And for those that do not know it, an old saying about children and their parents is that "the apple does not fall far from the tree"
That out of the way: how much do you resemble your parents? And not only physicaly, but emotionally, in termperment, opinion, so forth and so on. Are you just like them, nothing like them, and do you care?
So, for myself:
I bear a very strong resemblence to my father, with some of my maternal grandfather's features as well. I share a bookishness and intellectualism with both my parents, and my mother's perfectionism, but I lack their openess and sociability (both my parents gathered huge numbers of friend and aquiantances anywhere they went). They were both social scientists ( A sociologist and an economist) and I have become a Political scientist (makes for a very fun library). As for politics, I don't really know my mother's politics; I am politically to the right of my father, who was a very ardent socialist/communist and hung in those circles.
As for what I make of it: I like it. I have a great relationship with my mother and I greatly admired my father, so the fact that I resemble them is a proud one.
What about the rest of ya?
That out of the way: how much do you resemble your parents? And not only physicaly, but emotionally, in termperment, opinion, so forth and so on. Are you just like them, nothing like them, and do you care?
So, for myself:
I bear a very strong resemblence to my father, with some of my maternal grandfather's features as well. I share a bookishness and intellectualism with both my parents, and my mother's perfectionism, but I lack their openess and sociability (both my parents gathered huge numbers of friend and aquiantances anywhere they went). They were both social scientists ( A sociologist and an economist) and I have become a Political scientist (makes for a very fun library). As for politics, I don't really know my mother's politics; I am politically to the right of my father, who was a very ardent socialist/communist and hung in those circles.
As for what I make of it: I like it. I have a great relationship with my mother and I greatly admired my father, so the fact that I resemble them is a proud one.
What about the rest of ya?