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Is War Ever Justified and What are the Aternatives?

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  • Is War Ever Justified and What are the Aternatives?

    wondering what people think?


    Excerpt from Edmonton Sundy Sun
    March 30, 2003
    Sunday Comment page 49
    "Radically Normal" article
    By Andrew Hanon

    Tammy and Cheryl, who didn't want to give their last names, felt compelled to come out because as far as they're concerned the war is illegal.

    "The circumstances of this war are so blatantly unjust" said Cheryl, who was sensibly but stylishly dressed in hiking shoes, black slacks and wool sweater. Tammy wasn't convinced that all diplomatic options had been exhausted.

    Asked if either felt that there ever could be a point when an ultimatum to Saddam comply or face war - could have been justified, they both shook their heads.

    "There's no issue that people can't resolve at the negotiating table," Tammy said.
    This response just blew me away! I mean... how out of touch ARE some of the peace protesters?!?! That's like saying you should negotiate with a mugger who has a knife out and has threatened you with bodily harm to see how much of your cash he should get.

    So basically I started this thread to hear from those that think the war is unjust and wrong to explain their case and provide examples of what could have been done instead of the armed conflict. I really can't get my head around the POV that there is nothing that can't be resolved by negotiating, so I'm hoping that some of you that feel this way will come forward and post some suggestions to the alternatives to armed conflict you feel could have worked in Iraq.

    I want honest alternatives to war that weren't tried here people, or at least reasons why you are against it even if you cannot provide them.

    Also, let's try and keep the flames to a minimum please. I want a sincere look into the "other sides" POV in the hopes of better understanding why a lot of them are so veahmently against the Coalition's War on Saddam.

  • #2
    People don't realize that we already disarmed Saddam once.... after 1991.

    He then kicked out the inspectors and started over rearming.

    The only alternative to regime change is a permanent and viable police action on the border, of at least 100,000 troops.... which no one is prepared to commit to indefinitely. Not France, not Germany, not Russia.


    • #3


      • #4
        There is no real alternative to general war - not within the system, anyways. We've been in a continous arms race for thousands of years, and it won't stop untill we get rid of the politicans and hierarchy that controls the world. As it is, the political structure of our world is centered around armies, war, and power.

        My alternative for this war in Iraq, though, is to give supervised humanitarian and social aid to Iraq and educate it's people and bring it into a first world nation, it'll change slowly over time and with the Iraqi people in control of it's destiny, instead of an imperialist dictator forcing change and subjugating the land for it's own purposes. I think that is infinately better then emposing sanctions or blowing the place up.

        But even just trying to negotiate would be a better alternative then what Bush has done.
        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

        Do It Ourselves


        • #5
          Is War Ever Justified


          What are the Aternatives?

          Whatever gets you what you want at a reduced cost.
          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • #6
            Originally posted by Osweld
            My alternative for this war in Iraq, though, is to give supervised humanitarian and social aid to Iraq and educate it's people and bring it into a first world nation, it'll change slowly over time and with the Iraqi people in control of it's destiny, instead of an imperialist dictator forcing change and subjugating the land for it's own purposes. I think that is infinately better then emposing sanctions or blowing the place up.
            Saddam has been corrupting the 'supervised humanitarian and social aid', for 11 years now. He syphons off the cash from Food for Oil, to rebuild his military... in particular for goods and services from Syria, Turkey and China.

            If Saddam (and the associated Ba'ath party) wasn't in charge... then it might be a viable solution... of course.. if Saddam wasn't in charge... this probably wouldn't be an issue in the first place.


            • #7
              Not this topic again!

              Tammy and Cheryl, who didn't want to give their last names, felt compelled to come out because as far as they're concerned the war is illegal.
              Way to come out Tammy and Cheryl, uh no last name...



              • #8
                war is, and will forever be, the end all be all in terms of making YOU do what WE want you to do.
                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                • #9
                  War is justifiable when there are no alternatives (including the alternative of doing nothing).
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #10
                    True... War is physical diplomacy


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by spiritof1202
                      He then kicked out the inspectors and started over rearming.
                      That was here the UN (included the US) failed! They should have stopped than mad man then.

                      Back to topic:

                      If agreed upon by a massive majority in the UN (at least 85% but preferable more than 95% of the members should vote Yes - and a Veto not "allowed").

                      Then: Yes, a war can be justified!

                      Else: No!

                      Why 85% and/or 95% support? Because else it would be too easy for a superpower to "buy" the sufficient numbers of votes.
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by spiritof1202

                        Saddam has been corrupting the 'supervised humanitarian and social aid', for 11 years now. He syphons off the cash from Food for Oil, to rebuild his military... in particular for goods and services from Syria, Turkey and China.
                        I know next to nothing about the "food for oil" scheme, but it sounds like crap to me, for one - if the name is anything to go by - it is just as much about taking as it is giving. Secondly, I don't believe that it is surpervised. Get a few dozen international organizations and maybe even the UN in there handing all the stuff out. If saddam still manages to steal the money, give more. Shower the country in wealth.

                        This should be done everywhere, infact. Poverty is the number one cause of crime and I think that can easily be applied to a geopolitical level, too. It's counter to my environmental beliefs, but I guess that's the most realistic way of changing the system now that I think about it. The only thing you'd have to worry about then is all the racial hatred born from the wars of the past.
                        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                        Do It Ourselves


                        • #13
                          War is politics by other means. We could solve the whole abortion debate in America violently. We don;t, so obviosuly there are alternatives to war.

                          Moving beyond the self-evident. On the question of Iraq, one has to clarify their aims before they make judgements about war or another way.

                          If your aim is regime change, then war in inevitable.

                          If your aim is disarmment, then war can be avoided.

                          If your aim is containment, then there is no need for war.

                          Which aim you think is worhtwhile, or vital to US security and world security is what leads to your judgement about whether the war is necessary. Since the pro-war admins. never actually settled on a single aim until the war started, they have left a public discourse in which people aren't even arguing about the same thing.

                          I don't think regime change is all that important or vital to US security, and the ways in which we achieve it and we handle the aftermath might worsen the situation. because this is what i think, I don;t see the war as inevitable.

                          Anyone here wo says" "well, what is your solution" assumes wrongly that they and the person they are debating have come to an agreement about what the underlying facts and basis for your argument are, and thus you two are just talking past each other and wasting energy. Apples and Oranges, apples and oranges.
                          If you don't like reality, change it! me
                          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                          • #14
                            Sometimes war is justified, and sometimes not.


                            • #15
                              We armed Saddam, we trained Bin Laden and McVeigh. Bin Laden's group was trained specifically because they were so bloodthirsty. At the same time, we were training Bin LadenGorbechev was saying that he had a choice between being the last "Soviet Emperor" or trying to reform the system.Even the leader of the Soviet Union knew his system had to reform or die! At its most decadent the USSR had 80 year old leaders, now we have a 100 year old senator. We've got to change!

