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Will the UN survive?

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  • Will the UN survive?

    Since now it's becoming obvious that the mightiest nation of the world cares for the UN only if its own interests are supported and otherwise just ignores any resolutions, I'm beginning to ask myself: Game over? Are the UN dying? Are we going back one century to a world where no international community exists?

    I'm asking for your opinion because I'm afraid of such a world.

  • #2
    We won't go back to that type of world since in the next US election, a Democrat will be elected, and he/she will be so busy trying to fix all the diplomatic damage that Bush is causing that the UN will get more support from the US than it ever has before.

    Besides, the UN is largely the brainchild of the US, and they don't like admitting they made a mistake. So they won't just let it whither away and die off.


    • #3
      der PH?

      ok, Richard, you can come out now.

      this is nothing new, der PH. The UN has ALWAYS been just another tool for superpowers, since superpowers are the ones who actually decide on it's decisions.

      If somehow Russia, China, USA, France and Britain, and 3 more UNSC members would agree that the world would look much better without India, and that India should be destroyed, and issued a resolution on that, would it be justified to attack India?
      No. The UN is a beginning of the idea of a single humanity, but there is still no single ideology to unite humanity, and therefor, it's too early to speak of a single UN.

      Since Intl. law is not an actual law, Because this law is not upheld, and there is no international parliament to create and ammend those laws, as well as no police to uphold them etc., Because humanity is not developed enough technologically to operate as a more centralized single entity than what we have now: Some cooperation.


      • #4
        Re: Will the UN survive?

        Originally posted by Der PH
        Since now it's becoming obvious that the mightiest nation of the world cares for the UN only if its own interests are supported and otherwise just ignores any resolutions,
        1) How is that different from anytime in the past?
        2) Where was the widespread European outcry saying that the UN had to approve the Balkan adventures?
        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


        • #5
          Shhhh! Dino, you know we're not supposed to talk about that!

          That was...."different" of course, as any of our enlightened superiors will quickly inform you (never mind the fact that they *gleefully* jumped in with us, although before we got involved, were paralyzed with inaction, and completely incapable of stopping genocide on their own continent).

          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #6
            Maybe because there was no genocide in the Balkan conflict...
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sava
              Maybe because there was no genocide in the Balkan conflict...
              Oh come off it! Do you not watch the news? Time and time again they discover mass graves that show clear evidence of murder. You sound just like these people that claim the holocaust never happened. The proof is all around, you only need to open your eyes! I suppose the Muslims just left Kosovo because they were out for a pleasant stroll in order to catch some fresh air.

              PS You're sig says it all, you're living in your own little dream world.
              Last edited by Willem; February 8, 2003, 14:02.


              • #8

                Fresh air. Yep....that was just exactly it, Willem. You didn't know that those mass graves were all built on Hollywood sound stages, didja?

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Velociryx

                  Fresh air. Yep....that was just exactly it, Willem. You didn't know that those mass graves were all built on Hollywood sound stages, didja?

                  I just can't believe that someone could possibly have the audacity of uttering a statement like that, especially in light of all the evidence to the contrary. Maybe it's because they refuse to belief that there are people out there who are downright nasty and vicious, and wouldn't hesitate to murder someone, or even alot of people, if it advanced their own cause. I think Sept. 11 showed clearly that having respect for the lives of other human beings is not a universal norm.


                  • #10
                    will the U.S. survive?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dissident
                      will the U.S. survive?
                      If it doesn't, then neither will the world as we know it. There would be a global economic collapse, which no country would be able to deal with.

                      Well, maybe Afghanistan, they can't sink much lower than they are now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Willem
                        in the next US election, a Democrat will be elected, and he/she will be so busy trying to fix all the diplomatic damage that Bush is causing that the UN will get more support from the US than it ever has before.
                        Hope you're right!

                        Originally posted by Azazel
                        der PH?

                        ok, Richard, you can come out now
                        I am not a DL.
                        Not of Richard (whoever this may be), nor of Provost Harrison (I chose my login before I heard of him).

                        EDIT: O.K. just found out, Richard is the great PH (I consider myself to be the little PH).

                        Originally posted by Dissident
                        will the U.S. survive?
                        Do you speak of the nation or of the idea that the US once were?
                        The nation will surely continue its existence, but I fear the home of the brave slowly degenerates to a country where only money rules.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Willem

                          I just can't believe that someone could possibly have the audacity of uttering a statement like that, especially in light of all the evidence to the contrary. Maybe it's because they refuse to belief that there are people out there who are downright nasty and vicious, and wouldn't hesitate to murder someone, or even alot of people, if it advanced their own cause. I think Sept. 11 showed clearly that having respect for the lives of other human beings is not a universal norm.
                          Obviously one thing us Americans killed off was the Canadian ability to detect sarcasm
                          If you look around and think everyone else is an *******, you're the *******.


                          • #14
                            I think Sept. 11 showed clearly that having respect for the lives of other human beings is not a universal norm.
                            Respect of other human beings... Take a look at the threads on the 1st page here...


                            • #15
                              Der PH: notice the winking smiley

                              I've read your posts some time ago. you're not a DL.


