The following thread has nothing at all to do with the present conglict, I have long been absent from this great hall of OT, I doubt any of you remember me, as I never made much of an impression. Please Read the following embodiment of a recent revelation I had.
In the Middle Ages, not the High middle ages, or the Crusades, but rather all those times we look sorrowfully upon as Fuedal, until only a relitively recent date, speaking in the broad terms of History, the world, or at least a goodly portion of it, was entrapped by a group of people who felt it their birthright to be superior to those around them. Those who fell around them, in the earlier times bound to the land, were called serfs, and were bound to their masters with the land, surrendering the toil of their hands for little apparent reason.
They, of course, were handing away their toil to the Nobles, the High lords, who lead the good life, and deserved, through blood or some other intangiable assset, to receive this toil.
The World has changed, but there is still a single group of individuals protected feircely by the government, and you and me, those people of the earth who work, face the new nobles, greater in number and influence than ever before.
Masquerading under the banner of Social Equity these nobles have risen, but I ask you to recognise true social equity. We are exploited my freind, by those who prosper under 'progressive' Socialist Regimes.
The poor, the unemployed, look to them, and bow.
For serfs one need look no further than the nearest Mercades, or the nearest taxpayer. We, the exploited workers of society have risen in stature, but we remain slaves.
We earn our bread, why should the government seek to take any portion of our earnings away? And if it truely must, why does it seek to discriminate against the wealthy? I am not a wealthy person, but my heart goes out to them whenever it comes time to pay taxes, they see massive percentages of their tax dollars seized, through threat of force, and imprisonment, to help those they will likely never see. Those who dare to exploit us, the common worker, alongside our wealthier bretheren.
But if you truely believe in Social Equity you will turn a blind eye to their prosperity, for when one judges, two groups are rarely equal. The current travesty of Affirmative action is played out on an economic scale, rather than allowing all men to be free and equal, we place some before others, as long as those few were once used. It was wrong when they were used, exploited, it is no better now that they crack the whip.
Oppose me if you will, call me a liar and blasphemer, but I speak the truth, Equality is for the blind, and while we continue to tax progressively, as long as Income tax is divided into 'Brackets' there shall be no equality.
Mark my words, hate them if you will, but mark them. We do not live free men until we are free economically from our Lords and masters, who may take from us as they please.
In the Middle Ages, not the High middle ages, or the Crusades, but rather all those times we look sorrowfully upon as Fuedal, until only a relitively recent date, speaking in the broad terms of History, the world, or at least a goodly portion of it, was entrapped by a group of people who felt it their birthright to be superior to those around them. Those who fell around them, in the earlier times bound to the land, were called serfs, and were bound to their masters with the land, surrendering the toil of their hands for little apparent reason.
They, of course, were handing away their toil to the Nobles, the High lords, who lead the good life, and deserved, through blood or some other intangiable assset, to receive this toil.
The World has changed, but there is still a single group of individuals protected feircely by the government, and you and me, those people of the earth who work, face the new nobles, greater in number and influence than ever before.
Masquerading under the banner of Social Equity these nobles have risen, but I ask you to recognise true social equity. We are exploited my freind, by those who prosper under 'progressive' Socialist Regimes.
The poor, the unemployed, look to them, and bow.
For serfs one need look no further than the nearest Mercades, or the nearest taxpayer. We, the exploited workers of society have risen in stature, but we remain slaves.
We earn our bread, why should the government seek to take any portion of our earnings away? And if it truely must, why does it seek to discriminate against the wealthy? I am not a wealthy person, but my heart goes out to them whenever it comes time to pay taxes, they see massive percentages of their tax dollars seized, through threat of force, and imprisonment, to help those they will likely never see. Those who dare to exploit us, the common worker, alongside our wealthier bretheren.
But if you truely believe in Social Equity you will turn a blind eye to their prosperity, for when one judges, two groups are rarely equal. The current travesty of Affirmative action is played out on an economic scale, rather than allowing all men to be free and equal, we place some before others, as long as those few were once used. It was wrong when they were used, exploited, it is no better now that they crack the whip.
Oppose me if you will, call me a liar and blasphemer, but I speak the truth, Equality is for the blind, and while we continue to tax progressively, as long as Income tax is divided into 'Brackets' there shall be no equality.
Mark my words, hate them if you will, but mark them. We do not live free men until we are free economically from our Lords and masters, who may take from us as they please.