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World wide protest
Originally posted by Dissident
people are sensible in my city.Las Vegas.....sensible......
Originally posted by Dissident
we are realists. true we have no community spirit.
We focus on more important things like making money. and women, and booze, and fine dining.
Its supposed to be a nice day so I hope for 5-6 K.
Degrees Kelvin?
/me shiversBlog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at
Winnipeg is famous for its cold winters. I was using K as a symbol for thousand.
I guess it could also have meant 5-6 kryptonite units - that would keep us from being bothered by at least one American super hero.There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.
I'm sorry. I've come to the conclusion that protestors only care about themselves.
This is complete bull****. There should be massive protests protesting the horror that has been going on in Iraq the past 15 years. Why has this not happened?
Are these protestors that dense to not realize we are helping people. Do the Iraqis cheering in the cities we have taken mean nothing?
I have come to the conclusion that anti-war protestors are the stupidest people to ever live on the planet at any time. They are even more stupid than other homo erectus, neandertals and all primates.
I posted this in the other thread. It all seems so clear now.
I have come to some conclusions. I am sure to offend people.
I believe anti-war protestors are selfish *******s who only care about themselves and their own circle of friends and family. They have no regards whatsoever for other people.
These same people should have been protesting the conditions in Iraq for the past 15 years. Why haven't they? Do they not care that we are helping Iraqis? And that by going to war with Iraq we are actually saving civilian lives. Do they not care about the Iraqis cheering in the towns we have taken. No, they only care about them and getting media attention.
I have come to the conclusion that war protestors are attention whores. They can care less about other people throughout the world. They only want attention. What's even worse is they are not emotional and mentally mature. When they were cuffed in San Francisco they were thrashing their bodies about like little toddlers. They were essentually throwing a temper tantrum. They made complete asses of themselvs. I used to respect anti-war protestors, but no more. I realize them for the idiots they are. They are nothing more than petty anarchists and attention whores.
I also think that a fair number them are equivalent to forum trolls. I have determined this by the stupid statements they have made. They seem to hate america no matter what good we do. They say that america deserved the 9/11 attacks and that our attacks on hirsoshima and nagasaki are the reason the WTC was attacked. To them every nation in the world is always right, and the U.S. is always wrong. And then this stupid broad said why don't we invade Tibet then? She doesn't realize that would start the third world war, and we'd get our asses kicked. We also don't invade North Korea because we'd get our asses kicked. We would have got our asses kicked in Africa as well, because we do have not support bases out there. We can only help were we are able unfortunately. We are not strong enough as a nation to be able to help every country in the world. We only help were we can, and Iraq is one of those.
And then the blood for oil argument. We didn't know for sure if we'd get that oil. If we wanted it we could have taken it in 1991. And we still faced the possibility he would blow up all the oil fields. There was a good chance we would get no oil. So you cannot say this is blood for oil. We have been lucky so far most of the wells are undamaged or lightly damaged. And lastly, it is not our oil. The oil belongs to the Iraqi people.
I know I have said in the past that liberals are trolls (that thread was deleted). I am wrong about that. I realize that many liberals are for this war. So I apoligize for that. Phil Hendrie said he was a liberal tonight, but he supports the war. So I am wrong about liberals. But I do realize that war protestors are trolls.
So what's the best thing to do to trolls? Ignore them.
So I am now ignoring all protestors. I wish the media would do so also. I can gurantee you that if there were no media coverage, there would be no protestors. You ever notice how the protests have escalated with the advent of television/movie cameras and such?
So I am no longer protesting the protesters. I am ignoring them as the trolls they are.Last edited by Dis; March 22, 2003, 04:52.
I have come to the conclusion that war protestors are attention whores. They can care less about other people throughout the world. They only want attention.
Unless you have been on every protest how can you make such generalizations?
And I have seen protests in London on TV. These were mostly kids from highschool. I was very unimpressed.
Protests in general are a good thing because in a republic there is no other way to let the govt know how you feel right now