The "Yow, Giant Spider" commercial tops all, but unfortunately I can't find it anywhere in Google. It was this commercial they ran about ten-odd years ago for some Hot Wheels toys or some other kind of miniature car toy, where these kids are playing some incomprehensible game with the toys. The dialogue (with corresponding shots of these little toy cars being molested by giant spiders or evil bulldozers or human hands or whatever) went something like:
Kid1: "Yow, giant spider!"
Kid2: "Almost got the axe!"
Kid1: "What next?"
Kid2: "Evil bulldozer on the volcano!"
Kid1: "Eat lava, dude!"
At which point the camera cut to a close-up of Kid2 (or maybe Kid1), who lets out a great big "Yeah!"
The truly bizarre thing about the ad is that rather than have Kid1 and Kid2 actually speak their own lines, they apparently had a fortysomething man pretend to speak like a 12-year-old kid and dubbed his voice over the commercial, so that Kid1's voice was indistinguishable from Kid2's, and so that they both sounded like they were a 40-year-old man trying to sound like a 12-year-old kid.
Eventually they changed the ad slightly, so that the kid saying "Yeah!" at the end actually spoke his line. They also reshot the close-up of his face, so he didn't look quite so demonic. The 40-year-old man's voice was still dubbed over the rest of the ad, though.
Kid1: "Yow, giant spider!"
Kid2: "Almost got the axe!"
Kid1: "What next?"
Kid2: "Evil bulldozer on the volcano!"
Kid1: "Eat lava, dude!"
At which point the camera cut to a close-up of Kid2 (or maybe Kid1), who lets out a great big "Yeah!"
The truly bizarre thing about the ad is that rather than have Kid1 and Kid2 actually speak their own lines, they apparently had a fortysomething man pretend to speak like a 12-year-old kid and dubbed his voice over the commercial, so that Kid1's voice was indistinguishable from Kid2's, and so that they both sounded like they were a 40-year-old man trying to sound like a 12-year-old kid.
Eventually they changed the ad slightly, so that the kid saying "Yeah!" at the end actually spoke his line. They also reshot the close-up of his face, so he didn't look quite so demonic. The 40-year-old man's voice was still dubbed over the rest of the ad, though.