cut those too. They aren't needed- esp. if there is no drought.
No announcement yet.
How long will it take to repair the damge to America done by the Bush regime
I was thinking of just how evil Republicans have been over the years. Republicans began building the transcontinental railway system during Lincoln's first term. Eisenhower began building the interstate highway system. Eisenhower also began building the St. Lawrence Seaway. Teddy Roosevelt built the Panama Canal.
Evil, Evil Republicans. So harmful to America.
Before 9/11, Bush wanted to rebuild the American educational system. However, he got really sidetracked on that issue by Ted Kennedy, who never saw a public school he did not like, even thouhg he would never send his kids to be educated by one.
Evil George Bush. Evil Republicans.
Yes, let's get back to a Democrat adminstration where sex scandals are the semen of the news and where higher taxes, more government social programs and appeasement of America's enemies are the motis operandi. Who cares, after all, about the private sector. They are, after all, only greedy capitalists. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
If they save, then that money will be invested, and will help down the line.
However, Baby Boomers defy historical age trends anyway. There is no telling if they will save like previous 50ish people did. Baby Boomers have proven to be highly materialistic.
Hell, my father is over 50, and he just bought a new HDTV and DVD player.
"I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
Originally posted by Ned
Before 9/11, Bush wanted to rebuild the American educational system. However, he got really sidetracked on that issue by Ted Kennedy, who never saw a public school he did not like, even thouhg he would never send his kids to be educated by one."When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Originally posted by Ned
I was thinking of just how evil Republicans have been over the years. Republicans began building the transcontinental railway system during Lincoln's first term. Eisenhower began building the interstate highway system. Eisenhower also began building the St. Lawrence Seaway. Teddy Roosevelt built the Panama Canal.
Evil, Evil Republicans. So harmful to America.
Before 9/11, Bush wanted to rebuild the American educational system. However, he got really sidetracked on that issue by Ted Kennedy, who never saw a public school he did not like, even thouhg he would never send his kids to be educated by one.
Evil George Bush. Evil Republicans.
Yes, let's get back to a Democrat adminstration where sex scandals are the semen of the news and where higher taxes, more government social programs and appeasement of America's enemies are the motis operandi. Who cares, after all, about the private sector. They are, after all, only greedy capitalists."When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Originally posted by DuncanK
btw, you make good points Ned. The dems suck pretty bad.
Evil evil communists, arent they?I mean, the communists promote equality for all....SO DO THE DEMS!
Only communists raise taxes, right? THE DEMS DO THAT TOO!!!
Then they fund those evil evil social program
But then again, all they want is MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE.....Those evil CAPITALISTS!!!!!!
And lets not get in about how the dems dont want to go in and begin slaughtering innocent civiliansI mean why not? Red *IS* the color of the gawd-damned red flag, so why wouldnt they want to see it? Plus, its a kewl color
And argh!!! Those dems want us to be able to SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!!!See how unpatriotic they are?!
They wanna preserve protests, flag burning, free speech.....This is completly outrageous.
And those unpatriotic democrats actually LISTEN TO WHAT OTHER COUNTRIES SAY!!!!Dont they understand that the rest of the world is simply there to serve US?! We should enslave the fools!
But the most ridiculous things the dems do (at least the males) is having sexI mean come on, WHO HERE IN AMERICA would ever do such a thing?! Sex is virtually nonexistent in OUR society....
We must oust all democrats IMMEDIATELY lest we fall victim to their sinful crimes!!!
Originally posted by DuncanK
You don't still believe that crap do you? Come on when someone tells you a lie call it a lie.
Perhaps now that the Republicans hold the Senate we can see some real action on education. We really need to do something to improve public schools. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Originally posted by Ned
Actually, Bush did a really good job on education in Texas. He planned to take some of those ideas and with him to Washington and make it a high priority. Then he ran into a Democrat Senate and got nowhere fast.
