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Pro-War non-Americans, what's your opinion of Bush?

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  • Pro-War non-Americans, what's your opinion of Bush?

    I'd like to get an idea of what Pro-War, non-Americans think of the American President. Specifically, I'm very interested to hear what our Israeli Poly Members think.
    He's a good president, doing the right thing!
    He's a bad president, but I agree with his war!
    He's a good president, but I don't like his war!
    He's a bad president, and his war is wrong!
    I have no opinion because I have a banana in my skull!
    To us, it is the BEAST.

  • #2
    Needs to make his speeches less of "we are the greatest nation in the world" type ones, even if he never quite says that as such.

    After that, seems to understand world politics a lot better than many European leaders.


    • #3
      he has to stop says: God this and heaven that and stuff like that...and everybody can say what he wants but I really think bush is not good for the world in the long run...
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        After that, seems to understand world politics a lot better than many European leaders.
        I feel sorry for Europe then.
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #5
          Being an American, I won't vote in your poll as you requested, but I think non-Americans will find it interesting to note that I am utterly embarassed that that moron is the head of our country.
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          • #6
            Aye.. Europe, or more to the Old Europe is really going down the pan (Italy,Britain and Spain are the good nations).

            I think Bush is a decent geezer, and the World can feel safe with such a strong determined leader in charge.
            Up The Millers


            • #7
              I honestly don't know what to make of him.


              • #8
                Pro-war non-Americans - isn't that a contradiction in terms?
                So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
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                • #9
                  I don't like Bush too much. I don't think he's evil or stupid, but I get a strong feeling that he is incompetent for the job sometimes. I don't know what it is, but my intuition says so. No offense guys
                  In da butt.
                  "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                  THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                  "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                  • #10
                    sorry for defending bush in your thread sava , but bush is much smarter than you think. he may not be eloquent, hw may not deliever speeches as well as some former presidents, but he does know whats going on, and he knows what he has to do to get the job done.

                    also, remember he has a very capable cabinet surrounding him
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #11
                      The sooner the US gets a different President, the sooner the rest of the planet will stop thinking "you want to be taken seriously and you elected him!!!"
                      Never give an AI an even break.


                      • #12
                        that might take another 4 years.
                        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                        • #13
                          Oh, I don't doubt the competence of the cabinet and people surrounding Bush... I doubt their morality. You have Cheney, a greedy little oil man. You have Rumsfeld, a somewhat pompus corporate type. You have Powell, probably the only decent moral person among them, but obviously a puppet. Some are career politicians who aren't qualified for the positions they hold (Tommy Thompson, Tom Ridge). And then you have the people in the background "advising" the president.... Karl Rove, Paul Wolfiwitz (sp?), George Bush Sr. (not officially, but you know good ole' dad is giving some advice).

                          I don't doubt that Bush "knows how to get things down", I doubt his ability to understand the world. Bush is not a "well-traveled" man. I don't think he understands how the rest of the world thinks, and I certainly don't believe he possesses the ability to look at things from other points of view. IMO, a good president is someone who understands what people think, how to get people to understand your point of view, and how to manipulate them to get things done. And to Bush Sr's credit, he knew how do that at least. Dubya has shown that he can get somewhat ignorant Americans to believe him... that's about it.

                          Bush might be qualified enough to be a governor... but he definitely does not even come close to being the kind of guy that should be representing the United States. For the Republican Party, he was just the best guy they had to beat Gore. And let's be honest, Bush didn't win... Gore lost (and no, I'm not talking about Florida)... Gore wasn't a charismatic person.

                          Even though I think Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's, and I vehemently disagree with his politics, I think he was qualified enough to be a president. Bush Sr. was also qualified enough.

                          And that's the purpose of this thread, I wan't to know what non-Americans think about our dear president... primarily pro-War non-Americans because I have a good grasp of what our anti-War, non-American 'Poly members think.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #14
                            Well not saying anything about his cabinet, only talking about Bush himself. He has competent people around him, no doubt, I just wonder if he's compentet himself.
                            In da butt.
                            "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                            THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                            "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                            • #15
                              Sava, if you asking pro-war non-Americans about their views on the President, why do you have options that say "His war is wrong"?
                              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

