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Britain Has Too Many Phony Immigrants

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  • #16
    Most asylum seekers don't actually come from oppressive regimes. France isn't that bad.


    • #17
      Calais' pretty grim...

      Do you have figures for where the bulk of them come from?

      I class most eastern european "asylum seekers" as economic migrants...I was assuming we were talking about certain african and middle eastern countries (since you brought up the ME)...


      • #18
        Have you thought that maybe we have more asylum seekers because we had such a huge empire so our country is going to be more well-known to our ex-colonies?
        Many things can be said, but this is a bull**** statement. It seems that you're partronising other people, underestimating their knowledge, thinking they're all ignorant. I am serious.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Azazel

          Many things can be said, but this is a bull**** statement. It seems that you're partronising other people, underestimating their knowledge, thinking they're all ignorant. I am serious.
          Correct. Its a common liberal belief, while they won't admit it of course, that the 3rd world is full of cultural dupes who don't know anything, and can't do anything until we, the all-knowing west, help them get on their little feet again.

          Afterall, the reason these countries are fudged to begin with isn't because they have incompitent corrupt rulers, its because of us... and capitialism mostly. Saying otherwise would actually be admitting that the 3rd world is populated by humans.


          • #20
            Ah, another troll.

            Well, a responsive troll: why do you think the US today kicks Britain's ass in everything.... could it be all the immigrants?
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • #21
              No. Britain just ain't the Ass-whooping empire it used to be, America is still pretty good at it.


              • #22
                No, WW1 and 2
                I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
                Gogol, Diary of a Madman


                • #23
                  And boddington is right.

                  While a declining population isn't good for an economy, neither is an influx of immigrants either... especially in a country where 17% are below the poverty line and 5% are unemployed. Immigration just exasserbates the problem.


                  • #24
                    But immigrants are usually hard working individuals that want to make a place for themselves in society. Their kids will probably be well educated and be successful members of the society.

                    Immigrants are good, man.
                    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                    • #25
                      Immigrants are good, man.
                      Without any kind of evidence (and no-one has provided any yet) that immigration is good, that just as valuable and insightful a generalisation as... immigrants are bad
                      I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
                      Gogol, Diary of a Madman


                      • #26
                        not always so, Imran. many of my fellow immigrants into Israel are *******s. MOST of them are not, but there are some. Criminals, Alcoholics, etc. and they keep doing that **** here.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Graag

                          Without any kind of evidence (and no-one has provided any yet) that immigration is good, that just as valuable and insightful a generalisation as... immigrants are bad
                          yeah, its not like Britain is a fledgling economy that needs more people (ala the US in the 19th century), its an overcorwded island with unemployment and poverty problems.

                          Why don't all these would-be refugees instead of going to the same old places, go to Greenland or something. Then their presence might actually do some good instead of just being a burden.


                          • #28
                            Without any kind of evidence (and no-one has provided any yet) that immigration is good

                            Want evidence? Look at the history of the United States. All that has happened is because of immigration and the 'melting pot'.

                            many of my fellow immigrants into Israel are *******s. MOST of them are not, but there are some.

                            Youi answered your own question. MOST of them are not. Those immigrants are probably hard working and making money.
                            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                            • #29
                              I agree that immigrants are usually good, especiallyt in countries where the native born population is declining and aging. I think Britain should try harder to screen to political beliefs of immigrants though, I remember it was posted 11% of British Moslems believed terrorist attacks against the US were justified and 8% believed potential terrorist attacks against Britain were justified.
                              "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                              "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
                                I agree that immigrants are usually good, especiallyt in countries where the native born population is declining and aging. I think Britain should try harder to screen to political beliefs of immigrants though, I remember it was posted 11% of British Moslems believed terrorist attacks against the US were justified and 8% believed potential terrorist attacks against Britain were justified.
                                Their political views aren't relavent in my opinion. Thats discrimination. Either you take them or you don't.

