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Are you Pro-War or Anti-War?

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  • I am pro-removing Saddam Husseins regime.

    Since all other methods have been tried (yes the have dammit!!! WTF do you think we have been doing the last 12 years and the last 6 months), we must remove him with force.

    So in this particular instance I am pro-war. but I'm normally against war.


    • Hi.
      I'm a noob and am probably going to get attacked harshly for this.

      I am anti this war.
      I do not believe that the USA and Britian (the only true members of the coalition) have the moral right or the international mandate to invade a country because they don't like its government.
      In attacking Iraq these 2 countries have undermined the leadership and work that has been put into the UN over the last 50 years. Many US based pundits have claimed the UN has failed by not supporting the war. I believe that the UN has failed by not halting this war, after all over 70% of countries in the UN secuirty council are against this war. So the UN should be actively stopping this war rather than sitting idly twiddling its thumbs. (sorry i'm starting to wander off on a tangent)
      Any way I personally would like Saddam Hussein to pull out some styley moves and seriously hurt the invading forces. My reasoning: The American Government, Military machine and press (propaganda machine) lack humility, lack respect for outside forces/cultures/beliefs, and have behaved in a manner condesending to massive percentage of the worlds population including Muslims (1.2 Billion) "Western" Europe (minus the British and Spainish Governments(250 million)) and The Russians (another 250 million). Such Pride must lead to a fall... ...I hope its sooner rather than later.

      On a side note Saddam is a nasty dictator but there are over 50 nasty dictators all doing things as bad if not worse than Saddam... ...why the hype and action around Saddam... it oil? is it Isreal? or is the American administration simply embarressed that this particular dictator was backed and helped to power by (along with the taliban I might add) by previous top end American Governemnt officals?

      Oh please do not edit or delete this rant. I've heard Americans are great belivers in free speech.... ....its one of the great things about that empire...


      • Reasons for this war:
        1. Saddam is a big bad ass. Somebody should have stood up to him long time ago.

        2. We stood up to him 12 years ago, but failed to oust him. He has an arsenal and is our mortal enemy. We cannot let him have nukes.

        3. There is oil in Iraq! More incentives to go after him.

        4. With good oil supply secured, we no longer have to put up with those fork-tongued Saudis. Time for them to finally crack down on terrorists or else.

        5. With Saddam gone, a major support for all those Palestinian crazies has dried up. If Saudis play along, peace might actually be possible.

        6. If we can make Iraq prosper, that will reduce the hate level in ME dramatically. ME people will realize that playing our rules will lead to prosperity and respect, and that playing OBL or Saddam's rules will lead to poverty and humiliations.

        7. Iraq's geographic location is ultra important. If hell really breaks lose in ME, NATO can deploy its armored divisions to Persian Gulf through railway (much much faster than shipping and flying around).

        Reasons against this war:
        1. We can still lose it.

        2. I don't really trust Bush admin to resolve the aftermath well.

        3. We may do something stupid.


        • So far, I've seen things turned out to be better than I've expected. So far. My only worry is what will happen after the war; What will the US, do, what government will take Saddam's place.


          • 6. If we can make Iraq prosper, that will reduce the hate level in ME dramatically. ME people will realize that playing our rules will lead to prosperity and respect, and that playing OBL or Saddam's rules will lead to poverty and humiliations.
            Exactly. most antiwar people use the arguement that the war will cause rampant american hatred throughout the region... and this is probably true at first, but in the long run, what you said.
            "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
            - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
            Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


            • Originally posted by Kramerman

              Exactly. most antiwar people use the arguement that the war will cause rampant american hatred throughout the region... and this is probably true at first, but in the long run, what you said.
              I think there are too many variables to make that call... ...over a multi generation time frame your arguement holds more stead... ...but when 5 of your family have been nailed by cluster bombs being wealthy and having the respect of and mtv addicted country doesn't mean much.

              Also this is a very big if... ...if the USA can not bring prosperity to the ordinary folk in the streets of Iraq they will bring about an increased level of hatred... ...remember rising anti american sentiment is also in the interest of almost all regional players excluding Israel.


              • I am Anti-War


                There are no reason for an invasion war against Iraq and oel is not a "good" (perhaps for maniacs) reason for mass murder.


                • Strategic resources have always been a good reason for war, at least in human history. It began with food, today it's the oil, tomorrow it might be water.


                  • I am of the camp of Who-Gives-A-****.


                    1. because war was a forgone conclusion, with the way bush was rarin' to go.
                    2. saddam is a total jackass
                    3. bush and co were completely disinterested in attempting to win the hearts and minds of the world before the war, so it doesn't matter who was with us or against us
                    4. any military confrontation would eventually result in an american military victory
                    5. it's an nasty pandora's box that was going to be opened, and now that it is open, it's going to do nothing but screw everyone over for a long while.

                    frankly, it doesn't matter. the war was going to happen, and it will be a mistake in the long run. simple as that. there's no point to be pro-war or anti-war, because they way it was setup and structured left little or no room for any other outcome.

