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Anime Apolyton

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  • Anime Apolyton

    Okay, this is a quick one tonight. I was planning on waiting until this weekend to start a new thread, and it'll probably be this weekend before I get around to most of the news, but there's one bit that won't wait.

    It's Giant Robot Week on Cartoon Network. They're showing a few episodes of Evangelion, Nadesico, Dai-Guard and Robotech in the afternoons.

    Compleltely forgot about this one until today. I already have the ones I'm interested in, after all..

    Anayway, lots more has been happening. Spirited Away is up for an Oscar (Best Animated Feature Film), Cartoon Network has licensed a lot of titles (including Kenshin, which will almost certainly have to be edited to remove the massive amounts of blood), and a ton of big-name titles have been or are about to be released.

    More later...

    "Yoroshiku, Baby"
    -- Risky ("Risky/Saftey")

  • #2
    Not much new from me. I'm still working my way through Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu. I've also started on Chobits, which I'm really liking.


    • #3
      too bad i work in the afternoons, for some odd reason i've found a new desire to watch Evangelion.....
      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


      • #4
        Too bad they don't have Gundam Wing extravaganza. Worse, too bad I don't get the Cartoon Network.


        • #5
          Any chance that they will eventually trasmit the rest of the episodes from those series?


          • #6
            Working through Escaflowne, still on the first DVD. I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't had much time to watch TV/DVD's. I definitely like it so far, though -- kinda like Berserk with giant robots.

            I've also seen the first couple episodes of that Reign show they've got on Adult Swim now. It's every bit as awful as I'd imagined it to be. Sadly, it still doesn't hold a candle to Sailor Moon and the Seven Ballz. The search for awfulness continues.

            A friend of mine got the first two (perhaps also the last two, he wasn't exactly clear on the matter) episodes of a show called "A-Chan: Chameleon" or something along those lines. It was pretty good for being worthless. I give it a 7/10.
            <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


            • #7
              Cartoon Network has licensed a lot of titles (including Kenshin, which will almost certainly have to be edited to remove the massive amounts of blood)
              Well, here they did remove some parts, the "blood splash effect" after a big cut with a sword was the more common, they also removed part of a "drinking alcohol" (well, getting drunk actually ) scene in Sanosuke´s party.
              The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

              Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


              • #8
                You mean the CN LA version of Kenshin? That was chopped up pretty badly (not to mention the weak dubbing). That's what lack of an Adult Swim-type slot does to a show.


                • #9
                  --"Any chance that they will eventually trasmit the rest of the episodes from those series?"

                  I'm not sure yet. They're either testing the waters for mecha releases, or ADV is getting them to do advertising to help pave the way for the Anime Network.

                  I should note that Nadesico is full of anime in-jokes. There are a lot of them...

                  --"kinda like Berserk with giant robots."

                  Heh. Escaflowne is definitely a lot softer than Berserk. Both are good series, though.

                  Reign I still haven't seen. Nothing anyone's said about it has caught my interest (in a good way) at all.

                  --"they also removed part of a "drinking alcohol""

                  Well, that sort of thing is traditional for CN. I just hope the English VAs had as much fun with this bit of silliness as the Tenchy Muyo ones did.

                  Anyway, the stuff I wanted to get finished tonight didn't take anywhere near as long as expected for a change, so here's there rest of the news.

                  A large number of big-name releases have been coming out this year. Note that these are big name, not necessarily things I recommend.

                  FLCL vol 2
                  This is the only continuing release I'm going to mention, but it deserves it. It's only SynchPoint's third DVD release, but they're doing an excellent job. And they picked a very good series.

                  Banner of the Stars
                  Sequel to Crest of the Stars. First sequel, that is. There are at least two more (these are more seasons than sequels, but they do get different titles). Based on a series of novels, these are probably the best sci-fi anime we'll be seeing that touches on the Space Opera traditions until (and unless) Legend of the Galactic Heroes gets an R1 release.

