Lee Roy Shaddock passed away last night . He was my Papa's best friend and he was a kind and gentle man with a deep voice and huge hands...and a bald head that got him the nickname Uncle Smoothie.
He began having strokes a few years ago after having had polio in his legs as a child, broken hips, and an aneurism in 89. But through it all he quietly smiled and kept a brave face.
This last bout had a small window of opportunity for him to rehabilitate....a window his daughters didn't want to take and convinced their mother, my 70 year old Aunt Frieda Mae, to sign alot of papers they shoved in front of her and stop his physical therapy....finally..they decided to remove his feeding tube...and his death came about quickly as he was starved to death and denied his medicines. In the end, he was a fully conscious man trapped inside his body who spoke to you with his eyes and did his best hold your hand or necklace. He always loved hugs and people sitting with him though he could not communicate...but he was able to smile once in awhile...especially when i called him handsome or mentioned my papa (who died of stoke complications 8 years ago)...i wanted you all to know him and know that he existed.....you all would have loved him as i do.
He began having strokes a few years ago after having had polio in his legs as a child, broken hips, and an aneurism in 89. But through it all he quietly smiled and kept a brave face.
This last bout had a small window of opportunity for him to rehabilitate....a window his daughters didn't want to take and convinced their mother, my 70 year old Aunt Frieda Mae, to sign alot of papers they shoved in front of her and stop his physical therapy....finally..they decided to remove his feeding tube...and his death came about quickly as he was starved to death and denied his medicines. In the end, he was a fully conscious man trapped inside his body who spoke to you with his eyes and did his best hold your hand or necklace. He always loved hugs and people sitting with him though he could not communicate...but he was able to smile once in awhile...especially when i called him handsome or mentioned my papa (who died of stoke complications 8 years ago)...i wanted you all to know him and know that he existed.....you all would have loved him as i do.