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I am absolutely obsessed with social psychology right now

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  • I am absolutely obsessed with social psychology right now

    Analyze this ICQ conversation and tell me what's going on. Spare no Freudian nonsense:

    (December 18th)

    S: okay right on! save some for me for new years!!
    its Jays company christmas party that we are going to , it was supposed to be last saturday but they double booked the lobby so it got moved to this saturday!

    Z: mmmm corporate christmas, too much. are you and J dating again?

    S: yeah i know!
    yeah we are

    Z: that's so wicked - best wishes on it!

    S: thanks!
    okay talk to you later

    (December 24th)

    Z: heya do you know an **** ****** who goes to Central?

    S: shes rad. a little quiet, she really funny and like this AMAZING dancer, shes really good friends with a lot of my friends, we aren't really close but i think shes cool, why?
    and she has an older sister ***** too right?

    Z: mmm yeah. Well my parents have been hounding me to go out and get to know her. she goes to our church and dear mum and dad are obsessed with me to get to know "a nice church girl"

    I'm trying to patiently explain that I don't go for anything set up, that I know what I want in a girl and that doing something like this is a little weird and Victorian almost.

    and yes she has a sister, who I have heard quite interesting stories about

    S: yeah her sister graduated last year, she a wild one as far as i know from J
    *****'s totally cool and totally some one you would like!! do your parents want you to date her?

    Z: I think that's the case

    S: oh yeah well at least she is good looking, well i think
    you okay with the age difference?

    S: she is REALLY mature!

    S: brb

    Z: age difference is ok if you can learn that it won't be a problem, that comes with time. thing is I don't know her at all, she could be anyone - not a situation I'm interested in. I'll hang out with her for the sake of mum and dad, and she could be a great person, but going into it as if something is expected out of you is hilarious

    S: yeah, thats definatly not a good way to go into it esecially if your oarents want it more than you do

    Z:haha dude I went to see your brother Sunday! he wasn't home though, immigrant.

    S: yeah he got home last night....he is a ****ing immagrent

    Z: get along with him ok?

    S: no actually not at all, especially since he found out about the weed, and the thing that bothers me is not that he knows and is mad because i know he doesn't approve it but it s the fact that he blames it on everyone else, he blames my drinking, bad grades and weed on everyone else but me, like J or my friends when its my choice all along and i try to explain that to him but it doesn't work and that makes the relationship even worse because he hates all the people i am with, ya get it??

    Z: oh God.. I wanted so badly to talk to him about that, along with his life; habits and perceptions

    S: yeh like i know hes gonna be pissed aboput how i am more like chris then him, but he just can't ****ing understand that i am content with my life like this, he thinks i should be upset about it but i am not , AT ALL

    Z: mmm hmm, but it's natural he's going to have some worries. I think he's overreacting ridiculously with the weed thing, and that it has to be understood that it is a drug of some people's personalities - like you've told me it helps you concentrate. On the other hand, some worries are fair - I have likewise concern for some aspects of your life.. but he doesn't understand that it's debatable

    S: yeah i get that and i am not asking him to accept it but he blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion
    what concerns do you have?

    Z: well I'm not all that updated on your school situation, but the whole precarious graduation thing is making me totally ill. you're smart, not at all the type I saw going through this routine 2 or so years ago, at the same time I really don't know what you want out of your own mind and obvious potential - and that is a personal wish one has to respect. Other than that, I'm always weary of Jay. I know guys very well, and he's already proven time and again that he's not good enough for you. It seems routine that he's come back to get into your pants

    S: yeah i honestly have NO CLUE what i am doing when it comes to school, so i am a little stressed about that but to me high school just isn;t that big of a deal so....
    as for jay, i really do appriciate the concern and i know how it was last time and thats why i was a lot morre cautious going into it again, but the truth is i really like him and he treats me really well and its not at all like it was last time so??? i dunno

    Z: I hope he treats you really well in all the RIGHT ways. just watch out that he's not doing a little dance to get what he's come back for

    keep in mind I'm still a little jaded about relationships. I broke up with ***** months ago and it still leaves a bad taste haha

    S: yeah when i first broke up with J i was heart broken cuz i never liked anyone as much as i did him, we are a lot alike
    so when i had i second chance of course i took it because, i still had feelings for him but i wasn't about to just jump right back in...i made him work for me to prove that he was sincere...and yeah i am still beibg more careful cuz i don't want it to end badly again and i know it sounds bad that i was like playing mind games but it was for my own good so??

