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Is it wise to bite the hand that feeds you?

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  • #16
    Ever see the footage of the Yugoslavian population storming the Parliment building?

    Or the guys tearing down the wall in Berlin?

    Or the pullout of U.S. forces in Vietnam due to protests back home.

    Change happens. Let em starve. It's their fault indirectly that they are ruled by a despot.

    Disclaimer: I hate to see people starve, but I hate it even more when millions of dollars of food is sent somewhere and hungry people don't get to eat it.
    Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


    • #17
      The United States and other nations, prior to the latest flare-up with North Korea, were fairly generous with food aid. Yet the general population of NK continued to suffer with less-than-adequate amounts of food while the NK military and political elite did better in that department.

      The last time I checked, NK prevented U.N. personnel from tracking where the food went to after a certain point. Unless that has changed, I would be very curious as to the food's final destination and, IMHO, it's probably in the mouths of the NK military and political elite. The general population got the leftovers, and now that the crisis has affected that, they're the first to suffer.

      All along that food should have been going to those who were starving, not to those who sit in the military and political spires towering over the land.

      NK is playing the world like a violin.

      "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

      "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius

