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Freeking Banks!!!!

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  • Freeking Banks!!!!

    I don't know about you guys but I've always had a bit of a problem giving my money to someone else to keep but if you are trying to buy a have to have a bank. Below would be the fiasco that I have been dealing with for the last month. Anyone know any way for me to have some recourse....

    I guess I could go into super dragon mode

    April 11, 2003

    Member Services:

    I would have to say that in 25 years of banking I have never delt with a more incompetent, inept and completly rude set of people that you have working at your Research location. If I may I would like to go over just a few of the horrible problems that we had with your bank. The only possible redeemable quality your bank has at that location is Ms. Lisa Shaw. Although there really wasn't much she could do since at every turn you tie her hands.

    To begin with when my husband and I opened up or account we were told that his paychecks would not be held and that I could do our banking business since we would have a joint account. We found this to be very helpful (we thought) given the fact that we live in Cedar Creek and drive almost 25 miles just to get into town to bank as well as my husband is a night shift worker. Well that really wasn't the truth because on the several occassions that I came into town to do things regarding our JOINT checking account I couldn't do them nor handle them because I was told that since I'm not the primary even though it's a joint account, that I would have to go the 25 miles back home wake up my husband and get him to come all the way down to the bank just to handle something that I should have been able to take care of. Then our checks start to be held because they didn't have the sense to write down who his employer was even though I have given it to your bank on 5...count them 5 seperate occassions. So I can't understand why it was so hard to type in the name of his payroll. When all these problems were brought to Ms. Shaw's attention she got into our account and asked me what his paroll company was. Do you know how frustrating it is to have given that information 5 different times and it never made it into your computer system?!?

    Lets move on to Tina, your drive up teller. I came to the bank and went through the drive through, not sure of the date but Ms. Shaw can find it she did once already. I came through the drive up with two other cars in the lanes...two.....that's it. I wasn't greated, nor was I told thank you or anything. Nothing. I was never spoken to. I was in my car and pulled into the parking lot not even leaving the bank and called to speak to the supervisor of the tellers. I got Tina who proceeded to tell me that I was mistaken and that sometimes the microphones don't always come across clearly but that she was in the drive through and had been watching everyone speak personally herslef. Then she proceeded to tell me that it could have been busy and that could be the reason. When I told her that there were only two other cars in the drive through she told me that I must be mistaken because she was watching the tellers and that I obviously didn't hear them nor did I know what I was talking about. I don't know about how you train your people, but when I won the customer statisfaction award out of 3500 employees for my company, well we always went on the premise that no matter what the customer was always right and you never, ever argued with a customer. Obviously you have not instilled this type of training in your employees. Oh yes and when Ms. Shaw did pull up the deposit slip with the teller's name on it to see who the person was that didn't speak......who do you think it was??? The answer to that $64,000.00 question would be TINA!!! Tina the one who was so sure that everyone spoke to the customers.....yes TINA was the one who didn't speak but could argue with me. Lovely customer service you have there.

    Next would be my husband and I trying to come in and talk to a loan officer only to be left waiting 1 hour and 20 minutes before my husband finally got so sick of it we left. We then proceeded to apply for start up credit loans online. We sent something in and eventually got a response back from Jerry Sanders. He had some questions and we answered them immediately and returned his e-mail. After two days of hearing nothing not one word, thank you for your response I will get back to you as soon as possible etc.....nothing I finally sent an e-mail to Mr. Sanders saying do you think we might get some type of response from you any time soon? Again I have to wonder why I'm having to do someone's job for them. We are also in the process of trying to buy the house we live in only to be told that yes we can do a mortgage application but we are going to charge you $75.00 to do that. HELLO!!!!!!!!! You are a bank, you offer us services to get us to keep our money with you, if we bank with you for everything we want to do with your bank we get charged for it? What is that?

    Next would be us getting totally and completly fed up with your bank and again I drive the 25 miles into town just to close our account and what do you think I guessed it. Since I'm not the primary person on the account I can't close it. At this point we just simply stopped putting money in your bank because all the hoops you people try to make someone jump through along with horrible customer service......well for us poor ole' working stiffs who aren't Donald Trump, I would imagine that if we were him and had all that money you would be jumping through hoops for us but since we aren't, I guess that doesn't matter to you people. Never mind that in the span of about 5 months we've run almost 10,000+ dollars through your bank.