    Z: no no no, don't worry... all guys know girls play mind games for that reason - They never know how they're reacting to it though. Some guys react by playing into the request for as long as they need to, others by cutting to the chase in a defiant and apparently arrogant bid to treat the other like a real person, rather than patronize. and there are so many more in between, its hilarious to watch these kind of things unravel

    Z: It's only the girls responsibility to make sure she's sincerely being cared for, that's what I love about the game - their methods are just as morally just as the rest

    S: yeah i think we finally cut to the chase and he knows that i won't put up with bull**** and the moment that happens i am gone...ya like i am not usually the type to get twisted up in stupid relationship games but every situation is different

    Z: what kind of games do you mean, and which did you see played in the past reltionship?

    S: well last time it was a bid to see who would do more work in the realtionship...thats ****ing bull**** and finaally i called him on it and that was the end of that
    now there aren't games anymore i just played hard to get at the beginning to see how much he really wanted this to work, you know not always being available for him

    Z: Naturally, and that is exactly the expected persona in terms of getting what you want - getting serious and sharp fits well with other facets of your actions.. It seems this aroused a sudden dedication out of him rather than an ongoing borderline thing, no?

    S: what?? explain in more simpler terms

    Z: well I said that what you've described fits your personality, from what I've seen in your everyday attitude - that what you did was the best course given your own identity. How he reacted to it though, I'm asking - because I don't know him personally. I'm assuming that he appeared in a month long blitz, that you hadn't been in REAL ongoing contact beforehand

    Z: haha sorry I was talking to my little cousin who's staying for Christmas... she's so cute

    S: (12:44 PM) well we broke up at the very beginning of summer and decided to go seperate ways for the summer and then we became friends first but for some reason me and him just can't do the friend thing like we thought once we started hanging out we would just stay friends but we didn't and now we are where we are...i dunno like he'll come and hang out with my friends and me so that we can hang out and he'll come over just to say hi when i am busy with something else and can't go out just little things like he usually phones me and he askes me to do something
    do you think the way things started between us is weird or bad or fake??

    Z: (12:50 PM) well for short - in something that hasn't been, definitely a good thing. A guy showing that kind of interest when nothing has been firmly established before is the desire for the conception of that relationship - to experience it and hopefully love it indefinitely, permanently. When there has been off and on instances in the relationship itself, the renewed interest lends as a kind of desire for one part of the relationship that's missed, rather than the whole, or the creation of a new whole

    buuuuut... I need more detail to make a really fair assumption

    S: (12:52 PM) yeah i understand what you're saying and i am honestly not sure of how things will end up between us but all i know is right now things are good and fun and as for what will happen next i guess we'll have to see but i am not going to worry about it cuz i like how things are right now

    Z: (12:56 PM) that's definitely the most important step whether we want it to be or not, the present. Worrying isn't fun, but knowing is.. that's when you live life.

    Strange world

    S: (12:57 PM) yes it is, hmmm now you have me second guessing everything.....

    Last edited by Zylka; December 24, 2002, 17:11.

  • #2
    Z wants S!!
    "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


    • #3
      Its obvious. He shares what his parents feel, tellling S that we will be hanging more with J, but that he doesnt want her. Then gets in a deep converstation with S. and putting down S's bf.
      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


      • #4
        In a very basic way of putting it, yes. Yet it's the themes of personality of both involved In which I wonder. Ask questions pertaining to personal context on my side and I can supply. Though there is only so much I can know of myself and her, and this little piece seems rich in intention and hints of each other.


