If you want to subsidize R&D I don't have a problem with that, but that is another issue.
look at that dumbass bush for example. in his state of the union address he said he wants to pump more gas AND subsidize fuel cell cars. i almost broke my tv when i heard that. by pumping more gas, he will decrease price of gas and by subsidizing fuel cell cars, he will also decrease price, meaning that relatively, there is no change. do one or the other, but not both. what a waste of money.
you wanna have a cleaner environment? let the price of gas rise. that way people will switch to cheaper methods of making stuff. now you say that to do that you wanna tax it. lets see. how do we determine how much to tax it. because if we tax it too much, then we will artifically kill the economy which is based on gas, and if we tax it too little, well then we still have a market failure dont we?