                  Ever wonder what it'd be like to be trapped inside a MMORPG? This is probably fairly close.
                  Note that there is also at least one game, an OVA, and another TV series of this. It's showing on Cartoon Network, but the dub is truly atrocious.
                  Interesting concept, but I don't like the execution too much. Especially the massive game tie-in. I do not want to have to play games to get the rest of the story.

                  Hello Kitty
                  An old classic being released by ADV. I haven't ever seen any of it, but make sure you can stand massive doses of cuteness before you try.

                  Another big name Clamp title, this one's in the robot-girl genre. It does have some interesting things, and there's lots and lots of cuteness, but the anime is flawed. No 26 episode series needs three recap episodes. Get the manga instead, it's much better (and available in the US) and has much, much less filler.

                  Please Teacher
                  What if you found out your teacher was an alien? And she married you to keep you quiet about it?
                  Yeah, didn't like this one either, but it seems to be highly anticipated. Does have some good pocky-eating scenes.

                  Ai Yori Aoshi
                  To be honest, I never really figured out what this was about. The first episode was just that bad. Still, it seems to be incredibly highly anticipated by some.

                  A female assassin, top of the business, is contacted by a schoolgirl. Intrigued by the message, she goes to meet her, and finds that the girl is an efficent killer... but doesn't remember why she is.
                  Great music, high production values, ADV has already sold out on their limited edition. I found the pacing too... all over the place for my liking, but not a bad piece.

                  Gainax takes on the andriod maid genre. This season has quite good results (although a bit too heavy on the fanservice, but they do it as a parody), but the ending is not conclusive. And the second season is pretty bad...

                  Another giant robot series, this one with more than slight shades of Frakenstein. I found it to be rather tedius, unimaginative, and way too drawn out, but again, it's highly anticipated.

                  Coming soon:
                  Another example of post-Eva mecha shows. This one has very high production values and a fairly solid story. I found it interesting, but not heavily compelling. Mecha hasn't been one of my favorite genres. This is probably the best of the post-Eva style mecha shows, though I don't think it lives up to Evangelion.

                  Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar
                  Okay, this one is massively cute. Beware of cavities, and worry about diabetes. Nevertheless, it's got a very good story if you can withstand the cuteness. I'm definitely looking forward to this one.

                  AnimeNation is entering the dubbing business with this title. It's about a young girl who, while depressed, meets an apprentice shinigami (Risky), who's there to take her soul. Things don't quite work out for Risky, however, and Safety, an apprentice angel, makes an appearance. You see, the two of them are stuck in one body...
                  Pretty good series. I'll have to get this one if only to encourage AnimeNation. It'll also be a short release, as it consists of 24 10-minute episodes.

                  Read or Die
                  Imagine James Bond done anime style, and you won't be too far off the mark. Read or Die is an action series with incredibly high production values (rumored to be the most expensive OVA ever) and a solid action story combined with one of the most unique super powers and some of the best hand-to-hand fighting I've ever seen (including one fight between two people who can phase through matter at will).
                  The only caveat here is that US Manga has the license, and they have yet to release a major title without screwing it up royally. Wait and read the reviews.
                  This one may also get a theatrical release. There are three ~30 minute episodes, which would work well for a movie.

                  Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Castle in the Sky.
                  Three more of Miyazaki's movies will be hititng DVD this April. I don't think I need to say more.

                  Cartoon network:
                  More DragonBall Z and DragonBall
                  More Hamtaro
                  More Yu-Gi-Oh
                  More Pokemon
                  (No surprises there)

                  Rurouni Kenshin -- will supposedly be aired in order completely before reruns (mid march)
                  SD Gundam
                  Blue Gender
                  Big 0 second season

                  Adult Swim:
                  Trigun (starting in March)
                  (Been meaning to see this one, but I never did get around to it. Probably watch a couple episodes to see if the DVDs are worth it; not sure what the dub is like, though.)

                  Other news:

                  Fruits Basket is selling well, expect more shoujo from Funimation
                  More Paul Champagne Collection boxes coming

                  Okay, that should cover it...

                  "You're not going to trick me with that cuteness of yours!"
                  -- Tomo ("Azumanga Daioh")
                  Last edited by Wraith; February 24, 2003, 22:38.


                  • #10
                    Just a quick bump. Forgot to mention that Viz has licensed the Excel Saga manga.

                    "The bullet of justice will always demolish evil."
                    -- Good Excel (Excel Saga)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JCG
                      You mean the CN LA version of Kenshin? That was chopped up pretty badly (not to mention the weak dubbing). That's what lack of an Adult Swim-type slot does to a show.
                      Yep, that one!

                      Banner of the Stars
                      Sequel to Crest of the Stars. First sequel, that is. There are at least two more (these are more seasons than sequels, but they do get different titles). Based on a series of novels, these are probably the best sci-fi anime we'll be seeing that touches on the Space Opera traditions until (and unless) Legend of the Galactic Heroes gets an R1 release.
                      Some questions...

                      -How many sequels does it have?
                      I know 2 (don´t remember the names though)
                      1) When Lafiel (?) gets her ship.
                      2) The Prison Planet

                      -What´s an R1 release?
                      Last edited by Unspeakable Horror; February 26, 2003, 20:41.
                      The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                      Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                      • #12
                        I am up to episode 15 of Rurouni Kenshin. An excellent series so far. But this series has a HUGE number of episodes.

                        I like how they take the time to describe the different fighting styles of the heroes and bad guys. Also, the characters are interesting and were introduced well. It all has cuteness +.

                        It reminds me a lot of Trigun. Was this done during the same time or with some of the same team?
                        I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


                        • #13
                          I've discovered some more anime in the Korean video store that had Ghost in the Shell.

                          Mostly older stuff, Ninja Scroll, Ranma, the Ranma Movie (Legendary Something Gods?)
                          "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                          "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                          "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                          • #14
                            --"Yep, that one! "

                            Well, it doesn't sound promising. I'm not sure what CN is up to these days. Several of the shows they've slated for Toonami don't seem to be suitable for it at all.

                            --"How many sequels does it have?"

                            Two so far, Banner of the Stars and Banner of the Stars II (although I think Battleflag would have been a better translation). There's probably another one in the works, and there's also a prequel OVA.

                            --"What´s an R1 release?"

                            Region 1, as in DVDs.

                            Japan (and most of Europe) are in Region 2. North America is in Region 1. It's simpler to just indicate US releases with R1 and Japanese releases with R2 (although Europeans will be happy to know that there are European R2 releases of the Studio Ghibli films planned).

                            --"It reminds me a lot of Trigun. Was this done during the same time or with some of the same team?"

                            Well, I still haven't seen any Trigun...
                            In any case, I didn't find any common links between the two as far as staff goes. Kenshin came out not very long before Trigun, though.

                            --"the Ranma Movie (Legendary Something Gods?)"

                            I know of two out in the US, "Big Trouble in Nekonron, China" and "Nihao my Concubine". Not sure how many there are in total, but there was plenty of Ranma so there's likely more.

                            "And besides, I'm better built to boot!"
                            -- Ranma ("Ranma 1/2")


                            • #15
                              Hadn't really meant to bump this again, but the Cowboy Bebop: The Movie site is up now (warning, it's heavy on the flash).

                              Now, a couple problems here. One is their web designer. Flash-only. Ugh. The other is the title. The original title was Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door. I understand it was altered due to copyright issues... *sigh*.

                              Anyway, it'll be in Austin on April 4th, so I'll be seeing it (again).

                              The site has the trailer. Not great, but far from the worst anime movie trailer I've seen in the US. They used the TV dub cast, so it'll actually be a good dub for a change.

                              "I'm just watching a dream I never wake up from."
                              -- Spike ("Cowboy Bebop")

