I fail to see how it is obvious that they would copy some of the tyrannical practices of the British, against whom they revolted.
Hmmm, all of common law after the revolution was exactly the same as it before the revolution. There is a long history of American courts copying some 'tyrannical' practices of the British.
Yes, and you also have to realize that power corrupts.
That's your argument?!
Yeah, those damn founders had the power when they wrote the Constitution, so we should ignore it because they were corrupted by power.
Oh, so original intent is relevant now? You're gonna have to pick one side or the other.
No I don't. You are an intentionalist and stated it was against the framers' intent. According to the 'intent' argument, the 13th Amendment's intention wasn't to conscript. Using your OWN belief system of the Constitution, your argument fails.
The only way you can justify your contention that the draft violates 'involuntary servitude' is to be a strict textualist.