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Hallucinations: A story

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  • Hallucinations: A story

    Every once in a while, every one of us needs a vacation from reality. Narcotics are simply the easiest way to do so. On tuesday night, after days of intense studying, I decided to go on a trip of my own. This girl told me that she had gotten her hands on a large quantity of mushrooms and asked if I wanted any. I immediately bought two eighths for $70 and consumed most of one of the eighths. About a minute after I ate them, a girl who is in my Statistics class and my Economics class informed me that we had a test the next day. Now, being in a state of constant lack of sleep, I have been known from time to time to forget what day it is, and I thought she was talking about Economics. I already knew that there was a Statistics test, but those tests are exeedingly easy. I had not studied for any Econ test at all, and I had just swallowed nearly an eighth of mushrooms.

    I went into my friend's room, where my 3 fellow trippers (they had taken them about 2 hours earlier) were hanging out. I told them what happened and predicted that it would bring me down the whole trip. One of my friends who wasn't tripping pointed out that there was really nothing else I could do about the situation and I should just enjoy the trip. I thought it was good advice, and as the shrooms started to kick in, the characteristic good-feeling smile came across my face. Sure enough, I was having a good time.

    But in the back of my mind, the Econ test the next day was lurking. The tingly good feeling that spreads across your body was building up as were the visuals. Soon, however, my trip split ways. There was the good physical feeling and the cool visuals, but my emotions dragged me into a bad trip. The Econ test triggered a sense of self-stupidity, laziness, selfishness and self-hatred. I began to worry excessively about my car since I hadn't moved it and I would get a $150 dollar ticket and possibly have it towed if I didn't move it. But I was still tripping balls and did not feel straight enough to move it. My shroomed up mind extrapolated a parking ticket and an Econ test into an utter sense of self-regret and failure.

    At about 6 in the morning, I decided I had to move my car even though I was still tripping. I was coming down, though, so I thought it would be okay if I just moved it to a side street. As soon as I started driving, I straightened out considerably (even though I had another 2 hours of tripping) and decided to park it at my dad's house and walk back to the dorms. When I got back after the cold half-hour walk, I laid down and watched my wall as the bumps in the material formed the shapes of horses and tarantulas. Right before I went to sleep, I thought again about the Econ test and realized that I didn't have Econ until Thursday, so the girl must have just been talking about the Statistics test, which I didn't worry about. I slept from 8 in the morning until 6 at night.

    When I got up, I went to my statistics test and aced it. On my way walking over to the building, I realized that my overwhelming sense of failure had exited my body as the shrooms had exited my body. A good 10 hours of sleep had rebuilt my brain and I realized that everything was good. I also realized that the real hallucinations last night had been emotional, not visual.
    "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson

  • #2
    Post Script

    Please post replies and hallucination stories of your own
    "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


    • #3
      I could have sworn i saw an article about members of congress having french fries renamed - check this out - freedom fries!


      Guess i'll have to cut down on the caffeine, right?!

      FREEDOM fries! LOL



      • #4
        During the summer of 2002 i had gotten in the habit of staying up for 36 hours at a time and sleeping for 18 hours of sleep at time. since my friends couldnt fathom such an exsistence i wanted to prove to them that i could go further.

        So i decided to go 48+ hours without sleep without any aides such as god, around hour 46 i started getting visual hallucinations of color shifting, and dark spots. hour 49 i started getting audio hallucinations of people talking. hour 51 remember a friend of mine asking me if i wanted to smoke some weed, and in my infinite wisdom i said yes, smoked a bowl, passed out not more than 20 minutes later.

        The dreams i had were the best dreams i ever had. total lucid dreaming but living 100 lives as 100 different people both famous (like caeser) and not so famous (like a vietkong jungle warfare technician). I had a feeling of being at total peace with the universe. about 24 hours after i passed out i woke up in my bed. some of my mates dropped me off at my house and tucked me into bed like to think i was brought home by god.
        "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
        'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


        • #5
          "hour 49 i started getting audio hallucinations of people talking"
          I've gotten those from not enough sleep too. Back when I was living at home, I would be working on my computer, listening to music on my headphones, and I could swear that beyond the headphones someone was calling my name...

          That's actually a rather heartwarming story, MRT.
          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
          Drake Tungsten
          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
          Albert Speer


          • #6
            Mushrooms are like a sensory amplifier. Your visuals are more like distortions of what's already there, and your sense of touch is made highly sensitive. Music pulsates and you sort of breathe it in. The reason I had such a downer trip was because that one little mistake I made about the test was amplified many times over to put me in a hole of self-pity. Most trips I have had have been very good, because I feel good at the outset and the mushrooms just multiply that feeling. I have only had one other bad trip, and it was a day trip. When you take them, you pretty much have to have the next 8 hours to kill, otherwise you can come down hard. During orientation at GW, I took some shrooms around noon time, forgetting that I had to go see an academic adviser to select my classes. When I realized that I had to go, I became very paranoid. I sat in a classroom waiting on another student to get done, and I was looking at the wall. It was a spackle paint job, and as I looked at it, the spackle coalesced into George Washington's face. That was not a very good trip.
            "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


            • #7
              Was it a good meeting with your academic adviser?