        • #5
          Make a move Z.

          Better yet, get her on some of those shrooms first


          • #6
            I like the last line the best.
            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


            • #7
              Actually I think you need some basic context that can't be derived from this text. I've had feelings for her for about a year, and haven't really acted on it all of that time - did once with a kiss but never followed through. Throughout that time we had been rather snappy to each other. We would hang out now and again but haven't been for a while recently. As of lately I've been barraging her with invitations, to her "I'm busy, later this week?" refusals


              • #8
                ... and those are good responses, thanks. To tell you the truth, I’m really also looking for line by line hyper analytical answers as to what the both of us are really trying to say with each response – and of course their detailed summation. Every message I received went through a trillion different possible hidden meanings, and I feel too erratic to make concrete assumptions today.


                • #9
                  S: okay right on! save some for me for new years!!
                  its Jays company christmas party that we are going to , it was supposed to be last saturday but they double booked the lobby so it got moved to this saturday!
                  Laying it on too thick. Maybe not as exited. Definatly a girl, since there is a lot of use of the exclamation point.

                  Z: mmmm corporate christmas, too much. are you and J dating again?
                  Did Z not get invited? Or maybe people he doesnt like are going? Or maybe doesn't like J. And then innocuously Z slips in 'the phrase.'
                  Use of again suggests redundancy, perhaps a feeling of resignation

                  S: yeah i know!
                  yeah we are
                  First line seems enthusiastic, second line not so.

                  Z: that's so wicked - best wishes on it!
                  'thats too bad. Hope you break up. i gotta go now cuz im embarrased. bye.'
                  "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                  • #10
                    Z: heya do you know an **** ****** who goes to Central?
                    Start of the converstation. Start of the manipulation. 'Oh man she's online. i need something to talk about' (we will call ***, X and her sister SX)
                    Z knows that S knows X, otherwise he wouldn't ask the question. The conversation wouldnt be as interesting then. It would be Z doing the talking and S listening.

                    Z: mmm yeah. Well my parents have been hounding me to go out and get to know her. she goes to our church and dear mum and dad are obsessed with me to get to know "a nice church girl"

                    I'm trying to patiently explain that I don't go for anything set up, that I know what I want in a girl and that doing something like this is a little weird and Victorian almost.

                    and yes she has a sister, who I have heard quite interesting stories about
                    Z already knows everything about her. Z is trying to get S to talk. Z explains his situation using desperate terms such as 'hounding' and 'obsessed.' SX is 'interesting' aka unconventional. Z is saying he dont want X and he's saying it to the girl he wants. Apology maybe if he hangs with X.
                    "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                    • #11
                      First post/day - Beautiful.. subtly different then what I arrived at. I was trying so hard to be condescending, don't know if it came off that way or if it was a good idea.

                      Take note on one interpretive piece thats' character lingers through the bulk of the messages yet to come:

                      save some for me for new years!!

                      I laughed, hard. We were talking about drugs - but she often teases in very, very discreet ways.


                      • #12
                        Oh God

                        For most of you out there, it would help to at least say that you just don't care for its length, subject, subjects, whatever. Then again, NO ONE thinks in these f*cked up over-analytical terms, do they?

                        Hahahaha oh man, I don't know if the situation or the mindset approaching it is begging for a solution. Is anyone taking psych in school, and do you take it seriously?

                        ha.. aahh


                        • #13
                          Z: that's so wicked - best wishes on it!
                          This seems like rather obvious bs.

                          S: shes rad.
                          She seems to have forgot which time period she is in. I haven't seen anyone use the word rad since the Ninja Turtles were still.

                          Z: age difference is ok if you can learn that it won't be a problem, that comes with time.
                          Weren't you into a really young girl a few months ago? And were really pissed off she was hanging out with other guys?

                          Z: no no no, don't worry... all guys know girls play mind games for that reason - They never know how they're reacting to it though.
                          So the whole reason you are posting this is because you want us to find her mind**** for you?


