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If an animal is very similar to a human, why is it okay to kill it?

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  • If an animal is very similar to a human, why is it okay to kill it?

    Summing up my post......if an animal is VERY similar to a human, why is it okay to kill/harm/commit a horrible act to an animal-but one you would NEVER do to a human?

    Is it because they aren’t intelligent, and thus don’t deserve the same protection human beings get?

    There are plenty of higher level animals which are on the level of, or close to human intelligence......primates and Cetacean's
    (whale + dolphins) are basically on the same level we are.......and many other mammals are close......anyone who has owned dogs or cats for much of their life will tell you they are FAR from unintelligent.....

    Dolphins have much larger, and even more organized brains then humans COULD say they are more intelligent, though they haven’t had the luck to discover tool use, or the advantage of an education......look at a 15 year old human who has never been taught anything, and a 15 year old dolphin and tell me who displays more intelligence....

    So, intelligence isn’t the issue?

    Ah, its must be because were humans, and their animals, right?

    Well what is a "human"? Someone who is born a vegetable, or becomes one is still considered human and given the protection that normal humans receive. Phenotype variants(Siamese twins) and genotype mutants(people with 6 fingers...downe syndrome....plenty of examples) are still considered human.

    Ah, so its not the "body" then, its the DNA right?

    Any student of science will tell you that we shair more then 97% of our DNA with primates.......and DNA between people can vary 3-7%….

    Humans have emotions which animals do not?

    Wrong again........higher level mammals have the same emotions we do...

    Only humans use tools!

    Wrong......primates use tools, dolphins have been known to use tools, otters use tools......

    Humans have a soul-animals don’t!

    You cant prove this any more then you can prove that humans have a soul....unless you can prove your opinion with facts, it has no merit, and thus it is despotic to force it upon others.

    I know this comes off as VERY aggressive, and probably somewhat arrogant, but will someone PLEASE prove to me why higher levels mammals, or other sentient animals shouldn’t receive the same protection that humans do?

    Im pissed off because someone I cannot disagree with if I value my job....she went on in great detail how it is fine to exploit monkeys etc........venting here.

  • #2
    I agree with you. I don't think it's okay to kill any animals, especially rolly-pollies. I suppose exceptions can be made when circumstances make it necessary. But in general, killing animals is not cool.


    • #3
      I am against cruelty to animals , because it stains the soul of the human that does that, for cruelty's sake.

      But experiments are fine with me.

      except dogs. Dogs ARE men's best friends, and betraying the firm bond that humanity has formed for them is wrong.


      • #4
        because we are hungry and that is the way nature works.


        • #5
          Obviously rats, mosquitoes, et al can transmit serious disease, thus surely they do not deserve anything.

          On the other hand, as far as "higher level mammals", you're kinda right as far as the theory goes....Still, I believe we should "follow" the example of most other species and take care of our own mess first and foremost.

          Btw, as far as I know (and I could be wrong), only humans have self-consciousness, opinions, the liberty to think in abstract terms, and the ability of acting in ways not related whatsoever to our own survival (which is most of what we do each day in our free time).

          Any other animal can do all that?


          • #6
            and I don't agree with experiments on primates at all. I'm kind of OK with rats. But even rats have fear.

            I hate Euthanasia of dogs and cats at the shelter. It breaks my heart. But I see no other solution.

            As for hunting I'm OK with it for food purposes, but not just for trophies.

            Other than that we shouldn't be killing mammals.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Azazel
              I am against cruelty to animals , because it stains the soul of the human that does that, for cruelty's sake.

              But experiments are fine with me.

              except dogs. Dogs ARE men's best friends, and betraying the firm bond that humanity has formed for them is wrong.
              I agree with Azazel. Actually I agree so often with Azazel I'm making him my spokesman on all issues.


              • #8
                I agree that experiments are okay. It is unfortunate that they must be done, and hopefully we will one day live in a world where they will not be necessary.


                • #9
                  My coworker insists it has been demonstrated that pigs have the same intelligence of a human 3 year old. I think she's high, but that's the argument.

                  Cruelty to any living thing for cruelty's sake is wrong, indeed.
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dissident
                    because we are hungry and that is the way nature works.

                    Nature is an INCREDIBLY weak word, be specific.


                    • #11
                      It's OK to kill animals because it's messy and distressing to eat them alive.
                      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                        My coworker insists it has been demonstrated that pigs have the same intelligence of a human 3 year old. I think she's high, but that's the argument.

                        Cruelty to any living thing for cruelty's sake is wrong, indeed.

                        They are heh, pigs are actually really smart.


                        • #13
                          "Nature" isn't a weak word where I come from....
                          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                          • #14
                            We only have to protect the "cute" animals (dolphins, otters, etc.) The more homely ones are OK to eat.
                            Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


                            • #15
                              I'm a man of nature. So I don't consider it weak.

