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What are your best pranks?

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  • #16
    Oh yes, the wedge pennies into door frames trick
    [/Maxell Smart]
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


    • #17
      One of my friends nearly got suspended from high school abusing net send on our Win2K boxes. Our sysadmin left them enabled. net send is a primitive messaging command that pops up a window on a workstation with a simple message of your choice, on the computer of your choice.

      We had a really...erm...eccentric computer teacher, and he was bored, so upon my insistance he typed the following (paraphrased):
      net send * "You are in violation of the school's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Your account privledges have been suspended, please contact Mr. Donaldson at 4928 [or whatever his classroom phone code was] immediately."
      Apparently he didn't think it would do it, but all over all the computers in the school (150+) this message popped up instantly if someone was logged in. The phone didn't stop ringing all class with scared students, and even staff. What's more, for whatever reason, Win2K keeps a backlog of these messages if no one was logged in, and displays them the second someone logs in for the first time. So the messages kept appearing for days on various computers.
      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


      • #18
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #19
          Long long time ago when finger was still being used on *nix boxes, they ported the command over to VMS. A friend of mine figured out how to embedd a contol code sequence in his plan to cause the terminal of anybody who dared to give him the finger to hang solidly.
          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


          • #20
            The first day I moved into a new set of dorms, my roommate-to-be decided to take all my stuff, hide it amongst the dozen or so lockers down the hall in our dorm, and remove the sheets from my bed and hide them (knowing full well that I wouldn't get in until past midnight; the next day was a work day).

            About four months of mutual minor pranks and abuse later, I walked into our room and heard him snoring, loud enough that my earplugs couldn't block the noise. I couldn't sleep with that noise, and I had to wake up for work in 7 hours, so I threw various things at him, but he didn't wake up (fortunately, I missed when I threw his shoes at his face).

            To make a long story short, I ended up taking all his stuff and piling it up on top of him while he slept: all his clean shirts and dirty laundry, all 13 of his pairs of shoes, all his bathroom stuff, his university papers, everything that was on the floor on his side of the room, or in his closets or drawers. Included in the dirty laundry was a set of boxers in which he had gone swimming in a lake a week before, and which had been sitting on the bottom of his dirty laundry bucket since then (still wet); these got a special place immediately next to his face.

            Around this time, my other roommate came in, and went to bed to watch amusedly. The evil roommate slept on the bottom bunk of a bunkbed, so I took all his clothes hangers and hung them above his face from the underside of the top bunk, and used them to support a bottle of shampoo and a loose deck of cards. He was a street magician on the weekends, so he had about $100 in change in his closet, and so of course I spread it all around his bed (mostly near the crack between the bed and the wall). Around then, he turned over and stopped snoring. I was out of stuff to put on him, so I finished up by throwing his keys under the bed, and taking the bulb out of a metal lamp and putting the lamp on top of the pile so that when he got up it would fall and wake me up. I finished up around 02:30, an hour after I'd started.

            At 05:00 he woke up, but either the lamp didn't fall, or it didn't wake me up. He hit his head on the clothes hangers, and got smacked in the shoulder by a bottle of shampoo and drenched by a shower of playing cards. He sent about $50 down between his bed and the wall. He was pretty sure that I had done it, but he didn't know our other roommate too well (the other roommate was new), so the bastard threw a pair of wet shorts in the face of the other guy, and his wet boxers onto my face. Apparently I woke up about 20 seconds later with a revolted look on my face, and threw the boxers back at him, and we all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.

            The end result? He got to work late because he couldn't find his keys, and I spent the rest of the day with the foul taste of wet boxers in my mouth.

            I got the Jete from C.C. Sabathia. : Jon Miller


            • #21
              Last April Fools' day I was working in the janitorial department of a residential high school (the same place where the above took place). We had the three of use who worked in janitorial, plus one student who was working with us for the morning, sitting in the janitorial office and desperately not wanting to work. So we came up with a plan. I went to the school's computer lab and printed off about two sets of half a dozen or so signs, and we put them up on the bathroom doors around the campus. On the doors of the bathrooms in the classroom and administrative buildings, we put up signs that said, "Due to a septic tank overflow, this bathroom is out of service. Please use the dorm bathrooms." and on the doors to the dorm bathrooms, we put signs that said, "Due to a septic tank overflow... [etc.]. Please use the bathrooms in the administrative building." By break time we had a good hundred people running back and forth trying to find a bathroom that they could use, and by lunch the principal was ready to close the school for the rest of the day.

