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  • #46
    che: Yeh, but it's not like we have very many discussions about asylum. We have lots of discussions re immigration, but talk regarding asylum over here is only a small fraction of what they get in the UK.

    As Krop points out, if you have 7 million illegal immigrants, and more than 1 million immigrants per year, 50k asylum seekers per year isn't going to hit your radar screen.
    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


    • #47
      The typical rants of a leftie, with typically poor logic (ie - much more money is wasted elsewhere ). Also you have to bring sexuality into yet another thread you post in

      I think both Asylum seekers and more so Illigal immigrants present us with problems, the worst is that many will claim benefits from us while actually working in cash-in-hand jobs. Other's are those not eligable to make claims and not employed who then have to resort to things such as stealing,begging ect.

      The Main reason why the attitude is so bad towards them is the prefferential treatement some authorities are giving to them.

      I live In Derby, some of you will remember some time back that while there are many GP's with thier books closed to new patients (believe me this problem is HUGE!) a brand new £600,000 clinic was created exclusively for Asylum seekers - people were disgusted by this, with normal people from all over the country demonstrating thier sympathy for the normal people of Derby via Newspapers/Web forums ect.

      A More recent example is a post-office in Blackburn. A new queue has been set up exclusively for Asylum seekers to get benefits, normal Brits who have to queue for ages to get service have to watch an Asylum seeker walk in and get served immidiatly - And people Wonder why the BNP is getting votes in the North West!

      I feel sorry for genuine Asylum seekers, because they are not the one's to blame ,and many of them have actualy pointed out they dont WANT to recieve such treatement as they know this will effect people's attitudes towards them. The British people need to realise who to blame this, it's not the Asylum seekers but the PC government and the damn lefties.

      The Quicker we expose all lefties for what they are the quicker we all return to normality, and that people of all nationalities/race/religion can happily live alongside each other's. I think the answer to this problem may be in Education so that leftist values are faded out. Lefties are the desease of our nation , we need to treat it this way and kill the desease that is killing our country.

      Up The Millers


      • #48
        Can you back up your asylum seeker scare stories with links, Rothy?


        • #49
          The typical rants of a rightie, with typically poor logic...

          edit: Or in other words: We're trying to have a serious discussion here. Contribute to it or **** off!


          • #50
            Here's a Biased link from the BBC about the Derby one
            BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

            And the link for the other Story is the Daily Mail newspaper, Saterday April 5th , 2003 - page 10.

            Kropotkin - Let's not make it personal now. Had you read i put accross many points relevant to the discussion, saying i do not blame Asylum seekers but the lefties who create systems which give the Asylum seekers a bad reputation.
            Thatcher had the right idea with the lefties - Destroy thier impact by making sure they hold no posistion of power. Hitler's idea of sending them to Concentration camps was a bit extreme, as that only fuels thier cause. The Answer is a mix whereby there is no longer any credability to being left, and the views of the few lefties remaining are ignored,and censored more so than the BNP at present.
            Up The Millers


            • #51
              The discource of your first post makes it personal. Most of it is anecdotes at best and contributes with where little. Also, it deals with so called public opinion not so much anything else. The first part of it is in a long tradition of ideas about the effect of asylum seekers and immigrants that is usually found to be ambiguous when put to some serious investigations and with other variables put into it. If you have something like that to contribute that's fine. As it is now it's nothing more than opinions. You're personal confused crusade against the left is something really doesn't contribute with anything at all.


              • #52
                Yet I've Contributed two FACTS to the discussion, outlining thier favorable treatment in the UK.
                I've also mentioned how Asylum seekers are not particulary keen to recieve such treatement as they want to be treat 'equal' (I can get quotes if you really want).

                so therefore two things can be deduced

                1. Asylum seekers are getting special treatement in some places, the latter being a BNP stronghold would hint that THIS is a source of the attitudes which people have towards Asylum seekers.

                2. Since asylum seekers (in General, i'm sure they have thier left factions) are not particulary keen on recieving such treatment it can be deduced that the cause of number can be attributed towards those who put these systems in place, and those who put pressure on them to do so (ie - the left)

                I could use the found causes for the Race riots in Bradford to get to the same points.

                The Logical conclusion from the above arguments is that lefties, who's campaigns revolve around getting minority groups to be treat 'more equal' than others are causing the problems in Britain - the effect is these negative attitudes towards innocent suffering Asylum seekes. If you take away the problems, the effects will gradually diminish.
                Up The Millers


                • #53
                  While I can agree that this is the better part of your first post I don't feel that two small case studies contributes with very much, and not enough for your conclutions in the end. I would surely not use the word "logical" in this context. To blame the left for attitudes towards refugees seems to be a bit unhistorical as these attitudes surely are much older than the left.