    Next we have me getting into our account online to check out somethings only to see that we have been charged on March 17, 2003 $39.95 to an I contacted them and found out that our credit card had been used once (without our knowledge by my daughter we think) in January. In January I personally went to the bank and had our visa/check card canceled and a new one issued. Canceled or so I thought. When I contacted your bank do you have any idea what I was told? Bet you can't guess. I was told Mrs. Buckingham we are so sorry but the card that you thought you had teller that you went to cancel it and re issue a new one never did her job and never canceled the card so not only (thanks to Ms. Shaw's detective work did we find this out) did we get charged in January, but again in Feburary and again in March which of course through our budget out the window because we stupidly assumed that when a bank teller says she will cancel it.....she will!! However, I should have known that it was going to be my responsibility to do her job for her since the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing at your bank.

    So she doesn't do her job and we have $80.00 taken out of our account that shouldn't have been. Only to be told by the bank that we can recoup our money once we file all these charges etc. WRONG ANSWER. Do you not stand responsible for your employees? Do you not try to take care of your customers. So basically since a teller at your bank did not do her job we had $80 taken out of our account and the bank says not our fault, the says not our fault your bank should have canceled the card. So who's fault is it? Mine for not watching the teller do her freeking job?? You know for once I would have to agree with them. This was your responsiblity, however, no money has been refunded to us nor has there been any attempt to try to stand behind your mistake. What is that?!?

    And fianlly, the coup de gras! This week actually on Wednesday April 9, 2003 my husband and I finally had enough. So he get's home from work at 6:30 in the morning gets about 3 hours of sleep and gets up to go to your bank to try to handle some of this with me because he thinks I'm exagerating this just a bit. However, he came to find out on his own that there was no exageration in fact only truth behind everything I had been telling him. We went to the bank and again I asked to speak to Ms. Shaw since she was familiar with our case. We spoke with her again about the trouble with the account and decided that since he had to sleep during the day to switch the account and make me the primary and close out the other account so we would no longer be getting charges from the company on the card that YOUR TELLER WAS SUPPOSED TO CANCEL!!!!!

    At this point my husband asked if we could go upstairs and speak to a loan office to try to see about getting a re-establish our credit type of loan. We go up stairs and wait over 45 minutes only to be met my Mr. Jim Howey....well preface that by saying that was only after he's through talking to the girl in the elevator about where she lived and how he lives out there and what a nice dirve it is. Just to refresh Mr. Howeys memory the girl was about 5'7 wearing a yellow sweater, black pants and had brown straight hair that would hit just about her shoulder blades was carrying several large brown envelopes and it would be the elevator to the right that she got into. See that would be another thing I don't think you take into consideration......some of your customers have photographic memory's. TEST ME!!! Ask Mr. Howey if he didn't have on a maroon shirt and kaki pants the day of our meeting.

    When we finally get in his office he makes the comment about the fact that we've obviously been waiting for a while because he rememberd seeing us before his lunch and now he's back from lunch and he will certainly bring it to someone's attention that we were left to wait that long. Yeah right!! When pigs fly!! We proceed to speak with him about the fact that my husband would like to get a re-establish his credit type of loan. Mr. Howey is going on about what happened in 97 etc......when I realize he isn't even listening to us and has run my credit. When we explain to him that we want it in my husbands name he turns to my husband and says....."do you have an account with us?" To which I point down at the paper with my name and my husbands name on it only to be told in effect that since he isn't the primary on the account that he doesn't have an account with your bank and that he would have to open up his own seperate one. To this we had enough!! And we left his office and went down and closed all of our accounts with your bank which in turn penalized us since we are in the process of buying a house and have to show 2 months current bank statements. So now we get to start all over because of the imcompetency of your bank and your staff.

    So I would like to know just exactly what anyone in your bank intends to do about any of this? Let me guess you will talk with the people so it doesn't happen again right? My question still stands, what do you plan to do for us to make this right? Anything or nothing at all which has been your norm. Because little people like us just don't matter to you. We've closed our account, we are no longer customers, so why should you even bother to try to rectify this situation at all. See the last time that I got this mad over something was when my ex-husband didn't pay his child support for 10 years. When I got this mad I got the attention of several of the news companys in this town and went on TV. It was amazing how quick he ponyed up when he was slammed all over the TV. I know how to use my mind, mouth and a protest sign and have no problem doing so. Maybe when you are treating your customers like dirt you should think about things like this.
    Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
    Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
    Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
    You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran

  • #2
    Smells like something is burning in here...


