Remember when the most popular form of music was guys with bad voices mumbling (or screaming, it was one or the other) some form of vague melody? We laughed at such acts like the Spice Girls, blessedly ignorant that their descendants (the Brittany's, the Augualarias (or however you spell their names)) would knock our music back to the "alternative" section.
Who here secretly (or openly) cheered Bill Clinton as he fought back from pummelling after pummelling, daring the world to declare the emperor had no clothes, inviting it even, and still getting away with it? How many times did you think "That's it. He can't survive that" only to see him survive whatever the latest scandal was (for me, I thought it was the Lincoln bedroom thing. How foolish was I!) It was fascinating watching a man with pretty large character flaws on the world stage, and how he handled the inevitable lapses of judgement that he made.
For the vast majority of the West's population, the Internet was "invented" sometime in the '90s, DARPA be damned.
All of a sudden a torrent of money went to anyone who could dummy up a computer demo for financial savvy, but tech-foolish, venture capitalists. Who here didn't dream of riding that gravy train, somehow, anyhow, to Easy St. and beyond? And even if you were just an end-user, what wonders the net brought! "Talking" to people living thousands of miles away, for FREE! (or $19.95 a month... or $21.95... or $23.95...) The net made it possible for the first time in history to easily and inexpensively form global communities of people with convergent interests but different backgrounds. And, on the fun side, playing computer games with opponents a continent away, talking smack as you fragged their ass was and is a heady experience the first time you try it.
And then we had Dolly and the advances in genetics and medicine. No cure for AIDS and cancer yet, but then, neither disease is an automatic death sentences if caught early enough. Unfortunately, I think the "pill culture" really dug itself in in the nineties, so not all things were perfect.
The breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of state-imposed Communism as a substantive ideology for the West... The first WTC attack and the successive instances of Islamic/Western antagonism... OJ and the "trial of the month" period that American news went through for a couple of years... Michael Jordan lighting it up with the Bulls... The damned Yankees... My beloved Braves... A booming economy...
Now Jordan is a joke, the Braves are retracting while the Yankees are not, the Islamic/Western relationship has gone on the skids, and worst of all imho, we have no idea whether or not the economy actually boomed during the nineties (that might be worth another thread - "Did the Economy really boom in the Nineties?" Would that be GD or GQ?).
Oh, wait. I forgot that America might be turning into... something that's not America. Hell, I don't know and I don't want to turn this thread into another politics thread. Anyway, that's the worst of all.
Man, I miss the Nineties. Anybody else?
Who here secretly (or openly) cheered Bill Clinton as he fought back from pummelling after pummelling, daring the world to declare the emperor had no clothes, inviting it even, and still getting away with it? How many times did you think "That's it. He can't survive that" only to see him survive whatever the latest scandal was (for me, I thought it was the Lincoln bedroom thing. How foolish was I!) It was fascinating watching a man with pretty large character flaws on the world stage, and how he handled the inevitable lapses of judgement that he made.
For the vast majority of the West's population, the Internet was "invented" sometime in the '90s, DARPA be damned.

And then we had Dolly and the advances in genetics and medicine. No cure for AIDS and cancer yet, but then, neither disease is an automatic death sentences if caught early enough. Unfortunately, I think the "pill culture" really dug itself in in the nineties, so not all things were perfect.
The breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of state-imposed Communism as a substantive ideology for the West... The first WTC attack and the successive instances of Islamic/Western antagonism... OJ and the "trial of the month" period that American news went through for a couple of years... Michael Jordan lighting it up with the Bulls... The damned Yankees... My beloved Braves... A booming economy...
Now Jordan is a joke, the Braves are retracting while the Yankees are not, the Islamic/Western relationship has gone on the skids, and worst of all imho, we have no idea whether or not the economy actually boomed during the nineties (that might be worth another thread - "Did the Economy really boom in the Nineties?" Would that be GD or GQ?).
Oh, wait. I forgot that America might be turning into... something that's not America. Hell, I don't know and I don't want to turn this thread into another politics thread. Anyway, that's the worst of all.

Man, I miss the Nineties. Anybody else?