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File Exchangers, Welcome To The "Food Chain"

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  • File Exchangers, Welcome To The "Food Chain"

    Now They're After You: Music Cops Target Users

    Recording industry expands focus and guns for file traders.

    Dylan F. Tweney
    From the April 2003 issue of PC World magazine

    Millions of people download copyrighted songs and even movies from the Internet with little fear of being caught. That's about to change.

    "[The music industry is] starting to move down the food chain," says Lawrence Hertz, a partner at New York law firm Hall Dickler Kent Goldstein and Wood, and a specialist in online law.

    He predicts that music publishers and other content owners will soon use 1998's Digital Millennium Copyright Act much more aggressively--prosecuting not only companies like Napster but also individuals who download copyrighted content--and that they will start with the biggest users of peer-to-peer networks.

    The new strategy became evident last year when the Recording Industry Association of America served Verizon with a subpoena demanding that the service provider disclose the identity of a user who uploaded more than 600 songs while connected to the company's Internet service.

    Verizon protested, but recently a U.S. district court judge ruled in favor of the RIAA and ordered Verizon to reveal the user's identity.

    Verizon asked for a stay of the judge's order; at press time this was still pending, but approval seemed unlikely.

    "If this ruling stands, consumers will be caught in a digital dragnet," says John Thorne, Verizon senior vice president and deputy general counsel. If the stay is denied, Verizon says it will seek a stay at the appeals court level.

    "It's going to have quite a huge impact on privacy," says Gwen Hinze, staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The EFF argues that the ruling lets copyright holders get users' identities merely by alleging copyright infringement (a fairly easy standard to meet)--without review by a judge and without giving users any chance to protect themselves or their identities.

    The music industry says that it's just defending itself from digital piracy, which has contributed to two successive years of declining CD sales.

    "Most consumers are getting what they want on the Internet, and it's really hurting this industry," says Brian Dunn, senior VP of corporate development for Macrovision, a provider of copyright-protection technologies. Dunn predicts that cash-strapped music labels could start paring promotion budgets for new artists in the coming year, while moving to include copy protection on all of their CDs. (So far, only a handful of major-label releases in the United States use copy protection.)

    No New Laws?
    Some major copyright holders appear to be satisfied with the powers they have under existing laws. Touting a "market-oriented" approach to copyright protection, the RIAA, along with the Business Software Alliance and the Computer Systems Policy Project, recently issued a statement agreeing to pursue such protection without government intervention.

    But the movie industry, which is conspicuously absent from the group announcement, continues to support the notion of legal mandates. "We are not prepared to abandon the option of seeking technical protection measures via the Congress or an appropriate regulatory agency," says Jack Valenti, president and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America.

    There is one attempt in the works to mitigate the DMCA's harsher aspects: the Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act, recently introduced by Representative Rick Boucher (D-Virginia). The act--supported by an array of technology and telecommunications companies, including Intel, Philips, and Verizon--would let users circumvent copyright protection for "fair use" purposes, such as making backup copies of CDs or opening e-books in more than one reader, an activity the DMCA now prohibits (see "Hollywood vs. Your PC").

    Whatever happens legislatively, the days when you could download all the songs or movies you wanted for free, without fear of prosecution, seem nearly at an end.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

  • #2
    Nothing will change.

    If this gets to here ( not a flying chance in hell), I'll start using a proxy.


    • #3
      F**k that. If they dont want me to DL songs then go after Kazaa, Imesh and all the others...Otherwise, ban the connexion from the service provider, that's a lot easier.
      I have cable, if they want, my provider can deny me the connection to Kazaa or whatever.

      -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


      • #4
        a somewhat related question: Is there anyway to make your computer a part of webspace? like place a bunch of mp3's to be downloaded through FTP, and stuff like that?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Spectator
          F**k that. If they dont want me to DL songs then go after Kazaa, Imesh and all the others...


          is n't that like a axe murderer blaming the guy in the hardware store for selling him the axe?

          you don't HAVE to D/L uncopyrighted material from the P2P networks


          • #6
            poor comparison.


            • #7
              No, it's more like a "sting" operation where the Police put a "hooker" on the street, then bust the "John".
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
              "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
              He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


              • #8
                Originally posted by Azazel
                poor comparison.
                why? the software itself doesn't force you to break the law, youre free do you want you want with it


                • #9
                  Azazel - sure I could send you an FTPserver / Webserver program.

                  But you should be ware:

                  1) It's very easy to attack those servers and either to just kill your comp, or make it part of something you don't want to.

                  2) almost no one uses FTP and WWW for MP3 trading anymore.

                  3) It's much much much more likely you will be targetted for law suit if you create such a site, than if you merely stay connected to Kazaa 24-7.


                  • #10
                    I know all of that.

                    I was talking about the case if ISPs will ban p2ps.


                    • #11
                      There are a few P2P schemes where material is distributed and encrypted among multiple users and that you can't tell exactly which packets are relayed and which are directly originated.

                      To defeat these kind of schemes, they'd have to negate the 'common carrier' clause which the telecomms and datacomms industry will defend to the death.


                      • #12
                        i guess maybe a stupid question.
                        but how do they know the decline isn't due to
                        people just protesting their slimy attitude and not
                        buying ...or maybe its just due to the overall
                        buying decline in all areas. I don't know how they
                        can pin it on just downloads taking their porche payments away. poor rich bastards...
                        my heart just bleeds pink panther piss for them
                        "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                        • #13
                          They have been saying this for about a year actually. If they are finally ready to press the issue, they will find whatever few customers they still have will soon disappear.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by boann
                            i guess maybe a stupid question.
                            but how do they know the decline isn't due to
                            people just protesting their slimy attitude and not
                            buying ...or maybe its just due to the overall
                            buying decline in all areas. I don't know how they
                            can pin it on just downloads taking their porche payments away. poor rich bastards...
                            my heart just bleeds pink panther piss for them
                            i believe they said it was part of the reason, not the entire reason


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by reds4ever

                              why? the software itself doesn't force you to break the law, youre free do you want you want with it
                              WTF!?! Do you know anything else to do with Kazaa?!
                              -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

