I totally agree with Wernazuma III
No. The fact that you are supporting a bloodly war with no reason is what makes you a murderer. American society is sick. You are just admiting it. Perhaps you agree with the war because you, as an american, has never seen real death on the streets, you haven't seen your country destroyed by dictatorships implanted by the USA, You haven't seen your country's resources being stolen by foreing corporations, You haven't seen the children dying of hunger in the streets while a fat bussinessman is tossing tons of good food to the garbage. You'll probably now turn on your T.V. and watch a funny serie in sony entretainment television and enjoy the ''american way of life'' while in countries on africa, on Irak,and in many other places people are dying and paying with their bloods so that you can enjoy your american way of life.
Ii hope that there aren't many americans that think like you, but sadly a lot of them think like you. By admitting that you want war and innocent people to die just reinforces the anti-americanism i feel in my heart.
A country whose people think like you just doesn't deserve to be the world's superpower.
So that makes me a criminal?
Ii hope that there aren't many americans that think like you, but sadly a lot of them think like you. By admitting that you want war and innocent people to die just reinforces the anti-americanism i feel in my heart.
A country whose people think like you just doesn't deserve to be the world's superpower.