As we know today, size of standing army is no measure of national power, plus the US army was better equiped and better trained.
It was then, and as for the US Army better equipped and trained, LOL! A majority of the US forces in the war were volunteers. How well equipped and trained do you think they were?
All you have to look to is General Taylor, who wasn't even in active service before the war.
unless you think what European pundits think it the measure of truth.
Yes, I do. I believe that their views that Mexico would easily win is very, very telling.
Oh , and what about adding the Navies? After all, the rgeat power of the time, Britian, had a small army compared to any Continental power, but a great Navy. How big was the Mexican navy at the time?
About the same size of the American navy, which was small itself.
1848 was only 27 years after the Mexican revolution and Mexico had not established political unity yet.
Mexican armed forces were unified under Paredes and later Santa Anna, who had many more well trained men but was defeated time and time again by superior tactics. Especially when 20,000 Mexicans were stopped cold by 5000 Americans under Taylor's command (they should have learned that repeated charges against enforced defensive positions is stupid, even if it did work in the Alamo).