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Wars, movies and our perceptions

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  • #16
    Has anyone ever seen Johnny got his gun?

    I admit I only watched it because of the Metallica song .

    That was about WWI if I recall correctly. But it was made during the anti-war early 70's.

    And is Full Metal Jacket really anti-war? I didn't get that impression. I got neither pro-war nor anti-war vibes from that movie. Only that war is/was hell.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GePap

      You have to take into acount the politics of the time:

      1910's: the few movies made at this time are pro-war, due to the Us involveemnt in WW1. Example, wings.

      From 1920's to 1940: relatively anti-war. Movies are either commedies about war, like Duck Soup or Great Dictator, or anti-war like All is Quiet on the Western Front.

      1940-1960's: movies are either pro-war during the war, or we get these giant war spectacles like Battle of the Bulge. We also get some more quite films like Battlefield (or is it Battleground?) that explore the lives of a few men in battle. The end of this era comes with things like the Green Berets, John Wayne's pro-vietnam movie.

      1970's anti-war movies geenrally, though not many are made about vietnam very quickly but instead wait until the late 70's.

      1980s' during Reagan's time you had a few ani-war things like Platoon and far more por-war movies, since it was the time of batle against the evil empire, so we get things like rambo or Red Dawn.
      Yeah, i guess it makes a bit more sense that way. I was looking at the subject matter only, not the time period it was made. I'm not nearly familiar enough with movies to say, though.
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