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Gay Palestinians flee from Gaza to Israel

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Boris Godunov

    I think it's a terrible strategy that is very short-sighted. First, I don't believe for a second that, even supposing the fairy-tale scenario of democracy in Iraq being successful, the U.S. will even consider going against the Saudis. If they did, it would be nothing short of a PR disaster with the Muslim world, as it would confirm to everyone what Bin Laden has been asserting all along--the U.S. is on an imperialist crusade to puppetize the Middle East. The outrage in the Muslim would it would spark would be terrible, and you'd see even those allied with us beginning to squirm, especially since their populations are already against the U.S. by large majorities. We'll see how long Musharraff holds off the religious fundamentalists after that.

    Plus, I seriously doubt the fantasy of a peaceful, democratic Iraq is going to happen. First there is the Kurd question, wherein we're sandwiched between Turkey and the Kurds, and then there's the Sunni/Shiite situation. What will the U.S. do when Iraq democratically elects a fanatical religious party opposed to U.S. interests? Invade again?

    First I dont think we'd threaten war on Saudi to get them to become a democracy. I do think we'd have leverage for a more forceful policy towards them though, which could involve making public any lack of cooperation in the war on terror, etc. People seem to think that because we're talking about using force in Iraq we would act the same way in all other situations. I think we'd be more subtle. Sorry if my own post gave the wrong impression.

    As for the question of democracy in Iraq, thats a big one to be sure, and is discussed on other threads i believe. you may well question the admins beliefs on this, but i think its clear that this IS their strategy.

    BTW - what if a fundie regime comes to power in Iraq - as long as they didnt develop WMD, support terrorism, or clamp down on democracy I'd suggest leaving them alone.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #17
      The Saudi environment is probably the most hostile in the world for homosexuals today, since the Taliban is gone
      People there should just decide not to be gay. ... just kidding.

      The outrage in the Muslim would it would spark would be terrible,
      huh? I don't know if it is just me, but does this make any sense at all. Could you translate for me Boris?

      I think both Boris and Mark have points, but what would be a middle ground here? Absolute power in that are, such as Saddam possess, seems to have successfully corrupted absolutly. We have a lot of interests in this area, but can't work with nutcases and murderers... at least not publicly. Restructure will be extremly difficult there, but what is your answer to it Boris? Leave it alone and it will go away?


      • #18
        well... leave it alone for 80 odd years... and the M.E. will become pretty much irrelevant, provided the general world populace can keep WMD's out of their hands, and prevent the psycho fundies from slamming planes into tall buildings.

        A number of people think that the current regimes will basically disintegrate and the countries will become more democratic when the funding basis for their regimes collapses... when the oil runs out.


        • #19
          What will happen to the middle east economies once a proper substitute for oil is discovered?
          Periodista : A proposito del escudo de la fe, Elisa, a mí me sorprendía Reutemann diciendo que estaba dispuesto a enfrentarse con el mismísimo demonio (Menem) y después terminó bajándose de la candidatura. Ahí parece que fuera ganando el demonio.

          Elisa Carrio: No, porque si usted lee bien el Génesis dice que la mujer pisará la serpiente.


          • #20
            Think Africa with less water


            • #21
              We, actually, don't have oil.


              • #22
                how do you run your lawn mowers then? *laughing*


                • #23
                  what does "lawn" mean?