    • #3
      That would be my anger you smell.
      Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
      Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
      Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
      You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


      • #4
        Hey Tia... if you really want to slam the bank... File an official complaint with your states Attorney General and the Better Business Bureau.

        These become permanent records that future customers may see before they do business with them.

        Oh... and make sure you let your "friends" over at the bank know that you are doing so
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          Yes well.....I revampt the letter at the bottom just a bit before I sent it to them. The bottom part reads maybe you should think about things like.....freedom of speech, the right to free assembly as long as it isn't on your property but the city's. Maybe people along research blvd. would like to read my signs about your bank.....what do yo think Mr. Bank President?

          Thank you Ming. As usual the voice of reason when I'm pissed. Yes, that is an excellent idea. I think I will.
          Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
          Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
          Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
          You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


          • #6
            Re: Freeking Banks!!!!

            Wow. I'm sure this felt good writing it, but I guarantee that it will go in the round file, probably unread. Is that what you want?

            A lot of things wrong with this letter... where do I begin...

            For starters, what, exactly, is your point? What is your complaint? Bad customer service? You didn't get a loan?

            Secondly, drop the rudeness and name calling. If this letter gets to a jury/court, you will sound petty and vindictive.

            Now on to specifics:

            Edited out by JohnT. See next post


            • #7
              Ahh, that looks like crap. Here's my rewrite all in one piece:

              "I am notifying you that I am seeking legal counsel to lodge a formal protest with (your states banking regulatory agency(s)) in regards to your blatantly discriminatory policies.

              Imagine my shame and disgust, here in the 21st century, when I was told on a number of occassions that I had to have a MAN's approval to access my OWN funds. This is particularly galling given that the joint account was set-up based upon your recommendation in a matter designed to help my husband direct-deposit his paychecks: given that he works at night, he is in no position to perform the daytime banking functions that need attending. We would have never opened this account had you informed us of your discriminatory account access policy.

              Even after we opened the account, we still had severe problems with your service, including the following:

              1. Consistantly failing to properly setup the account as to receive direct-deposted funds from my husband's payroll company. This information was given to your bank no less than 5 times over the course of X months/weeks.

              2. Rude and disrespectful employees, especially a certain woman who runs the drive-thru. (Actually, I'd drop this point. JT)

              3. A loan process that purposefully discriminates against lower income workers in the following regards:

              a. Lack of customer assistance, including one of your employeers, Mr. Jim Howey, leaving for an hour-long lunch knowing that we were waiting in the lobby for him.

              b. Exhorbidant (SP!) and prohibitive loan and mortgage application fees.

              c. Lack of response to the most basic of queries, including follow-ups responses to your officers own questions, especially a series of emails that we sent to Mr. Jerry Sanders.

              4. Failing to close a credit card account upon our instructions in January, which resulted in both unauthorized March charges and more exhorbidant banking fees. In my opinion, this is particularly damning in light of your actions regarding the loan: You will not assist us in garnering low-interest credit while at the same time keeping us chained to high-interest debt products, even after we request of your personnel to close the high-interest debt account.

              Worst of all is what happened to us this past Wednesday, April 9th, 2003. Because of the problems in regards to your joint-checking policy, we decided to make me the primary (meaning my husband now has to ask my permission to perform basic banking functions*). After this switch was made, we then proceeded to wait almost an hour while Mr. Howey made small talk with the ladies.

              When Mr. Howey was done with his personal conversations, he then dropped this bombshell on us: Because my husband was no longer primary on the account, he could not apply for a loan!

              At this point we concluded that your bank was unwilling to work with us based upon both my gender and our income levels. I find this state of affairs to be radically discriminatory, the sort of behaviour that has been, on the Federal level, increasing legally unacceptable since 1965.

              The amount of actual monetary damages is quite small: likely less than $200. But the amount of pain, suffering and, yes, embarrassment that your bank inflicted upon us has been immense and is still on-going.


              Thank you,

              Your name"

              *Tiamat, if you still have that account, I think it would be an interesting test to have your husband perform the services that you couldn't do so. If he is able to do them w/o being the primary, then you have a slam dunk case of sexism against these people. Try it and see....

