Okay, first off, for those of you who might be offended by vulgar language or crude humor, leaving this thread now may be in your best interests.
The sound clip I've attached isn't safe for work or families, so grab some headphones or make sure no one else is around that will care. 
Okay, that's my disclaimer.
Okay, now let the hilarity ensue.
Myself being in college, my friends and I like to play pranks on each other from time to time. My roomate, Evan, just turned 19 a few days ago, so my friends decided to play a little trick on him.
While he was out at class yesterday, sometime during the day my friends Se Won and Luke stop by, and stick a huge red dildo in Evan's sheets, since his bed is a mess and he won't find it until he goes to sleep.
Sooo... some hours later, Evan slips into his bed, and he feels something in his bed. Later, he told me he thought it was the phone, since sometimes he leaves stuff places by accident, and can hardly ever find the remote. As he starts feeling it, he finds that whatever it is it's rather sticky, so he starts to feel up and down it. He thinks to himself "Oh God, please don't let this be what I think it is." He pulls the thing out, stares at it for a split second, then chucks the thing across the room and it smacks against the door with a good, sticky thud.
He picks the thing up with a coupon and sticks it in a pizza box and ships it off to my friends who put it in his bed.
I've attached the WAV file of him finding it (since I was ready and waiting for him to find it
), so that the humor may be shared. 
P.S. Listen closely right after Evan says the first thing of the clip. If you'll notice, there's a nice audible sticky thud.
P.P.S. Oh, he later remarked that his sheets smelled like rubber, and he refused to sleep in his bed last night.

Okay, that's my disclaimer.

Okay, now let the hilarity ensue.

Myself being in college, my friends and I like to play pranks on each other from time to time. My roomate, Evan, just turned 19 a few days ago, so my friends decided to play a little trick on him.
While he was out at class yesterday, sometime during the day my friends Se Won and Luke stop by, and stick a huge red dildo in Evan's sheets, since his bed is a mess and he won't find it until he goes to sleep.
Sooo... some hours later, Evan slips into his bed, and he feels something in his bed. Later, he told me he thought it was the phone, since sometimes he leaves stuff places by accident, and can hardly ever find the remote. As he starts feeling it, he finds that whatever it is it's rather sticky, so he starts to feel up and down it. He thinks to himself "Oh God, please don't let this be what I think it is." He pulls the thing out, stares at it for a split second, then chucks the thing across the room and it smacks against the door with a good, sticky thud.
He picks the thing up with a coupon and sticks it in a pizza box and ships it off to my friends who put it in his bed.
I've attached the WAV file of him finding it (since I was ready and waiting for him to find it

P.S. Listen closely right after Evan says the first thing of the clip. If you'll notice, there's a nice audible sticky thud.

P.P.S. Oh, he later remarked that his sheets smelled like rubber, and he refused to sleep in his bed last night.
