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Troubleshooting: My CD Drives won't work. Please help.

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  • #16
    *pling* BOT, high humidity is the Archenemy (TM) of electronics, but most thing are built with solid tolerances and I 'd expect other HW errors.
    However, Haifa is a coastal city, right? Seaside wind here in Denmark often carry with it a sticky kind of moisture. The Mediterranean is not as salt and I seem to remember that the stickyness is connected with salt, but it could still be an issue, if you're not living at least 500 m. inland?
    500m sounds about right.

    So I guess I should get my old x4 CD-ROM out.

    darn. I really don't want to do it. Maybe I'll just use this grant that I was given by college. Would be about enough for a burner and a couple or CDs, though.


    • #17
      When my HiFi CD player started that trick I eventually gave up on trying to fix it myself. I slung in in the car and drove back to Bristol with it, since I spend the weekends there and if I was going to let a shop look at it, best do it on the weekend.

      Not sure if it was the drive back or what, but trying it out there before I took it to the shop, it worked fine !

      Maybe a good clout around the laser would do it the world of good.