              I got the Jete from C.C. Sabathia. : Jon Miller


              • #22
                Okay, the guys were hanging out at Tony's house. He had a handgrenade paperweight, diffused of course, in his room. He and I were in there talking and I saw the grenade and commented on it. I said we should take it out to the living room where the guys were and pretend it was real. So I went out to the living room with the grenade in my hand and showed it to the guys. Tony followed me out and demanded that I give it back to him. We started wrestling over the grenade and I slid the pin out and dropped it on the floor and shouted, "oh sh!t", and Tony and I started running down the staircase. The guys were headed in all directions, the kitchen, the bedrooms, the stairs, even the balcony. Got 'em good.


                • #23
                  Ah yes, I had the misfortune to buy a shower gel that looked just like semen, and of course, the possibilities for jokes from this was endless. A friend of mine who I shared the house with had gone out to his girlfriends and was bringing her back as it was her birthday IIRC. So what we did was, we got some tissue and covered it in this semen-like shower gel and placed them on his bed...and with it an open copy of 'personal computer world' with some of this shower gel on for effect...he and his girlfriend reached the bedroom...LOL
                  Speaking of Erith:

                  "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                  • #24
                    I know its really childish and I should know better at the age of 33 but sometimes when a few mates and I have got together we have a running joke where we phone QVC and ask really stupid questions.

                    Not sure if you will think its funny but we have a funny sense of humour so it amuses us no end.

                    The idea is that your watching QVC and they are demonstrating some item, say an electric drill. Questions can be things like what sort of concrete does the drill work on, what colours do they come in etc. The funny bit is because the call handler at QVC is geared to take orders and are really teken aback by your questions i.e. they dont have the information you need and probably think your really thick. The key is to keep a serious voice and engage them in a serious and long conversation about laods of stupid issues relating to a particular item.

                    Try it.........


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                      Ah yes, I had the misfortune to buy a shower gel that looked just like semen, and of course, the possibilities for jokes from this was endless. A friend of mine who I shared the house with had gone out to his girlfriends and was bringing her back as it was her birthday IIRC. So what we did was, we got some tissue and covered it in this semen-like shower gel and placed them on his bed...and with it an open copy of 'personal computer world' with some of this shower gel on for effect...he and his girlfriend reached the bedroom...LOL
                      That is funny.

                      For the next time, replace shower gel with the real thing.
                      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                      • #26
                        A mate announced he was going to have a Hawaiian party in his flat. He agreed to let me send out the invites, which I did. Everyone was to come dressed as Hawaiians (grass skirts and bikinis, yippee!) and had two party missions. The first was to bring all the ingredients for a stipulated cocktail (which had to be made and sampled by everyone), the second was to bring 5 live pigeons.

                        The beauty of it was, the 30 or so guests all thought that everyone's party mission was different - only they were the ones bringing the pigeons. You can imagine their surprise when they add their five to the Avery that's became my mates flat! And it was almost impossible for my mate to get rid of them - they didn't do what he wanted and fluttered in totally the opposite direction to his shoeing. They got absolutely everywhere, and shat all over everything he owned.

                        He got a bit dark about it for a while, but now laughs at the memory along with the rest of us.


                        • #27
                          My best prank was in the military. We were in AIT, learning to use and throw grenades properly. For this we followd a course set out. At each stop there were grenades of a sort that didn't produce schrapnet. The bottom was dilled out, and the surface was notv scored. Yet the made a bang like a real one.

                          After training we had to po;ice up the used ones and turn in any that some idiot forgot to pull the pin on. We were all sitting around in a big circke picking through the grenades whenn I found one that still had a pin in it. Well, I pulled thecpin and let go the clip. and stuck it in my pocket while still holding it of course. I walked to the dumpster and casually droppped it in and storolled bacjk and sat down. BOOM! The drill instructers were ****ing luivid. We had to run all the way back to the barracks. I tolds nobody in AIT. EVer.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #28
                            Some friends of mine at uni could empty a person's entire room of everything, including furniture, and put it all in the lift in a couple of minutes then send it on a tour of the hall. God help you if you left your door unlocked when you popped out of your room on that floor.
                            Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
                            Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
                            We've got both kinds