Perhaps now that the Republicans hold the Senate we can see some real action on education. We really need to do something to improve public schools."When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Evil evil communists, arent they?I mean, the communists promote equality for all....SO DO THE DEMS!
Only communists raise taxes, right? THE DEMS DO THAT TOO!!!
Then they fund those evil evil social program
But then again, all they want is MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE.....Those evil CAPITALISTS!!!!!!
And lets not get in about how the dems dont want to go in and begin slaughtering innocent civiliansI mean why not? Red *IS* the color of the gawd-damned red flag, so why wouldnt they want to see it? Plus, its a kewl color
And argh!!! Those dems want us to be able to SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!!!See how unpatriotic they are?!
They wanna preserve protests, flag burning, free speech.....This is completly outrageous.
And those unpatriotic democrats actually LISTEN TO WHAT OTHER COUNTRIES SAY!!!!Dont they understand that the rest of the world is simply there to serve US?! We should enslave the fools!
But the most ridiculous things the dems do (at least the males) is having sexI mean come on, WHO HERE IN AMERICA would ever do such a thing?! Sex is virtually nonexistent in OUR society....
We must oust all democrats IMMEDIATELY lest we fall victim to their sinful crimes!!!
Democrats. Communists. Is there a difference, really? arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Why don't you tell us what the dems have actually done for us instead of all the crap they talk about doing?"When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Duncan, throwing money at public schools is the historical answer. It has not worked.
Did you know that the per capita amount we spend on students in public schools greatly exceeds that we spend on them in private schools. And yet, the quality of education in the private schools greatly exceeds that of public schools.
Money cannot be the issue. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Originally posted by Ned
Duncan, throwing money at public schools is the historical answer. It has not worked.
Did you know that the per capita amount we spend on students in public schools greatly exceeds that we spend on them in private schools. And yet, the quality of education in the private schools greatly exceeds that of public schools.
Money cannot be the issue."When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
"All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
"Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui
Democrats. Communists. Is there a difference, really?
Originally posted by DuncanK
Why don't you tell us what the dems have actually done for us instead of all the crap they talk about doing?
The communists (dems) havent done A BIT of good!!!!!Learn to read and then go re-read my post....
Originally posted by Ned
Actually, Bush did a really good job on education in Texas. He planned to take some of those ideas and with him to Washington and make it a high priority. Then he ran into a Democrat Senate and got nowhere fast.
Texas didn't improve education, they improved test scores, and no better than the national average for the same time. And that was done by teachers focusing on passing the tests rather than actually teaching kids how to learn and use the information in any useful way.
"According to NAEP, Texas fourth graders were slightly more proficient in reading in 1998 than they were in 1994. However, the country as a whole also improved to about the same degree. Thus, there was nothing remarkable about reading score gains in Texas. In contrast, the increase in fourth grade math scores in Texas was significantly greater than it was nationwide. However, the small improvements in NAEP eighth grade math scores were consistent with those observed nationally. The gains in scores between fourth and eighth grade in Texas also were consistent with national trends. In short, except for fourth grade math, the gains in Texas were comparable to those experienced nationwide during this time period.
In all the analyses, including fourth grade math, the gains on the TAAS were several times greater than they were on NAEP. Hence, how much a Texas student's proficiency in reading and math actually improved depends almost entirely on whether the assessment of that student's skills relies on NAEP scores (which are based on national content frameworks) or TAAS scores (which are based on tests that are aligned with Texas' own content standards and are administered by the classroom teacher)."
And the racial gap did not narrow at all, contrary to Bush's claims.
"In 1998, the mean fourth grade NAEP reading score for whites in Texas was one full standard deviation higher than the mean for blacks. To put this in perspective, the average black student was at roughly the 38th percentile among all Texas test takers whereas the average white student was at about the 67th percentile. This gap was slightly larger than the difference between these groups in 1994. In other words, the black-white reading gap actually increased during this four-year period. The same pattern was present in fourth and eighth grade math scores (see Figure 4a). "Tutto nel mondo è burla