I have read on a Croatian site that privates in US are paid only 1300 USD per month. Now that being a Croatian site obviously makes me think if that is correct as the subsequent 26000 USD/ year seem low to me for a professionals who are expected to risk their life at work .
Is this true? That the pay is so low, and if that is so, what about the benefits, do they make up for the difference or not really?
Anyway if true this is kind of suprising to me that a country with by far highest expenditure on military in the world has its soldiers on a below average pay (at least I do not think that 26000 USD is average), but I might be wrong on that. Anyway seems kind of low for a soldier.
Assuming for a civilian a 37.5 hrs job (162.5 hr/month) that would be 8$/hour
is that the price for life?
Do they get paid more if they go to war?
Is this true? That the pay is so low, and if that is so, what about the benefits, do they make up for the difference or not really?
Anyway if true this is kind of suprising to me that a country with by far highest expenditure on military in the world has its soldiers on a below average pay (at least I do not think that 26000 USD is average), but I might be wrong on that. Anyway seems kind of low for a soldier.
Assuming for a civilian a 37.5 hrs job (162.5 hr/month) that would be 8$/hour

Do they get paid more if they go to war?