I'm kind of embarased to admite it but I've messed up. Last night, I figured I'd have a little Scotch on the rocks. At first I just wanted a glass but a glass turned into three or four and before I know it I am well into Lucifer's grasp. This wouldn't have been so bad except for, while drunk, I got the late night munchies and decided to put a pot of water on the stove so I could make some pasta.
You guys know how long it takes for water to boil. So for some odd reason my drunk self thought it would be a great idea to go and lay down on my bed while the water gets hot enough. The next thing I know I'm waking up to the sound of the fire alarm going off. I run into the kitchen and there is the pot still sitting on the stove only all of the water has boiled off and the pot has gotten so hot the alumnium has melted. That's right there is a giant hole in the pot and the aluminium has melted and fussed itself on to my stove!
Thank god there was just alot of smoke and no fire. I could just see myself trying to explain to the landlord why his house had burned down. As it is I'm going to try and scrape the remains of my pot off of the stove and see if I can't pretend this little incident never happened.
So let that be a leason to you kids; beware of the Devil's Juice. Above all make sure you don't drink and cook. Hmmm, or drive or post here at 'poly or... well... just don't drink.
You guys know how long it takes for water to boil. So for some odd reason my drunk self thought it would be a great idea to go and lay down on my bed while the water gets hot enough. The next thing I know I'm waking up to the sound of the fire alarm going off. I run into the kitchen and there is the pot still sitting on the stove only all of the water has boiled off and the pot has gotten so hot the alumnium has melted. That's right there is a giant hole in the pot and the aluminium has melted and fussed itself on to my stove!
Thank god there was just alot of smoke and no fire. I could just see myself trying to explain to the landlord why his house had burned down. As it is I'm going to try and scrape the remains of my pot off of the stove and see if I can't pretend this little incident never happened.
So let that be a leason to you kids; beware of the Devil's Juice. Above all make sure you don't drink and cook. Hmmm, or drive or post here at 'poly or... well... just don't drink.