With the news that the Saddam regime paid al Jazeera, killed CNN staffers, threatened CNN and other media, threatened any who cooperated with Blix with death or worse, threatened to kill the King of Jordan and others who cooperated against the regime, should we also not at least assume that he did the same with anyone who dealt with the regime?
Censorship by death and intimidation. I wonder of other news outlets will reveal the level of intimidation they were subjected to. I wonder if Blix and his team were bribed and/or intimidated.
If Saddam did this, I think similar intimidation/censorship happens in other Arab totalitarian states, such as Syria. What do you think? Are we getting the full, complete and accurate story about Syria and other Arab states even from Western media?
Here is just one link on this topic:
Censorship by death and intimidation. I wonder of other news outlets will reveal the level of intimidation they were subjected to. I wonder if Blix and his team were bribed and/or intimidated.
If Saddam did this, I think similar intimidation/censorship happens in other Arab totalitarian states, such as Syria. What do you think? Are we getting the full, complete and accurate story about Syria and other Arab states even from Western media?
Here is just one link on this topic: