Howdy kids! It's been a while since I last wandered through here, but that won't stop me from acting like self-important ****er simply because I've got a cute little early registration date!
I don't quite understand the vast important you kids seem to attach to these dates, but that won't stop me from flaunting mine with impunity.
This time, I was drawn back to these boards when I, in a fit of unrestrained ego massaging, went to google and typed in 'Beefhawk'. Much to my suprise and alarm, one of the top entries was an ancient thread from Apolyton in which me, Imran, YYH, and a few others were role playing.
True to form, I'd entered their fancypants little sci-fi fantasy as a representative of a Uruguayan beef cartel bent on jacking up prices and making obscene profits. Within four hours, my endearing and meaty creation had been extinguished, trampled, and annhilated three different times, and my dreams were in tatters. I think that's the only time I've ever ventured into the rather kinky world of role-playing...
In other news, is the Locutus that you guys are such big fans of the same kid I've come to know and love? More importantly, how secure are y'alls email accounts?
If I've got the wrong locutus, then that little inside jab will make absolutely no sense. But that's what I'm here for! I'm one of those addled old veterans who wanders by, unleashes a few murky and inaccurate references to bygone times, and then isn't heard of for another six years.
I don't quite understand the vast important you kids seem to attach to these dates, but that won't stop me from flaunting mine with impunity.
This time, I was drawn back to these boards when I, in a fit of unrestrained ego massaging, went to google and typed in 'Beefhawk'. Much to my suprise and alarm, one of the top entries was an ancient thread from Apolyton in which me, Imran, YYH, and a few others were role playing.
True to form, I'd entered their fancypants little sci-fi fantasy as a representative of a Uruguayan beef cartel bent on jacking up prices and making obscene profits. Within four hours, my endearing and meaty creation had been extinguished, trampled, and annhilated three different times, and my dreams were in tatters. I think that's the only time I've ever ventured into the rather kinky world of role-playing...
In other news, is the Locutus that you guys are such big fans of the same kid I've come to know and love? More importantly, how secure are y'alls email accounts?
If I've got the wrong locutus, then that little inside jab will make absolutely no sense. But that's what I'm here for! I'm one of those addled old veterans who wanders by, unleashes a few murky and inaccurate references to bygone times, and then isn't heard of for another six years.