              You go to George Washington University, in D.C.?
              "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
              Drake Tungsten
              "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
              Albert Speer


              • #8
                No, I went my freshman year, and then this last year I transferred to Rutgers University in New Jersey
                "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


                • #9
                  how did the meeting turn out though?
                  "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                  Drake Tungsten
                  "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                  Albert Speer


                  • #10
                    It was okay, and he was probably to dumb to know I was tripping, but it wasn't that bad of a trip because I chalked it up to wierdness rather than a personal flaw of mine. He was an idiot anyway.
                    "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


                    • #11
                      In my freshman year of college I had had a troubling experience with alcohol, so the next day I decided that it'd be a good idea to test my tolerance with shots of 100 proof Absolut vodka, which I did at 2:00 in the afternoon. I did this, took about eight shots, and an alarm on my PDA sounded (much to my entertainment) telling me I had an advisors appointment. I ended up signed up for a damn Linguistics class 2 hours before I would've normally had to get up on Mon/Wed/Fri, and everyone who saw me on my walk/journey up to my advisor's office said I was a complete baffoon. I know at least that I was leaning on some friends who'd passed. Needless to say they were completely sober. That was really good semester anyway.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MRT144
                        During the summer of 2002 i had gotten in the habit of staying up for 36 hours at a time and sleeping for 18 hours of sleep at time. since my friends couldnt fathom such an exsistence i wanted to prove to them that i could go further.

                        So i decided to go 48+ hours without sleep without any aides such as god, around hour 46 i started getting visual hallucinations of color shifting, and dark spots. hour 49 i started getting audio hallucinations of people talking. hour 51 remember a friend of mine asking me if i wanted to smoke some weed, and in my infinite wisdom i said yes, smoked a bowl, passed out not more than 20 minutes later.

                        The dreams i had were the best dreams i ever had. total lucid dreaming but living 100 lives as 100 different people both famous (like caeser) and not so famous (like a vietkong jungle warfare technician). I had a feeling of being at total peace with the universe. about 24 hours after i passed out i woke up in my bed. some of my mates dropped me off at my house and tucked me into bed like to think i was brought home by god.
                        During finals, I went into the bathroom to wash my face, but I couldt see my own reflection. Where reflection should was just a blur and nothignness...

                        Weed suppresses REM sleep, but since REM sleep has to be made up if you didnt have it, The amount of REM sleep you have multiplies the next time you sleep. Im guessing that you got sober while you were asleep and in addition to you staying awake so long, that your brain was going thru extensive period of REM state.

                        Shrooms are cool but I haven't had much visual hallucination with it yet (while lack of sleep, sleeping pills, and even pot was successful). I mostly experience auditory hallucination. Its prolly cause I like to go thru my music collections while Im in altered state of mind.


                        • #13
                          Oh yea, I have the most completely f*cked up dreams when I haven't had much sleep.

                          One time, I actually saw God. What it was was basically an array of colors with a light in the middle, and it spoke with a womans voice. It got real mad when I got the thought that "hey, this is just a dream," and stopped believing in it for a brief period. The yelling the insued jostled me awake.

                          Another time I was fighting the devil, but seemed to feel really bored doing it. I was with some buds down in hell, hiding in a trench with the devil barely even noticing us, but I must kept attacking it. I was using this little glass rods that came out of my wrists. They seemed to hurt the devil. I dunno what that might mean.

                          Still another time I was on my couch conked out after pulling an all-nighter, and after what I know was a short bout of sleep I was *kind of* woke up. Basically I'm pretty sure I opened my eyes, and I knew exactly what was in front my eyes while I was laying there....and then these little gnomes started attacking me! I mean the little buggers were in an organized march about to slaughter me with their picks and sickles. I got scared that even though I was pretty damn sure this was a dream...I also thought I was *awake* because I was seeing the little guys marching through the picture of what I knew was the view from my couch. Anyway, I got really scared that maybe real life is like the Matrix, and the little gnomes were attacking my mind, and I might not be alive if they kill that. I kept trying to wake myself up! I kept barely feeling my eyes open, and I was yelling at myself to wake up.

                          Anyway, I was real calm after all of these dreams, except the God one (for a bit). Like I said, I have really f*cked up dreams when I don't get a lot of sleep.


                          • #14
                            One time I had a dream that God had let heaven get out of hand, and people were all messing things up, and god (in the shape of Woody Allen) needed my help to reorder things!
                            "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                            Drake Tungsten
                            "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                            Albert Speer


                            • #15
                              Most lucid dreams can start out with "real life" settings. It often takes place in where you last slept because it is the most convincing dream that yo are not dreaming (and have not fallen asleep yet).

                              You gotta look for signs... Gnomes are definte signs that you can start lucidating if yo realize it

