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Fire Alarms

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  • Fire Alarms

    Some time ago our fire alarm box thing in our house was damaged - you don't need to know how - which meant that a few of the wires were cut.

    Now we have to pay the bill for the damage

    Any idea of how much it costs to replace some wires in a standard fire box? (It's about a foot by a foot).


  • #2
    There'll be something like a £40 call-out charge, but I don't know what the actually service will cost?


    • #3
      1996: the place I lived then

      Cost to repair mysteriously damaged fire box: $60
      Fun had while broke: Priceless


      • #4
        Well, I live above a shop...after the wires had been tampered with, the fire alarm doesn't actually sound in our house, but in the shop's basement..

        Still, the landlord had a right go..thought he was gonna kick us out!

        It was only a week ago that we had a skylight fight with next year and all manner of things got chucked across and then ended on the floor downstairs..

        Mops..half-eaten chickens..eggs..rubber gloves..


        • #5
          Japher, how was it damaged?


          • #6
            Can I take the 5th?


            • #7
              No - go on.


              • #8
                There was a $1.50 charge to all of the residents at my old dorm when somebody mysteriously tore the magnets off of the door containing a magnetic alarm (leave the door open for too long and the alarm goes off) and glued them onto the alarm box so that it thought that the door was permanently closed. Apparently one of the magnets had to be replaced since its plastic covering had been damaged when it was removed from the door. We were able to remove the other magnet with a screwdriver, though, so that one didn't need replacement.
                <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                • #9
                  Not bad. I'd happily pay £1 for this.


                  • #10
                    Ugh, I hate the fire alrams in the halls i live in on campus.

                    If they don't go off at 4am, they won't go off at all...


                    • #11
                      My favourite was when I was still living in halls (last semester; glad I moved out of that hellhole) and the warden decided to have a 7am fire drill. In November. On a cold, wet morning.

                      And then she had to gall to be suprised that everyone was present and correct. As if they'd be elsewhere at that time of the morning.
                      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                      • #12
                        Ugh, yeah we have to wander down the campus to gather in a lecture hall. But they take around 15 minutes to unlock it.

                        We haven't actually had an alarm in the middle of the day yet - it's always been at night.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, ours are Usually at night! - Usually about 3am!. I set it off once but fortunatly that was in the early evening so no-one was too pished off with me.

                          The best was right at the beggening when it went off at 2pm... the amount of people in thier pyjamas was comical.

                          Bod's - getting you're fire-alarm to go off elsewhere is absolute Quality! - it'd be better if you could get it to actually go off in the Shop itself - that'd be even better if there were customers in.
                          Up The Millers


                          • #14
                            Pretty much first thing I was taught in college: If you have a party on campus and the fire alarm goes off, immediately set fire to a trashcan.


                            Well, if it is a false alarm, the organizers of the party have to pay the fire department $800. But if there actually is a fire, it is free...

                            Got to love the rule of unintended consequences
                            Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                            • #15
                              Hmm, a long long time ago, when I was at University, we had vast amounts of money 'fined' from all of us in our Hall, because some of our number had set off a fire alarm, as well as vandalised the common room.

                              In the end, a richer friend of mine took the University to court, claiming that they had no legal power to take our money like that. They also claimed that these hall fees weren't being spent on what they were supposed to.

                              They spent the fees on maintainance and other things, when really it was supposed to pay for a pool table (which was broken at the start of the year) TV, which was one 17inch between 100 people, that stopped working. As well as newspapers: one Sun, one Mirror and one Express between 100 people.

                              Bryan won the court case! In the end the University passed on the repair costs to our next year accommodation bills, cunts.

                              At the end of the year we went round the Hall (called Andrew Melville) and stole all of the showerheads --they'd reduced the water pressure to save money--, cutlery, tables and everything else that moved. It was a bit like 100 people having a 'deposit party'

                              So, if you think you have it tough, the hall I was in was making a 100% profit for the University.
                              Res ipsa loquitur

