Originally posted by SpencerH
I got a nasty food poisoning from a chain restaurants .......
I got a nasty food poisoning from a chain restaurants .......
Why do you not make your own food? Fast-food only takes 45-60 minutes, good cooking takes a little longer (up to 2-2½ hours).
It takes a little time - you are not "working" all the time - you can talk (but don't use the phone if you are hooked on that bad habbit), you can listen to good music (I like old-pop), see a little TV (you have pleanty to do, so ignoring to boring stuff isn't too difficult), I take a turn or two of my CTP-PBEM games, might read a little while I am waiting for the next step...
And best of all - neither me nor my family gets sick just because of some junk-food.