                  However a more interesting point to make is the change in your argumentations in the first and the last post. Suddenly asylum seekers stopped being a problem all together and all is the lefts fault. How come that in the first part of you first post "many will claim benefits from us while actually working in cash-in-hand jobs" but after a while you claim "asylum seekers (in General, i'm sure they have thier left factions) are not particulary keen on recieving such treatment". So on one hand they claim benefits that they shouldn't have and on the other hand they don't want special treatment.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Rothy
                    The Main reason why the attitude is so bad towards them is the prefferential treatement some authorities are giving to them.

                    I live In Derby, some of you will remember some time back that while there are many GP's with thier books closed to new patients (believe me this problem is HUGE!) a brand new £600,000 clinic was created exclusively for Asylum seekers - people were disgusted by this, with normal people from all over the country demonstrating thier sympathy for the normal people of Derby via Newspapers/Web forums ect.
                    Try thinking before posting. The rates of TB and other serious and communicable diseases is propotionally higher among refugees. This measure was taken in order to prevent Derby turning into a plague zone. Do you have a continuing problem with this, or do you fancy the idea of coughing up blood?
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Rothy

                      A More recent example is a post-office in Blackburn. A new queue has been set up exclusively for Asylum seekers to get benefits, normal Brits who have to queue for ages to get service have to watch an Asylum seeker walk in and get served immidiatly - And people Wonder why the BNP is getting votes in the North West!
                      The benefits received by Asylum Seekers differ radically from those received by other DSS claimants. There are also language barriers.

                      Have you considered that this queuing system may be an attempt to handle staff training issues within the post office, rather than being part of the Great Leftist Plot That Is Evil And Must Be Stopped Like What The Daily Mail Sez?
                      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Rothy
                        Also you have to bring sexuality into yet another thread you post in
                        I had to read through the thread twice to find what you referred to here. It was one line, didn't mention Jon's own sexuality, and was entirely in context with the thread.

                        Is this some sort of obsessive thing? Do you spend your evenings on a game of "Hunt the Queers?"
                        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                        • #57
                          As I see in your sig you're already found what he really think he's hunting...


                          • #58
                            Here's a Biased link from the BBC about the Derby one
                            How's this biased? In any case, it's segregating the asylum seekers, albeit for acceptable reasons. Isn't that what you want?

                            If they're getting their own centre, then the pressure on conventional health services is reduced. Just what is the problem?


                            • #59
                              Kropotkin, I was reffering to Immigrants in that post more so than Asylum seekes (ie from Pakistan). And I'm not saying it's entirely Thier fault either, but that it's Simply a PROBLEM. The fact is , the systems in place (or perhaps the lack of) make Immigrating to England an attractive proposition. Many people would take a bit of extra money a week if it's easy to come accross despite the legalities of it, there are many English fiddling benefits/tax so it's not a abnormal behaviour - but nevertheless one that needs to be prevented. So are the businessmen who employ these illigal workers at fault?? possibly, but then again Cheap labour without having to pay tax might seem just irristable if you're the owner of a small business in a competative market.

                              We Need to STOP them getting here in the first place, and then make Asylum a quicker process. If they are allowed in great - let them become normal british citizens who can get on with thier lives no different to the rest of the folks here. If they are bogus then begone with them.

                              Lazarious , there are no known problems with desease in Derby afaik. If there were concerns then Asylum seekers can try WALKING out to a clinic further afield, like the REST of us with genuine medical problems have to. We, for some reason dont seem to have enough Doctors here, but we have a very fine A&E (Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, where Florence Nightingale used to work) and a big City Hospital. For serious problems such as TB there are suffient facilites here already without creating them thier own clinic. This was created by a labour council seeking votes in an highly ethnic community - In the short term they may suceed but in the long term it will backfire. Of course, I'm happy to listen to any stories you might have of Derbyshire people with the plaugue, that you'd be well aware of several hundred miles away.
                              Up The Millers


                              • #60
                                Rothy... rothy.... and I think I saw somewhere you saying that you're christian orthodox.

                                which means you come from somwhere else unless there's a rebirth of the eastern church in Britain I'm unaware of.

                                whjy is it that people who come from elsewhere and are get to

                                ah forget it

                                condoliza rise (or how's it spelled)

