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Air Force Academy Rapes

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  • Air Force Academy Rapes

    More Air Force cadets speak out
    Friday, March 7, 2003 Posted: 9:25 PM EST (0225 GMT)

    Jessica Brakey says she was raped during a field training exercise when she was a sophomore at the Air Force Academy in 2000.

    DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Sharon Fullilove dreamed of flying fighter jets, while Jessica Brakey wanted to attend a school with discipline and honor. Both hoped the Air Force Academy would be a place where they would learn how to serve their country.

    Both say their dreams were shattered when they were raped by upperclassmen at the academy.

    They kept silent for months, worried that if they reported the assaults, their military careers would be over.

    "People have to understand, this is nothing like a normal college," said Fullilove, 21, whose own mother is an Air Force colonel stationed at the academy. "Upperclassmen are your superiors. You have to listen to them and obey their rules. You can't tell them to get out. I didn't feel safe."

    The Air Force has identified at least 54 allegations of rape or sexual assault at the academy outside Colorado Springs over the past 10 years, and officials say there are probably many more cadets who have not come forward.

    "What frightens me most is the climate that has affected so many others who have not come forward," Air Force Secretary James Roche said Thursday on Capitol Hill. "While we have seen, whatever the number is, 25, 50, there are probably a hundred more that we do not see."

    At the academy Friday, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper said he wants to root out any sexual predators still at the academy or in the Air Force.

    Jumper said the academy must ensure that conditions in its dormitories are "not conducive for would-be predators to be around females at the wrong time and in the wrong setting."

    He said he had no immediate plans to fire any commanders, but added, "Nobody has been absolved of anything, including me."

    Many cadets who made the reports say they were ostracized or reprimanded for infractions such as drinking alcohol or having sex in dormitories.

    Sharon Fullilove is now a student at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Fullilove spent one semester at the Air Force Academy, where she says she was raped by an upperclassman.
    Air Force officials and lawmakers say the crisis is as serious as the 1991 Tailhook scandal, when women were groped or assaulted by drunken pilots at a Navy booster group's convention at a hotel. The Air Force is investigating, and at least four U.S. senators have called for an outside inquiry.

    Cadet after cadet has told a similar story of arriving at the academy with the vision of being among the best. They formed strong bonds with classmates through training.

    But the women say the academy turned out to be a place where females are seen as weak.

    "During sexual assault awareness week, people told us that if you make it through all four years without being sexually assaulted, you're lucky," Fullilove said. "They also say if you want to have an Air Force career you should not report it."

    Fullilove was a freshman in November 1999 when, she said, an upperclassmen offered her a ride to her dorm from a campus lounge after dark.

    She said he stopped the truck, locked the doors and raped her. When he released her, she said she ran to her room and showered, and then shut herself in. When he stopped by her room two days later, she said she decided she could not stay at the academy and went home.

    A few months later, at her parents' coaxing, she reported the assault. "I was afraid that this would happen to someone else," she said.

    The case was closed with no arrests or punishment. Fullilove, who is now a biology major at the University of Arizona, said the man who raped her graduated and is in the Air Force.

    Her mother, Air Force Lt. Col. Michaela Shafer, said investigators treated the family poorly.

    "They told me my daughter was a liar," she said. "They looked me in the face, a fellow officer, a superior, and told me my daughter, who had been raped, was a liar."

    In the past 10 years, two Air Force cadets have been charged with rape, Roche said. One was acquitted, and the other pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven months in jail. Administrative action was taken in other cases because there was not enough evidence to prosecute, he said.

    Kate Summers, spokeswoman for the nonprofit Miles Foundation that helps victims of military violence, said most military sexual assault cases involve a subordinate female victim.

    "You can't make a blanket statement that men in the military are prone to violence, that's just not true," she said. "But there is a certain type of conditioning in the military as it relates to force. The training at the academies is the use of control and use of power, they're being trained to command. And some take it too far."

    Brakey said she was raped three years ago when she was a sophomore.

    "I didn't tell anyone because I kept thinking that since he didn't beat me or kill me I was fine, and maybe it was partially my fault," she said.

    She said her behavior grew erratic, her grades suffered and she started having nightmares.

    In November 2002, she reported her case to officials, who told her she was being investigated for mental health problems. No charges were filed against the suspect, and Brakey was dismissed for health reasons.

    If she is unable to return to the academy, she is planning to attend community college.

    "I still want to finish," the 23-year-old said. "I've been working for this forever."

    Really disgusting. Do any of the military people here experience anything like this in the service? It's a real shame people supposedly dedicated to protecting our country would do this to fellow cadets.
    "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

    "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand

  • #2
    You get roughly the same spectrum of society in the service academies and in the military in general as you do in the outside world - a certain number of *******s will get in, and you've got a range of criminal activity, from very minor, to very serious.

    Seven months on a guilty plea is ridiculous, though. Whoever handed down that sentence is a disgrace to the uniform.
    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


    • #3

      Ive read much on this. it is very sad. In my long and arduous application process to the academy, I was always told how honorable and blah blah blah everyone is... I was looking forward to hopefully attending, but im having second thoughts... if i was mislead about the integrity of the campus, what else have i been mislead about? This very unfortunate scandle is very sad for the obvious reason, and for the slight shade of uncertainty it casts on my once wel planned future...

      "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
      - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
      Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


      • #4
        Female cadets need to fight like hell, scratch, punch or whatever else they need to do. If there are injuries and the matter is reported it will be much harder to sweep under the rug. Even if a female cadet is murdered while resisting it will result in a change in this unfortunate culture of abuse.


        • #5
          A serious effort at investigation and prosecution, coupled with life at hard labor sentences for rape and two general article provisions would help too.

          Part of the problem is the whole upperclassman vs. plebes and cows system. What needs to be done there is the same thing done in the real service - look at the difference in rank as being rife for abuse, and proscribe sexual relationships between upper and lower classmen in the academies, the same way that in the real military they are proscribed between officers and enlisted, or between NCO's and enlisted in the same command - that way, even if the upperclassman claims consent, he's still a screwed goose, busted out of the academy, and hopefully with a nice bill to reimburse the taxpayer.
          When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


          • #6
            I'm still having trouble believing these stories.

            I'm sure rapes happend. But with cadet who are training to be officers? They aren't your average grunt.

            There is the possibility these women are making this up. But it's not PC to say that, so pretend I never said that

            but I was in the military and I never saw or heard about anyone getting raped. And we are talking about enlisted types.

            That's why this story is so shocking.

            Terrible news.


            • #7
              Yes dissistent, some rape accusations have been false, but I don't see how these women would benefit from accusing, and it seems they haven't.
              I wonder how many guys there do it, since of course they are going to do it again, again...
              That is just horrible.
              And the people who look the other way.


              • #8
                This is sad if it's true.


                • #9
                  Two threads aren't really needed...

                  Please continue this discussion here:

                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

