I happen to be one of those women who get PMS really bad. I have only been married 3 months and until we got married he was a confirmed batchelor. Since we got married he has now been indoctrinated into the wonderful world of asking.........."honey why is there suddenly so much chocolate in the frige?" OOOopsss well......that would be me
This would be the second day. After the exorcist woman made an apperance ohhhhhhhh about 12 times yesterday, and the tears and the mood swings......yes after everything calmed down and we were cooking a late night snack, he calmly asked me if this was going to be an every month thing because he just didn't understand why I had to act that way and couldn't I just control it?
NEWSFLASH SPARKY!! NO! I can't. I've tried to explain to him that for the first day or two our hormones go crazy hence........we do.
I also tried to explain to him that I am not the only woman in the world who goes through this, but he didn't believe me.
We go to bed and are talking and if course he says something totally non confrontational or emotional like isn't the sky a lovely shade of blue which of course sends me into tears. Again, he can't understand and is completly sure that I am the only woman in the whole entire world that this happens to. I assured him he wasn't walking down main street naked on this one, and told him if he asked any of the guys he worked with who were married, g/f, s/o etc......that I am sure they could tell him just as many horror stories as he wanted.
Help a girl out here and tell me your PMS stories so that when he gets off work tonight I can show him this thread and he will know he isn't alone in the world of a woman with PMS.

This would be the second day. After the exorcist woman made an apperance ohhhhhhhh about 12 times yesterday, and the tears and the mood swings......yes after everything calmed down and we were cooking a late night snack, he calmly asked me if this was going to be an every month thing because he just didn't understand why I had to act that way and couldn't I just control it?
NEWSFLASH SPARKY!! NO! I can't. I've tried to explain to him that for the first day or two our hormones go crazy hence........we do.

We go to bed and are talking and if course he says something totally non confrontational or emotional like isn't the sky a lovely shade of blue which of course sends me into tears. Again, he can't understand and is completly sure that I am the only woman in the whole entire world that this happens to. I assured him he wasn't walking down main street naked on this one, and told him if he asked any of the guys he worked with who were married, g/f, s/o etc......that I am sure they could tell him just as many horror stories as he wanted.
Help a girl out here and tell me your PMS stories so that when he gets off work tonight I can show him this thread and he will know he isn't alone in the world of a woman with PMS.
