Can any of our loyal EU posters please enlighten me as to what is the best way an American can go about getting a job in Europe? Is it to simply hitch a plane ride and then to start looking? I've looked at online web sites like but the pickings seem to be rather slim. Can anyone come up with a better approach?
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The best way to get a job in the EU?
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My father is from Scotland so I should be able to get a British passport but I have never taken the time to fill out the appropriate paper work. I assume I'd just take mine & my father's birth certificates to the U.K. consolate in Los Angles but I'm not sure. Would I need any other paper work like my parent's marrage licience or something? I do have an U.S. passport though I know this will not help me to get a job in Europe.
My degree and work experience are both in Geology. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where an English speaking geologist should look for work in the EU?Try for discussion and debate.
Yopu need your Birth certificate, Your father's Birth certificate and your parent's marriage certificate. All documents need to be original and in the "long form" if they are UK documents.
If your father is UK born, he is probably British other than by decent, which makes you British Other than by decent under Section 2(1)a of the British nationality Act 1981. (In other words, unless you go to live in the UK your kids won't be writish.
LA has (IIRC) passport issuing facilities and you should contact them for more advice on exactly what they want...
Don't forget the cheque...(+1)
Thaks for the help. I'll give them a call today.Try for discussion and debate.
Taz: I'm alittle confused as to the "British other then by decent" thing. My father is ethnically Scottish and born in the U.K. but he immigraited to the U.S. with his parent's in the late 1940's. Would he have lost his British citizenship or does the U.K. allow people to be "duel nationals" like the U.S. does?Try for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Oerdin
Taz: I'm a little confused as to the "British other then by decent" thing. My father is ethnically Scottish and born in the U.K. but he immigraited to the U.S. with his parent's in the late 1940's. Would he have lost his British citizenship or does the U.K. allow people to be "duel nationals" like the U.S. does?
The UK allows dual nationality although the US doesn't (there are some exceptions because they now allow you to keep your nationality of Birth if you later become a US Citizen). Your father would have been required to renounce his British Citizenship when he became American (this was only a recent change) but this doesn't count in the UK because an oath in an American court isn't valid to renounce nationality. (You need to go to a consulate and make a special oath to do that). The upshot is you should still be entitled to British Citizenship.
Given the problems of the INS getting shirty when US Citizens takes out two nationalities you may wish to discuss the possibilities of obtaining a "Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode" (COE) in your US passport which means the same as nationality but doesn't tip off the INS that you have taken up your right to British Citizenship. The flies in the ointment with this thiough is that I can't remember if the rules of entitlement to a COE are the same for non-commonwealth citizens - although I have seen Americans with them before but also they aren't recognised on the continent so you would still need a British passport to live in Europe. Also a COE costs £100 (IIRC) but you only pay for the first one and all subsequent transfers into new passports are free.
Please PM if you have any other questions as I'm right on the edge of what I can talk about on a public website (being a civil servant and all that).
Your source of advice should be the Consulate BTW not the Home Office. Check out the FCO website for basic details.(+1)
I have one hint for you, and believe me. Avoid Finland at all cost.. no one here has a job. But if you get a job, I'll get sick just to get treatment, paid by YOU.. just to teach a lesson to stay away if you want to be happy.
go away commie!! no foreigners enters this lands!In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
why you little... "#&"#&#"½.. Well mr. perfect, what do you do for living?In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.