Seriously, monkspider, it's not Persia - it's IRAN! Iran Iran Iran! Iran!
Not Persia!
Iran was Persia
Now it's Iran, not Persia
Been a long time go, been Persia
Now it's Iranian delight on a moonlight night
Every gal in Persia
Lives in Iran, not Persia
So if you've got date in Persia
At some point her father will come and chop both of your necks off for having his honor sullied... um.
Even old New York
Was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it, I can't say
Maybe they just liked it better that way
So take me back to Persia
No, you can't go back to Persia
Been a long time go, been Persia
Why did the Persia get the works?
That's no-one's issue but the Farsi... erks?
Persia (Perr-si-aaa....)
All clear now?
Not Persia!
Iran was Persia
Now it's Iran, not Persia
Been a long time go, been Persia
Now it's Iranian delight on a moonlight night
Every gal in Persia
Lives in Iran, not Persia
So if you've got date in Persia
At some point her father will come and chop both of your necks off for having his honor sullied... um.
Even old New York
Was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it, I can't say
Maybe they just liked it better that way
So take me back to Persia
No, you can't go back to Persia
Been a long time go, been Persia
Why did the Persia get the works?
That's no-one's issue but the Farsi... erks?
Persia (Perr-si-aaa....)
All clear now?