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The problem with governments...

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  • #16
    Of course, being gay is just as bad a quality as being stupid.
    come on now, that's uncalled for
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Arrian
      Ok, so you're also arguing for a Parliamentary system to replace our Republican system.

      Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think such a system would have difficulty doing anything. Therefore, I like it.

      If your going to have a titular leader, they would have
      to be elected by the representatives (like a PM) or
      you could lottery the position among the representatives and have a President (and maybe President H. Simpson). Or you could have an elected President and the senate and congress by lottery of voters.

      If the goal is representative government, you can use
      lottery methods rather than voting and actually get a
      more representative government (way more women,
      for example would be representatives just on the math)


      • #18
        We could make a reality TV show where the winner gets to take the oath of office, and the we can follow him/her threw the term. We'll let America decide by calling in on a 800 number or, if the have text mssging, they can text their message. We will give them 24 hours to send in their vote, and widdle them down one by one. We can have them compete in mental and physical challenge, debate, perform domestic and foreign policy, and date really annoying people. In the final episode the final contestants will compete on in a serious of "stunt" like walking a tight rope, eating worms, and driving a car off the bridge...

        We will call it: Who Wants To Be An American President In Order To Spread The Fear Factor For Survival... sponsered by Coke (of course)

        Heck, and can't be any worse then watching Florida fudge another poll, we'll just let AT&T handle it.


        • #19
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #20
            Democracy is not necessary voting, The ancient Athenian
            citizen would likely serve two terms of office in their lifes.
            The athenian "democracy", a chosen few commanding a horde of nameless, powerless slaves.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Azazel

              The athenian "democracy", a chosen few commanding a horde of nameless, powerless slaves.
              Not glorifing Athenian society, with their slaves and
              metrics. Just trying to make the point democracy is not tried to voting, but representative government.


              • #22
                Originally posted by red_jon

                Hey, disempowering the stupid is better than electing them as president.

                Ba-dum-bum tish.
                No taxation without representation.


                • #23
                  I agree with Ozz. Even Saddam was "elected" - no democracy. Similarly Alpha Oumar Konare was "elected" - model of democracy.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Japher
                    We could make a reality TV show where the winner gets to take the oath of office, and the we can follow him/her threw the term. We'll let America decide by calling in on a 800 number or, if the have text mssging, they can text their message. We will give them 24 hours to send in their vote, and widdle them down one by one. We can have them compete in mental and physical challenge, debate, perform domestic and foreign policy, and date really annoying people. In the final episode the final contestants will compete on in a serious of "stunt" like walking a tight rope, eating worms, and driving a car off the bridge...

                    We will call it: Who Wants To Be An American President In Order To Spread The Fear Factor For Survival... sponsered by Coke (of course)

                    Heck, and can't be any worse then watching Florida fudge another poll, we'll just let AT&T handle it.
                    *wipes tear from eye*

                    That was good, Japher.

                    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                    • #25
                      Even though Athens' voting requirements were tight, thet were no more tighter than in some US states early on. Of hhat I've read an Athenian could vote if they were all these things. (Thee requirements at the time of PM Pericles.):

                      Owned land
                      Was born in the city-state

                      Athenians had a lottery because they feared corruption, and they belived everybody could hold at least some public office in thier lifetime.

