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Peter Arnett: "Iraqis ... See Me as a Fellow Warrior."

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  • #76
    it isn't a matter of constitution.
    thelatter is not meant to be all encompasing.

    its a matter of political culture and how strong the freedom of speech is in the US.

    and of course the other question about the US being in a "war".


    • #77
      "freedom of speech" is a constitutional issue. weilding it around willy nilly isnt doing anyone any favors.

      so just stop.


      • #78
        Originally posted by The Mad Viking

        OTHERS: Freedom of speech clearly does not extend only to the individual. Just like TENURE in universities, the individual must be protected FROM HIS EMPLOYER because it is clear that COVERT INFLUENCE can be applied there.
        What a strange notion of freedom you have. So are you suggesting that NBC be compelled to keep Arnett? And presumably the gov't would enforce this. What you are describing then is the very definition of state controlled media.

        I'm not suggesting, obviously, that NBC shouldn't be entitled to fire Arnett. They just require NON-POLITICAL REASONS to do so. Or they would in a FREE COUNTRY.
        But as soon as you enter the political arena, you associate yourself with certain agendas. There are clearly good reasons why those who report the news should appear impartial, or at least not be at odds with their employer. How would NBC protect itself from a boycott from those who disagree with Arnett? Better not to allow the problem in the first place.


        • #79
          so you're sayiong it isnt a constitutional issue and then say it is?

          you sound very confused.


          • #80
            I never once sed it wasn't a constitutional issue. I said there is nothing in the constitution that sez u can not be fired as a journalist for what you say.

            since ur having issues w/ comprehension try this:

            freedom of speech does not protect arnette from being fired.


            • #81
              There's plenty of work for anti-American journalists who want to deliver biased opinions as news. This guy could write a book about his experiences. I am sure it will be a top seller in France and the Arab world.


              • #82
                but you fail to answer that this is a matter of political culture and the strength of the american so called frredom of speech

                if you could stop dancing around and answer you might start making a bit more sence?


                • #83
                  when u stop using words like freedom of speech like we dont have any because some idiot journalist got fired.

                  try something like "how objective our media is when they fire complete biased whackos"

                  that would be more appropriate.


                  • #84
                    it is obvious im talking to a biased person.

                    the question you repeadetly fail to answer is about the quality of your so called freedom


                    • #85
                      and about the "ubdermining character" in times of "war"

                      although the word is not really the right one in this case.


                      • #86
                        and the point u seem to not be hearing is that our quality of freedom of speech is in full effect.

                        the question is the objectivity of our media, not the quality of our freedom of speech. its obvious you want to use a word like freedom of speech cuz it makes your case stronger, or atleast more shocking. but trying to use it is pure propaganda and until you stick to accurate usage I simply dont care what questions you ask.


                        • #87
                          when someone gets fired for what he says, even more so when his words are true, then of course it is a case about freedom of speech. even more importantly so in the field of journalism, the one profession supposed to be the guardian of democracy.

                          you still fail to answer that question as well as the "undermining" character of what he said.


                          • #88
                            Freedom of speech doesn't mean guaranteed employment.


                            • #89
                              if you can't fire a journalist for what he sez what can u fire him for? is he unfirable? his opinions are his product, nbc hired him for his product. then they saw his product was going to hamper them greatly instead of adding. so they dumped him.

                              he is FULLY capable of expressing his constitutional right to freedom of speech in any # of other ways. simply because nbc wont allow him to do it while paying him hardly means that it has been encroached upon.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by paiktis22
                                when someone gets fired for what he says, even more so when his words are true, then of course it is a case about freedom of speech. even more importantly so in the field of journalism, the one profession supposed to be the guardian of democracy.

                                you still fail to answer that question as well as the "undermining" character of what he said.
                                Arnett gave an interview to another news network, and as such is probably in violation of his contract.

