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It's the balance of powers theory and nothing else

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  • #31
    Sorry, I assumed that US didn't count as a country that supported the US. I guess that means that US actions are never unilateral because they are supported by US.
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


    • #32
      IMO Ned is doing some good arguing...

      at least better than I could.

      So what does the US need Blix for? They can clearly fabricate their own evidence.
      Yes, the US doesn't need Blix, but who does? The UN, or more importantly France and Germany. So the reall question is what do these two countries need Blix for? Since they obviously don't bother to acknowledge the evidence that he finds.

      Why do they need Blix? To hide all the German made weapons that Sadam is holding on to, including WoMD. To by-pass sites that would uncover the deep rooted bonds between Iraq, Germany, and France that are already far too obvious, but lacks a "smoking gun" that even if found would be denied, covered-up, or ignored... He is doing the bidding of the axis of banana, working for petty cash to protect the economy of the EU, which was establish with dirty money made through war, oppresion, and African diamonds. France and Germany's empire rests on them washing their hands clean, yet the proof of pudding lies within the sands of the middle east... So, send in the Blix. The Axis might even have a couple of things on him so that, if need be, the can use him as a 'scapegoat for all their nullygaging and finger pointing.

      Just a thought, I am not a conspiracy theorist, just someone who has seen to many movies...


      • #33
        Well I would like to ask a question. I would start a thread but I think that Ming would most likely close it so I am asking it here, how many of you think Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?? Or do you think that the US is faking it so they can go to war??

        Also the French are opposed to US not for any noble reasons. They want to be a world power and its better for them is Saddam stays in power.
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        • #34
          How many believe Saddam when he claims to have gotten rid of him weapons?? I sure dont. He still has them and he has dreams of becoming a world power and controlling most of the middle east and its oil.
          He does have connections to terriorist groups, he pays the families of sucide bombers in Isreal. People say he would never hand weapons of mass destruction to terriorist. BUt if you really think about it, as of now he has no way of direclty attacking the US, so the only way he could attack the US if he used terrorist. Think of it as a delivery system, like a missle carrying the stuff instead of terrorist, and I am sure Saddam sees it that way too. I dont know why people think Saddam would not do it, with bio weapons it would be pretty easy to do and with a dease like small pox would not need that much, and I think he would be willing to do that.

          I would not be sad to see Saddam go. The world will be a better place without him. Allthough they sould have done this in 1991, and we would never had any of this mess.

          Also with the UN, is useless and its words are mean nothing. France sure did a good job of making sure of that.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • #35
            US is faking it.
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #36
              Interesting thread. It relates to my thread.

              Because when you are the sole superpower, other countries will test your power to see if you belong at the top.

