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  • Originally posted by paiktis22
    Linguistic studies have already concluded which languages are in danger of extinction and which are not.
    No language dies while somebody cares, Gaelic for
    example. Its not that english becomes a "first" language
    but a common tongue between peoples. Just like it
    allows us to have this thread. I would assume english
    is not your first language.


    • Originally posted by paiktis22
      Another matter is this: say me whom I consider as having a pretty good handle of the english language, I still feel limits to my expression of about 60% or 70%. This means I can use english and express only about 30% of what I want the way that I want it.
      Whereas in Greek that percentage is hugely higher.

      Generally different langauges are cool and Greek being the oldest continiously spoken language in Europe and the richest as well, rocks
      I see what you are saying. I think it's harder to express yourself with English even if you are proficient in using it. Are there more words in Greek to express yourself, or are you just able to express yourself in Greek better because it is your primary language?
      "When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Ladin"-Bill Maher
      "All capital is dripping with blood."-Karl Marx
      "Of course, my response to your Marx quote is 'So?'"-Imran Siddiqui


      • Originally posted by DuncanK

        I see what you are saying. I think it's harder to express yourself with English even if you are proficient in using it. Are there more words in Greek to express yourself, or are you just able to express yourself in Greek better because it is your primary language?
        Both I think. In Greek I can think (more often than not) the exact word to describe one though or one emotion that I want to express whereas in english most of the time I have to use an approximate word or more than one words.

        That can be beacuse I don't know the word in english, it doesn't exist or the specific meaning/specific feeling associated with it doesn't exist in the english speaking world. (as some might not exist in the two Greek speaking countries and Greek minorities in other countries). That's where the intricate relation between language and societal history/common experiences/specific societal codes enter into play.

        That is the same with everyone talking in a foreign language which is his second I think. There are necessairily limits in expression.


        • Originally posted by paiktis22
          Both I think. In Greek I can think (more often than not) the exact word to describe one though or one emotion that I want to express whereas in english most of the time I have to use an approximate word or more than one words.
          You can use "foreign" words in english, that is it's
          main strenght, alot of english isn't english at all ,but latin, french, and NA Indian.


          • About 80% of verbs in English derive from Greek through Latin. That presents some "easyness" to me (although some are altered almost beyond recognision) especially in what regards medical, philosophical and in general scentific terminologies.

            IMHO English as a language is quite precise but lacks somewhat in nuances.
            Of course there's no language which is superior to others (yes not even Greek ) since each language serves the societal needs of each linguistic group. So they're all equal according to most linguisists.
            Last edited by Bereta_Eder; March 5, 2003, 14:57.

