen under normal circumstances as the tehchincal part of the service is very good.
                        They're not always too bad in that repect actually. Even for simple requests like getting them to tell me my username and password I went straight through; although there have been times when I've been on hold for a few minutes.