                          S: yeah i get that and i am not asking him to accept it but he blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion
                          She doesn't like people to be overly concerned about her but she still wants people to care somewhat. Be interested but not critical.

                          S: yeah i think we finally cut to the chase and he knows that i won't put up with bull**** and the moment that happens i am gone...ya like i am not usually the type to get twisted up in stupid relationship games but every situation is different
                          She doesn't mind a little bull****, but she just doesn't want it to be overt or stupid.

                          now there aren't games anymore i just played hard to get at the beginning to see how much he really wanted this to work, you know not always being available for him
                          She wants to important in someone's life. She obviously doesn't get enough of that at home or at school or wherever. You could imply that she is important to you in some way. You can make up some bs about how there is no one in your family you can really consider important in your life so you make stronger connections to people you are not related to or something to that effect.

                          Z: It's only the girls responsibility to make sure she's sincerely being cared for, that's what I love about the game - their methods are just as morally just as the rest
                          This comment seems insensitive. It would be better if you tried to empathize in some way.

                          S: (12:57 PM) yes it is, hmmm now you have me second guessing everything.....
                          She is telling you she has some faith in what you say for some reason.
                          "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                          "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                          "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                          "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Apocalypse

                            She seems to have forgot which time period she is in. I haven't seen anyone use the word rad since the Ninja Turtles were still.
                            hahaha that's gold

                            Weren't you into a really young girl a few months ago? And were really pissed off she was hanging out with other guys?
                            Gee, who could that be

                            So the whole reason you are posting this is because you want us to find her mind**** for you?
                            I have two reasons. First - to see if anyone realizes how I engineered this conversation before it even came to. Second - to see if her response is knowing of my intentions, and playing into them as if interested. For example: the "hard to get" comments may have been hinting towards my previous abandonment of attempt.

                            She doesn't like people to be overly concerned about her but she still wants people to care somewhat. Be interested but not critical.
                            Hmmm, a nice bit of advice. Aren't you only 15?

                            She doesn't mind a little bull****, but she just doesn't want it to be overt or stupid.

                            She wants to important in someone's life. She obviously doesn't get enough of that at home or at school or wherever. You could imply that she is important to you in some way. You can make up some bs about how there is no one in your family you can really consider important in your life so you make stronger connections to people you are not related to or something to that effect.
                            Sounds like an approach that reeks of desperation to me. Well I guess I could just cut this short, tell her my Grandma died and that we need to go to coffee to cheer me up!!!

                            This comment seems insensitive. It would be better if you tried to empathize in some way.
                            I was trying to give her a certain message, that it's the guys responsibility to take care of her even in times she may be difficult. What kind of girl am I assuming?

                            She is telling you she has some faith in what you say for some reason.
                            I love that line too. It's my anchor of the piece

                            Some well put thoughts and resolutions thus far. Alas, I must be ready to engineer the real life conversation without hitch! FUN


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Zylka
                              Second - to see if her response is knowing of my intentions, and playing into them as if interested. For example: the "hard to get" comments may have been hinting towards my previous abandonment of attempt.
                              Can't you just be honest with her? I play very few mind games in my relationship and this has lessened the complications.

                              Originally posted by Zylka
                              Hmmm, a nice bit of advice. Aren't you only 15?
                              Are you being sarcastic or something? And I'm 18.

                              Originally posted by Zylka
                              I just stated it just incase you didn't catch it. Everyone can stand at least some bull****.

                              Originally posted by Zylka
                              Sounds like an approach that reeks of desperation to me. Well I guess I could just cut this short, tell her my Grandma died and that we need to go to coffee to cheer me up!!!
                              Not if you say it in the right tone and be a little indirect in implying it before you go all into the whole "I need someone to be important in my life" thing.

                              Originally posted by Zylka
                              I was trying to give her a certain message, that it's the guys responsibility to take care of her even in times she may be difficult. What kind of girl am I assuming?
                              I kinda ment that you should have expanded on it more. It came off like the phrase "it is the girls responsibility to think about birth control" does.
                              "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                              "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                              "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                              "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd

