Originally posted by monkspider
I would put several hundred pounds of TNT in the Moon's core so that it will collide into the Earth, knocking it into the Sun.
I would put several hundred pounds of TNT in the Moon's core so that it will collide into the Earth, knocking it into the Sun.
We know the Earth had already solidified because the moon has the exact same composition as the earth's crust and is missing the heavier elements which are found in the earth mantel and core. We know the Earth remelted because the material from the Mars sized body "Mixed" with the existing Earth material and the only way you can do that is for the whole planet to melt. Lastly if you factor in the most likely angles the planetoid body would have come at the Earth (basically that would be either the plane the planets rotate in or a few degrees off) then you can figure out about how massive the body had to be to produce the level of tilt we see in the Earth.