              **Here you should figure out what it is that you want the bank to do. You can't force them to loan you money or anything like that, but demanding a credit for the above amount or even a letter of apology is not unreasonable (you'll have a better chance of getting the dough, though).


              • #8
                A good letter JohnT...
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  You'll also want to say something like:

                  "Though I've had continual problems with your bank, one employee, Ms. Lisa Shaw, has been exemplary in assisting us - as a matter of fact, she has been the only employee of yours to actually assist us and solve our problems."


                  • #10
                    Banks are huge institutions and hence have a lot of Beurocracy - Banking can be very good but you need to know the Score. The 'we'll he told me this' simply doesnt wash with Banks anymore since customers actually do lie sometimes. If you want to be sure of conditions , such as the true Joint nature of an Account read the conditions first - It'll save you a lot of hassle in the future.

                    Many Banks offer dual accounts/cards/credit facilities whereby two people benefit from the facilities but only person is the primary holder, and who is 'responsable' . Banks are bound by the Data Protection Act and can only corrospond with that person in some accounts - it can be very frustrating when customers do not understand this either because they didnt check the conditions , or the unexperienced bank staff explained the situation wrong - either way you're safe if you check the conditions, as not all staff are 100% commited to thier role , and that should be common sense.

                    As for Customer service, well the Customer is not always right and again this attitude can be frustrating to bank staff who are just trying to do a Job, some people are downright arrogant and it sounds like you unfortunatly come accross such people Tiamat, but to have the attitute that you're right when you're wrong will not help in you're complaint - the person that recieves you're letter is likely to never have contact with customers and will likely just brand you a loser and cast aside you're letter.

                    I think it was a mistake that you closed you're account, as you would be much more likely to be compensated while it remained open, but nevertheless try and put downtoearth points across in you're letter and do not be too aggressive. Leave polite subtle hints that if you're request is not dealt with satisfactory that you'll have to contact the Authorities (whoever they be, in England it's the F.S Ombusdman). The bank will not want a complain registered against them and should seek to rectify the situation for you.

                    As for the Credit unfortunatly you're complaint holds no ground here, as Nobody has a right to Credit - it's up to the bank who they want to lend thier money to. They cannot discrimate against a few things such as Sex,Race,religion and basically the 'sensative' areas we're all familiar with. They CAN discriminate against Income and many banks do. Remember someone who has an Annual Salary of $25000 has most of thier Income taken up with Basic living expenses, while somebody with an Income of $50000 can potentially have a lot of FREE Surplus income if needs be - the latter person has much better of paying off thier debts if they get into difficultly.

                    It's sad but the difficulties you described above are the reality of things in our Modern world.

                    Good luck anyway
                    Up The Millers


                    • #11
                      Excellent letter john. Thank you. Sometimes I get my husband would say........"fired up" which is easy to do being a red head and don't always get the point across without being pissed. Yes, and I'm sure that my letter will get thrown out. But the new one going by johns letter won't get thrown out that I send to the AG's and BBB.
                      Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
                      Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
                      Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
                      You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


                      • #12
                        Well it only took them a few days but they responded........with a typical response No offer to give us back the money we spent or anything. Just sorry you closed your account with us nothing we can do. What ****ers!!

                        Mrs. Buckingham,

                        Ms. Webb, and other members of our management team, reviewed the comments
                        you made in your attached letter and discussed your concerns with our staff.
                        We apologize for any service that you and your husband received that you did
                        not feel was satisfactory. We strive for excellent member service and regret
                        that we did not meet up to your expectations. We understand that you made
                        the decision to close your accounts and at this point all we can do is


                        Karen Smith
                        AVP Human Resources
                        Austin Telco Federal Credit Union
                        Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
                        Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
                        Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
                        You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


                        • #13
                          :shock: I'm going to go hug the tellers at my branch of Barclay's Bank now. And I might send a batch of flowers to CIBC. They were just doing their jobs but compared to your guys....geez.
                          Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                          -Richard Dawkins


                          • #14
                            You got a form letter from a HR weenie. At least you got something.

                            Btw, you might want to edit out the names (including your own, Mrs. B... uh, Tiamat. )


                            • #15
                              Not THE Karen Smith...

